Monday, December 10, 2012

Letter to my Teacher

To my dearest teachers,

Some people may describe you as people who get paid. But I believe that you are not just like that. In fact, you are more than just like that. You are all extraordinary professionals. You are really awesome, amazing, great, and terrible people I know. You have been my mentors ever since  I step on a sanctuary called school.

Because of you, I have learn what alphabet is. With your tireless teachings, I learned how to read, write and draw. You even let me meet different colors, know their names and be close to them. Although, some were taught by our parents before I started my school life.

You were always there on our side as I build my own dreams and ambitions in life. You equipped me with knowledge and experiences which I know I could use whenever I live a life on my own.Whenever I'm in school, you always taught me good things. You taught me how to become a better person. Better person with principles and how to stand for it. You molded me from my intellectual to spiritual, from physical to emotional. You are one of those people who shapes me to what I am now. You have really a great part in my life. You are part of my past, present and future-my whole life.

To all my teachers from day care to college, thank you very much. I know this "thank you" is not enough to return the goodness you have given to us.




Teachers are recognized for we all know they are shaper of minds. Without them, each of us will be blind with the reality and would be novice. We will be exposed to challenges in life without being equipped and trained to face them.

From preparatory school to college and even beyond, teachers continued to touch our lives and they have also big influence to us. teachers are one of sources of knowledge. They are easy to look for for they bear the trademark of being smart-looking, well groomed and persons who always brought umbrellas, shoulder bag, lesson plans and books with them as they traverse the streets projecting a decent manner and personality.

They don't receive enough salary yet they have been able to give us better education. They are not related to us by blood but still, they teach us to the best of their abilities. They have done much sacrifices just to make sure they do their job well.

We owe everything to our teachers. Because of our teachers, we have doctors who diagnosed and treats our wounds, illnesses, and diseases. Because of our teachers, we see skyscrapers, bridges, and houses that are build with the help of the engineers. Because of teachers, we have lawyers who defend and protected us by law. Because of teachers, other teachers exists and are formed that will also help much more people. Because of teachers, our dreams became possible. Because of our teachers, we will know how to live life better as we leave the sanctuary called school. And as we fulfill our dreams, we should not just come back to look back but to thank them for all the knowledge, experiences, love and care they have shared to us.

Teachers can be anyone. They are not just teachers. They have many roles. They can be our friends, best friends, mother, father, brother, sister, and all you want them to be. And most importantly, they are our HEROES!!!

God bless, us especially teachers out there!!!


World's Teachers Day is celebrated annually on the 5th of October. To honor this event, in their schools, pupils and students gather together and paid tribute to its hardworking teachers.

To give back the goodness teachers have been given to the students, they were giving tokens like flowers, balloons, or anything that could show how thankful they are to them. Some just be good during their class and just listened to what their teachers would discuss. They stopped giving burdens to their teachers for that day. :p

That day ended with felicitous faces on both the teachers and the students. For students can't assure they will be good in class, but at least, they made their heroes happy with that one day.

My Contribution During Science and Math Month

As I had subject related to science, I also made a project. It was a preserved flowering plant. Our teacher let us chose any flowering plant to be preserved. And, I chose dancing lady. We've been instructed what to do during the preservation. We did it by group but we failed. It didn't dry. Whoaaaaa. So, zero would be expected as our score. Although, there are groups who made their projects successfully. To compensate our score, we asked our teacher to give us even a  little score just not zero if we dance for its opening program. And she agreed. Whoa! For the first time, I danced doxology. I'm not used to it. Yes, I love dancing but I'm not into interpretative or doxology dance. I'm into kind of modern dance.

But still, I did it for the sake of my grade. It was just a simple doxology since we are the one who choreographed it. After the opening program, opening of the booth followed . There, projects were displayed. From preservation of flowering plant to animals were there. There are investigatory projects which are really new to me. Different books of math and science revealing its different field were there. Famous Scientist were exhibited from foreign to local. Famous mathematicians were also displayed in there. Just a pictures and information about them. It wowed everyone who roamed around the booth. THUMBS UP!!!

It's already month of November and obviously, Science and Math month is finally over but it doesn't mean that we would end up appreciating science and mathematics. We will still continue to embrace its interest and mysteries and somehow, try to contribute something to it.


SEPTEMBER: Science and Math Month

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Math is the abstract study of topics encompassing quantity, structure, space, change, and other properties.

The month September is set as science and Math month and just last whole month of Sept., we celebrated it.  Every school held their own activities as a commemoration of the month of practical knowledge. Some school had investigatory projects in which students were given the opportunity to investigate things they want which give significance into our environment or they invent things which could be consider useful. The public schools or even the private schools chose their representatives to compete for a Quiz bee. This is by year level. I once was one of those representatives during my elementary years. I became one for four consecutive years from grade III to grade VI. Hehehe. There were lots of activities held during this month which are related to the celebration.

Now that I'm already a college students, college department joins the celebration. This is lead by the science and math instructors of our school- Saint Joseph College. Weeks before the said month, science and math instructors gave projects to their students. These projects given by them was to be displayed at Science and Math Booth.

GOD bless!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My contribution to Loyalty Day

You may asked about my presentation during the Loyalty Day. You may wonder what could be my skill or talent? Or, how far could my ability go?

Well, I'm into sports especially volleyball and badminton. I used to play it when I was a kid. That was when I was in my elementary years. Now, I play no more. It's just that I have no time practicing. Hehehe. Hmp! Still, I had contribution for the Loyalty Day celebration. I was proud to say  that I am a first aider, AGAIN, just like last year. During the parade, we walk along with the students throughout the route. We let them know, whatever happens to them, we were there to assess as far as from what we have learned when we were a practical nursing students. Other teased us that  we are like those manicurist and pedicurist since we were bringing kits which are alike what manicurist and pedicurist brought. But, the contents are different. It's just the case which looked alike. We didn't mind their bullies/tease. What's important was we were able to help. We were able to do our duty and responsibility as a first aider. And, YES, we did. We were able to help students who got fainted, maybe because of the heat of the sun.  There were few of them. And also those who got injured during ballgames, we assessed them. We always made sure that we were there to secure what they need.

And I guess, as the celebration ended, we did our job well. It was so tiring yet worth it since we helped those who needed us. I'm so proud to be one of the first aider. GOOD JOB, guys!

GOD bless us all!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Comments from First Timers

Me, myself, really enjoyed the just finished celebration, the loyalty day. I must say I really had fun. Celebrating loyalty day with my co-josephinians never fail to entertain me from the very first time I experienced it. I always ended up with a smile on my face as a sign of satisfaction despite the tiring activities. With this, it made me curious with the comments or what my cousins could say about the celebration. It was their first time.

Grabe! arang nindota jud, Ate Liza. Labina jud tong sa fireworks. Bonnga jus ang opening.(saying it with a big smile).
-Kendra Joyce Acasio Zamora, Grade VII

Ingato jud to every year, 'te Liza?! Ara man nindota. Way ingato sa among eskwelahan sauna. Nindota sa effects sa fireworks. Daghana pa jud mga studyante.
-Raul Acasio Zamora, First year Accountancy

Nindota kaha, 'te Liza. Geganahan jud ko. Dakua siguro sa gasto ato noh?! Daghana pa jud mga duwa. Dugaya pod mahuman. Nindot kay dugay way klase. (laughing)
-Renjie Ebrado Acasio, Grade VII

Their comments meant the same. They mean they were glad to be in SJC. Through SJC, they experienced such amazing and memorable loyalty day they never thought would experience. They have no regrets to be a josephinian. They experienced a loyalty day they could boast to anybody, in a good way, of course. As a generalization, I feel the same way during my first time. :p

GOD bless everyone!!!
God bless to the person who sponsors my BLOG!!


The school president, Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas, SDB, DD, was the one who announced the winners. For the elementary department, it was the Messiah who won. For the High School, Redeemer made it. For College department, Messiah team won. Messiah's yells and cheers became louder for they expected to be the over-all champion. I could see in Redeemer's faces the disappointment behind their smile. Still, they accept the result with all their hearts. as the bishop announced the champion, everyone was shocked and surprised. One team really made it, JESUS THE REDEEMER came out to be the 2012 over-all champions. Wahahaha. It was really unexpected. Maybe, you wonder why they became the champions. It was because of the help of the High School's score. Hahaha. Good job! With the result, everyone was still happy and satisfied. Spirit of sportsmanship arises amongst us.

It was undeniably a fun and unforgettable loyalty day. Only one team bagged the biggest trophy but what's important is knowing and understanding the real essence of the loyalty day celebration. Win or lose, we all consider as champions for we've tried our best and we contributed sweats to make this a successful one. CONGRATULATIONS eveyone!!! GOD bless us all!


September 7, Friday, the final day of the celebration. half of this day was for the continuation of the unfinished games. Also, some students gathered at the Gunfrida Covered Court  for the searchfor the Videoke King and Queen and Dance Showdown. each team has already their own selected representatives for each category. As the event started, i could see students were having fun for there were representatives who sang bit funny. Representatives were not that singers. Although, they could sing. There is one who sang like drunk person. Hehehe. There were also serious in hitting the notes especially those high ones. Audience knew the result immediately since it was the videoke player who gave the scire. Judges are no need. The winners are from one team, the Redeemer. For the Dance Showdown, each team prepared their steps before the event. They were giving one minute each to execute their stunning moves. Audience were amaze and never fail to clap their hands for the dancers knew what they were doing. It was really entertaining. After the activity, I could see smile on everyone's faces as a sign that they were enjoying and were satisfied with what they have seen.

During afternoon, it thrilled everyone for it was the announcement of the over-all champion! Of course, we opened the celebration with a mass, it should be closed with the same. This is what Josephinians used to. After the mass, it was the moment everyone was waiting for-the announcement of the over-all champion. We could feel the excitement of everyone through their yells and cheers and obviously, both teams wanted to be proclaimed as winners.

WEWWWWW!!! Who would came out as winners? You're curious, right? Then, read my next entry! There, your curiosity will be answered.


September 6, day 3, Just like any other activities in Saint Joseph College, it was started by a mass and the games were continued since it began just the day before this day right after lunch. All games were held inside the school. You could see cheerers where the players are. Their presence and their cheers added confidence and fighting spirit to the players to do the best they could so they would hit the high score.

During the evening, all were gathered at the Maasin city Gym for the highlight of the whole celebration which is the cheer dance competition and the Biblio Dance Drama. These are what some students been practicing despite the normal school days and reason for having sleepless nights. For the cheerdance competition, the dancers were amazingly executed their moves and not failed to show their audience their nerve-wrecking stunts. The Biblio Drama competition, on the other hand, moved everyone not only because of the imaginative and well-interpretation of the verse, but also a good instrument in sending God's message of Love and Justice to all of us.

Right after the activity, an AQC followed. College students line up for attendance. They can do nothing but to follow or else, they would find difficulty in the end. Despite the tiredness which is seen among their faces, they still lined up for the sake of their team and not to commit absences. There were four AQC for this day. Whoa!

Wanna know who the winners are? It was on my next entry...:p


September 5, day 2, students woke up earlier in the morning so that they won't miss the AQC or the Attendance Quick Count. This is part of the scoring that's why students have to join this. And also, it is compulsory for them to have their attendance since it is one of the requirements for the signing of clearance. There's a corresponding punishment for those who got absent during the celebration. To avoid this, one must not get absent and have their attendance during AQC. Hehehe. The second day of the celebration started with a mass held at the Gunfrida Covered Court in which  parade  followed. While in the crowd, Even if the parade didn't started yet, you yould hear yellings and cheerings for each teams from Elementary department to college department. And you could see, despite the heat of the sun, teams never failed to catch attentions from people. Everyone portrayed well what they were participating to from gorgeous and charming muses, vigorous athletes to the robust cheerers who were dancing too while yelling all the way. And what the parade made extra spectacular? Of course, it was because of the family dance or what we call "Street Up Dance" participated by everyone. This is what pupil/students, teachers and staffs have been practicing days before this celebration. This only tells one thing, the cooperations among Josephinians.

After the parade, all were gathered back to the Gunfrida Covered court. An exhibition  from the High school Band was done and muses from different levels got to show off their beauty and appeal. To not prolong the agony of waiting for who would be the winners during the parade and for the muses, the winners was announced immediately. All were satisfied by the result and we must say that judges unquestionably have a fair judgement.

Day 1 and Day 2 are already exciting right? How mush more for the next days of events. For you to know, follow me as I narrate it on mt next entry...


Everyone students has their favorite time of the year and certainly, the LOYALTY DAY CELEBRATION is what most, if not, it's what all SJC students look forward every school year. During this time, students and teachers get to show our competitiveness as well as develop our sportsmanship towards lour opponents. This is the time wherein pupils/students get to show their skills, talents and abilities, that God has given to them, to their schoolmates and even to the school teachers and staffs. This is also the time of sleepless nights of preparations and tiring practices but nevertheless, excitement still prevails amongst them.

With the theme: "STRENGHTENING OUR FRIENDSHIP WITH CHRIST", Saint Joseph College celebrates its Family Day II, the Loyalty Day. Students of different grades and levels were divided into two teams namely; the "JESUS THE MESSIAH" and "JESUS THE REDEEMER". As God as the center of the whole event, the event was started by a mass at the Maasin City Gym on Septemeber 4 of this year which is presided by our Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas, SDB, DD, the school president. The opening program started right after the mass and the event started with a blast. Looking at the crowd, I can feel the eagerness and the zest, not only on the participating athletes but to all Josephinians.

Wanna know what are the happenings of the whole event? Check it out on my next entry... :p

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Slight Accident in Danao

You already know that I am so trying hard when it comes to learn on how to drive motorbike. I almost take a risk just to know how to drive. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I know how to but not that master. i can't drive alone. I need someone to assist me.Even if I'm trying hard, I will not risk my life just to drive alone. I still have fears of possible accident.

Let me tell one thing that I have experienced about driving. I was in Maasin City Forest Park together with my sister and cousins. We brought two motorcycles. Of course, on our way there, I was a passenger. When we got home, my sister decided to let me drive. He assigned my cousin to assist me. Even if I felt little bit nervous, I still agree with the idea. This was the time to test what I have learn. Then, I start driving. I just drive and drive, following the instructions of my cousin. We're on our way out to the park when suddenly the motorcycle little bit swept off. My driving formed an "S". My sister who is following us shouted to step on the foot brake. I was very rattle that I didn't catch up what she said quickly. It took few seconds when I listened to what she said. Then, I was able to step on it. we almost bump to a little mountain. Despite what happened, I still thank God since we are in the side where we just bumped unlike on the other side which is dangerous. Instead of getting afraid, my cousin just laughed at me since I was shaking and getting fainted. Whoa. I was really afraid.

With what happened, still, I'm still willing to learn on how to drive. I'm planning to practice it on SEMBREAK. Hope it will do me good. God bless!

Fun Despite the Fear

Earthquake really shakes the people. It gave us fear. Despite the fear, we still manage to laugh. This was because of the funny scenario during the earthquake. These scenarios I'm talking about lessen our fears.

Day after the earthquake, we tease our boardmates. We tease if they were floating as if tsunami came. In fact, my friend sent a group message saying: "Tsunami is coward". Maybe it's not good to hear but it's our way of coping from fears. Also, as we eat our breakfast, we talked about what we did during earthquake. When earthquake attacked, one of my boardmate who was taking a bath that time quickly came out the room trying to save herself from possible effect of it. Of course, she has towel with her. :p Another thing is, during the happenings, one of my boardmate still manage to get her things. She quickly packed her things while the house is shaking and brought it along with her as she go out to the boarding house. Her things are that so important that she waste time saving herself from that attacked. We laugh since our other boardmates almost forgot to wear their upper underwear but she still even think about her things despite the rattleness. Some also wear only the other pair of slippers. Some wear different slippers. There was also a boardmate of mine who enter to the neighborhood house as she went out to our boarding house. We didn't know what was in her mind. Maybe it was a result of fear. Hehehe.

Simple things yet funny. It made us laugh and laugh. Through we are able to cope up from our fears. GOD bless!

Experiencing Earthquake, AGAIN?

After the earthquake when my friend sent me a message that our plan was impossible to happen. Almost everybody in Maasin City were afraid of what happened plus the news said that Maasin City was one of the area wherein tsunami could possible hit.

My Aunt who lived in Manila called my other aunts and my mother about the news. They didn't know about the news since they were about to sleep. As my aunt informed them about the possible tsunami, they were worried about me since I was still in the city proper. Our place was maybe safe since we're like in mountains. It's high which is safer from tsunami. My Aunt tried to call me but she couldn't contact me because of the slow connection of signal. My sister texted me also that my father will fetch me up. But, I refused! It's not I was no longer afraid. It's just that I'm afraid that my father will travel and the earthquake will come back. After a while, my aunt called me. She scolded me for refusing about the fetching matter. I explained to her my reason and she agree a bit. She still worried about me. I felt calm that time for thinking that there were news about the tsunami which would hit our city but it didn't happened. It's because there were two statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, opening her arms facing towards the sea. That made me calm and felt safe. I have faith in Her. For my parents and relatives to not worry, I reminded them about the two statue. This made their worries lessen. Before we went to sleep, we prayed the Holy Rosary all together. That's the best thing we could do with the situation. Upon going to bed, my friends texted me to hang out but, I refuse. I should stay. No space for enjoyment in that scenario. They just tease that they should enjoy before they die if the tsunami will really come.

When we woke up in the morning, I was still in my bed. Nothing happened. Yeheyyyyyyyy! Tsunami didn't attack.Thanks to GOD...

Experiencing Earthquake, AGAIN?

Month of August when I experienced the madness of earthquake, AGAIN. As far as I remember, I have experienced it twice. Whoa! The first time was when I was first year college in which I was in the 4th floor of our school. And now, this school year, it happened again but I was in another location. I was in our boarding house.

It was Friday night, around 8 P.M. when I noticed that my seat is shaking. I was at my bed, alone, sitting while sewing the damage on my shirt. Suddenly, my deck shaked. I thought it was the other room who is responsible for it since they were giggling and making noise there. After awhile, they were shouting as if they were afraid. That's the time when I noticed that it was the earthquake which is responsible for the shaking. Me, alone, what I did was just I never moved. I was holding the wall and looked outside. I can see tress moving. I was really afraid that time since I didn't have companion plus earthquake. My fear level up since the lights turned off. WHOAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I shouted. Me, being afraid, I just waited for it to stop. I didn't run since I was afraid to fall. The earthquake lasted long. When it stopped, I texted my parents for them to not worry about me since I'm fine. Lights went back. My boardmates went outside because they were afraid that it will come back. I didn't go with them. I just stayed at my room and continued what I'm doing before the earthquake as if nothing happened. Fears were still there but I tried myself to get calm. That's all I need to do to be calm and get rattle since it could the scene worst.

That night, I was planning to go out with friends ang jam with them. It's part of our routine when Friday came. We called it "FLYDAY night" Hehehe. Were I able to hang out with friends? Find it out...

Thursday, October 11, 2012


As far as I remember, in my whole life, I never study well during exams. I just read my books, scanned and then took the exams. Even in my nursing years, I never focused on studying my lessons. I just can remeber some of its details. Hehehe. But, now is different. I managed myself to study. In fact, during midterm exams, I studied on subject for the whole day. Also, I never study days before the exam. Only night before the exam. But now, I studied. Whoa! I found Accountancy difficult than nursing. This is just my opinion. During exams, I focused on studying only one subject for a day without having a break except sleeping for a short time. It needs time and my concentration. My head were already aching, also my back and neck. Still, I continued what I'm doing. This is for not other's sake but for mine. And YES! It do me good. I got high score in my major subject. In fact, I was the second to the highest. Yeheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Hope I could maintain it. Wish me luck! GOD bless us all!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Accountancy Week 3

Saturday, July 21, 8 o'clock in the morning, JPIANs gathered again at the Gunfrida Covered Court for the continuation of the JPIA week. Our attendance is compulsory. It was ball games time. Basketball for boys and volleyball for girls. JPIANs were shouting because it was really exciting. We gave names to the players. Just for fun. We cheered for our teams. And it was the credit who won for the basketball and debit team for volleyball. I was a good fight for the both game. We can see that JPIANs has also the ability in sports not just in academics. It was proven by their performance during the game. After the game, We rest for awhile and then, just like the loyalty day celebration, we had attendance quick count. And, announcement of winners and champions came next.

We can felt the thrill during the activity. we were excited to know who the winners are. And here it goes, one of our instructor announced the winners. And it was the Credit team. Whoaaaaaaa. We lose. But, it was fine. We accept the result whole heartedly. What's important is we enjoyed. We had fun. It's our way of freeing ourselves from stress with our studies. Our instructor once said that we should give our time to what we do. Focus on one. When having school activities, focus on it. If it's time for class, pay attention to it and learn. That's what I realized. we shouldn't be serious all the time. All of us need time to have fun and unwind and that was what we did.

JPIANs, Good job to all of us! Hoping for another best next time! God bless!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Accountancy Week 2

The day come. Preparation was over.  July 16, Monday, the event was started with a mass as what we used to when we have our activity in school. God should be on first and be at the center of every event we have. The mass was held at the Cathedral. It was not a special mass for us. We just joined the daily mass at 12nn. After the Holy Mass, there's an opening of booth in which both teams, Debit and Credit, have each booth. It was located at the ground floor of our schooll wherein everybody is welcome to see it for themselves. Information about our department was put in there including those who passed the board exams every year, pioneering students are also in there, the teachers, the officers of every year and everything that describes/defines our course.

Ohhh, practices continued after the classes until the day came for it to be presented. It was on July 20, Friday. That was it. There were three activity held in one event which are the literary musical contest, awarding of star JPIANs and oath taking of PICPA officers. Awarding of the star JPIANs was the first. They are the students who got grades with no below 2.2 or 85 last second semester of S.Y: 2011-2012. And I'm proud to say, I AM ONE OF THEM. Before the event, the list of star J was posted in our Accountancy department's bulletin board. When we happened to read it, my friend/classmate saw my name in there. I didn'tbelieve her. All I thought is that she was joking me since I never read my name in there. But then, she insisted that it was there. I looked at it again and yeah, I saw my name. Hahaha. I felt very happy and proud to myself. I'm so excited to tell it to my parents. In fact, that day, I went home since I want to tell it to them personally instead of texting them. Hehehe. As the program started, I'm so excited to come up on stage and receive my certificate of recognition. As we were called to get ready and fall in line, I didn't stay on the line. I didn't know. My emotion was mixed. I felt shy since we have to walk through the center of the crowd up to the stage. I have a feeling that what if my name wasn't really there and then, I fall in line. I doubted that my name was there even I personally saw it. When the names were called, I waited mine to be called. While it wasn't called yet, I asked my friend/classmate many times if my name was really there, just to make sure. Hehehe. I really felt nervous that time. I didn't understand me. When my name was called, that was the time I believed I was one of the star J. Hahaha. After I received my recognition, I just laugh about myself being a sort of paranoid. Hehehe. My friend also teased me for what I behaved. Hahahaha. I'm shy with what I'm behaving. hmmmmmp.

You wanna know what happened during the rest event in the program? check it out on my next entry. :p

Accountancy Week

Our Accountancy department has lots of activity. One of this is the Accountancy week. It was held last July 15-20 of this year. Accountancy students were divided into two teams in which each team competes for different events to win the trophy. The teams were named Debit and Credit. It has been used for years every time accountancy week is held. As what you had noticed, the team names were derived from our lesson. Every year, we bump these words. It's always part of our lesson.

Week before this event, students were practicing for the event they were in. Even if it was a regular class, they still managed their time to practice. They have their practices every night after the class that some of them suffered from hunger or sleepless nights since they still had lessons to study for. I was one of them. I listed my name for the banner song. Each team should have banner songs with action. It was fun. Our throat was almost aching in singing. Hehehe. Some students were in literary musical event. We went home late every night since we want our performance to be great. Some students just sleep over to their classmates' house especially those who lived far from the city. We experienced sleepy mode during classes yet we never let our teachers detect it as a sign of respect. We managed to get our attention to the discussions despite in our sleepy mode. We still know our priority which is our studies. With this, we had to give our best out of it to make our activity successful so that our sacrifices would be worth it.

Will our  activity became successful? Will our sacrifices worth it? How do I find the Accountacy Week? Find it out on my next entry...

Take Care. God bless!!!

Student's Comments regarding the Acquiantance Party

As what you have noticed, our acquiantance party was held during weekdays, Tuesday. It happened for the first time as far as I remember. This gave me the idea to get the opinion of some of my schoolmates. They stated it in Bisaya so I just translated it for many to understand.

"Acquiantance party? Hmmp. Enjoyable. I was able to make more friends than last year and be able to mingle my classmates for a long time. We grabbed that opportunity since, if God will let us, it would be our last acquiantance party here in school. So we just enjoy each others company. I enjoyed but time is not enough. We had to stop the party since we still had classes the next day. "
-MARGARITA ALMEDA, 4th year student, my boardmate.

"I found the acquiantance party more fun than the previous. It is because It was my second time to attend such event in our school. That was when I was a first year college. That time, I went home earlier since I didn't feel like attending it. But this year, I attended since it would be my last. I hope so. Hehehe. My classmates asked me to stay so I did. I never regretted staying since I found it great. Worth remembering with worth having friends."
-MARY GRACE BADEO, 4th year student

"I love acquiantance party even if I didn't make it to the dance floor. I'm not fond of dancing. I was just in my sit and watch my classmates and schoolmates with their cool moves. I enjoyed the night. I also chatted my old friends and heard news about them."
-MARY GRACE OLOJAN, 2nd year student

"It was my first time to attend acquiantance party in another school. When I was still not experiencing it, I wonder how it fells like to be in the acqiantance party in private school since I've had my high school in public. When I attended the said party, I was amazed of many students of SJC. I also got closer to my classmates. We danced all night until the party ended. Hehe. I grabbed the chance. Sad to say, we still had classes the next day."
-RAUL ZAMORA, 1st year

"I enjoyed the party but I want more. It should be held on Friday, not during school days so we don't have to stop the party earlier and we will never get tired and sleepy attending the class."
-RICEL OLOJAN, 2nd year student

Whatever it is, the important is everybody enjoyed. All is well. God bless!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Acquiantance Party

Last July 3, 6pm, we had our acquaintance party. When we say acquiantance, it means meeting new people, acquiant new people.  It's about making friendship. It's about familiarizing your neighbors or the people around you. When we heard about acquiantance party, disco lights with dancing people comes into our minds. Yeah right, this is how the party going.

During acquaintance party, students were grouped by department. In every department, tables had designs which makes the event a colorful one. Even if students were tired from the faith walk during that day, they still made it to the party.  Before the disco started, a short program was held where in every department prepared for their own presentations. There have been singing, dancing and acting talents which has the students shown and performed. Some was their first time in performing while some were used to it. Even if it was that way, I must say that my schoolmates were really talented. They really have used and treasured what God has given to them that they shared it to the people around them during that night. On the other hand, that party wasn't just for disco or just a party, it was held also for the departmental officers to take oath. Officers took oath by department lead by their Deans. During the event, shouts was present. Hehehe. A shout of appreciation. The program ended at about 10pm. Then, time for disco which the students had most awaited. PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! As the disco music played, students went to the dance floor and showed their different moves. They were sweating. They really grabbed the chance for having this event. It's once in a semester. How they wished it was every Friday. Hahahaha. Of course, not all students danced, there were students who are not fond of disco yet they just enjoyed by looking those dancing people. If you asked me where I belong, believe it or not, I was just sitting and watched my friends dancing and making grooves. It didn't mean I don't like disco. I love dancing. It's just that I don't feel to dance that time. I should e consider as killjoy that time. Hehehe. Even if that way, I still enjoy. I went home after awhile because I think of my class for the next day.

I must say, this year's acquiantance party was nothing different from the previous. It's still enjoyable. I must say, acquiantance would never be boring if you know how to get yourself in the event. Cooperation is important for you to enjoy a thing. With that, I met new friends from my department to the other department. Many were added to my list of friends and that is the most important, BEING FRIENDLY to everybody. GOD bless!!!

Faith Walk

Thinking about long walk, it would be boring and tiring since some of us we're use of riding. But when we think about praying while walking, it would be another story. Josephinians we're used of praying since we are in Catholic school.

While in the road,you can see the tiring faces of the students yet they still persevere to finish the faith walk up to the mountain(Monte Cueva), where mass will be held. Despite the tiring and someof us are striving for hungriness, students are still able to make it the top of the mountain. As I am an accountancy student, we are placed in the almost last part of the line that when we arrived at the mountain, crowd welcome us. Some people looked fainted. Most of us we're sweating that make the place hotter since it was also a good day yet sunny day. After a while, mass started held by our school president, Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas, SDV, DD, together with the other priests in our Parish Church. It was a solemn celebration despite of the crowd. Everybody cooperated.

It wasn't just the students who were there, also those who are devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I thank God for letting me experience such wonderful activityand for giving the students the strength to finish the long walk. GOD BLESS!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Faith Walk

Another topic, another thought. Questions came up to mind... What is Faith Walk? How do I come up with this matter?

Last July 3, our school, Saint Joseph College held an activity called FAITH WALK. What is this? This activity was called that way because people were marching from one place to another with their faiths in them. That's how I understand it. Every students from elementary to college, faculties and staffs are required to join the activity. It is one of our religious activities we had. Even if it required, we are not force to really join. It's just a matter of conscience and faith of everyone of us.

7 o'clock in the morning, we are gathered ate the Gunfrida Covered Court. We were arranged by department wearing our departmental tshirts. From there, we're going to Montecueva, one of religious spots in Maasin City. It was a long walk. It was not a normal walk. while walking, we pray the Holy Rosary all together. Since we are many, speakers are assigned so that students who are in the middle or about at ther last portion of the line can hear the prayer and can surely join the all together prayer.

Long walk, would the students survive it? Let's find out on my next entry...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Birthday Wishes

Everyone of us has birthday wishes. We say it when we blow our candles or even without candles. This is what we believe that it is more granted when we wished it during birthdays. Some of us has the same wishes as we celebrate birthdays. Some just changed it maybe because they are already granted or they just change their priorities.

Me, I only have the same wishes every year. It just that there are some additionals. Hehehehe!!! It doesn't mean that they are not yet granted. It's just that I want it to be continued. As what I have said, I have the same wishes as of last year. It matters about family and studies. Love life could be an additional. Hehehehe. For my family, it should be health for all of us especially for my parents. My wish is more on my parents. That they should be safe always. They should be away from sickness or diseases. They should be happy all the time. There wishes and prayers will be granted. And God will always protect them from evils. This is what I prioritized when I"m praying. For my sister and me, our dreams will be come true. For my studies, God will send the Holy Spirit to enlighten me so I will be able to catch up quickly our lessons and to be able to finish the course I'm taking up today which is surely be one of the reasons for the happiness of my parents. Also, I'm wishing that God will always remind me to be a good servant to him and be able to do my mission here on earth. :) And for my love life, I'm wishing that I could find someone who will treat me importantly and who will love me for what and who I am and not for what and whom he want me to be. I know heartaches exists together with love but i'm hoping that i wouldn't be like before. Hehehe.

And lastly, I hope my wishes will be granted. GOD bless!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What can I say about the 20th chapter of my life?

...Life is what you make it.

I always heard this line. Upon hearing this, questions comes to my mind. How do I live my life? How do I make life? Do I'm making it worthy?

Being in this world for more than 20 years, I can say that my life is miserable yet enjoyable. It was because of some of my decisions which I thought was right but suddenly, I knew, it wasn't at all. My 20 years of existence has been a roller coaster. That's what life should compare to. There were ups and downs yet we were still here, standing and able to survive what we have undergone. In these 20 years, I have shed many tears because of problems or trials I had. Family, Friendship, studies and love life are all that matters. Matters which make me sad yet also the reason why I'm still able to smile. It's part of growing up. They are part of my journey. These matters are the reason why I became the person I am now. Crying is human. Laughing is human. Envy is human. Sad is human. I'm just living a normal life. And normal life doesn't give you heaven but also hell. Hell which could be sometimes the reason why you feel heaven afterwards. Life would be boring if it is always give you happiness. We could not appreciate happiness without getting sad.

There's nothing in my past I am regretting for. Without those experience of mine, good or bad, I will never be the one I am now today. It helps me to be a strong person. It gives and teach me many lessons which could I use in handling things tomorrow and so on. This is what i always bear in my mind; whatever with the past has gone, the best are always yet to come.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

How was My Birthday Celebration with My Family?

Since my birthday was within school days so I just planned to go home after class and after I went to church for a mass. I never expected for foods for a celebration. All I'm expecting is a dinner like an ordinary day. My class finished at 7:30 p.m. I thought I can't go home since it was already late for a normal trip going to our place. Still, I tried going to terminal. Luckily, there's still rides going there. I was able to go home. Before I went home, I received text messages from my cousins if they are invited but I refuse since all I know is there's no food to offer for them. They replied saying they understand.

As I arrived home, there were motorcycles outside. I know it was uncle's. I know what's going on. It was one of the attitude of our family that even if there's no food prepared, we still go to the house of the birthday celebrant. They can't do nothing but prepare food. Hehehe. It is how we treated each other. I find it more fun. Whenever one of us had birthday, we gathered. I just smiled with what I thought. As I went inside our house, they welcome me with a greetings. Then,there I know that they were there because my parents invited them. The text messages I received was part of the plan. Foods were ready. I was just the one who is waited for dinner. Hmmmmp. We had fun during dinner. Laughs and tease were present. Looking at them, I can feel that I am soooooooooo LOVED.

Suddenly, I realized, it's not the food that matters during birthdays. It's what you have during that day. It's whom you have and whom you are with. It's not the prepared food that made me happy but the people who showed their love to me and make me feel like I am important to them as they are to me. I'm so thankful to God for what I have and whom I have. I have parents, relatives and friends who really love me and would never leave no matter what happen. I love them too. I would never be what I am now without them and they will be part as I build my future.

THANK YOU LORD. GOD bless us all!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My 21st Birthday

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that counts. It's the life in your years."
 - Abraham Licoln

Time runs fast. Another year had passed. Everybody is growing old. Whoaaaaaaa!!!

It was like yesterday when I celebrated my 20th birthday. This year, month ago, June 20, Wednesday, I consecrated my 21st birthday. Another year was added to my age. Hmmmmp. Just like last year, I celebrated it with friends, same venue, at Panny's Bakeshop but it was my another group of friends. They were my buddies in school. We think the same most of the time. I never thought of celebrating my birthday. Being alive and able to have this age is enough for me. I just planned to go to church and then went home so I would be with my family during that special dayof mine. It was myfriend who convinced me to celebrate my birthday in Panny's. She convinced me to buy cake, balloon and birthday hats and took pictures. She said it was just once in a year that I should make the most out of it. She said I should do what I want on my birthday. I was convinced. I agreed. She's right. Birthday comes once in a year and who knows I wouldn't be able to celebrate my 22nd anymore. KNOCK ON WOOD. Hehehe. So, I did what she said. We went to Panny's bakeshop, buy cake, have my name written on it, hats and candles. They were the one who bought balloons. And then, we took many pictures. As far as I remember , it was my first time to blow a candle on my birthday. In fact, I never tried children's party on my childhood years. But it's okay, I understand. My parents can't afford that kind of party. What I'm used to is only family dinner which I find fun and enjoyable. Family and relatives with me is enough to consider my celebration of birthday a complete one. With what we did, I find it more fun. Although I was shy with the other customers inside the bakeshop. They were looking at us. I'm acting like a kid as I wear a birthday hat. Hehehe. I just don't mind them. The important is I was able to do what I want to during my birthday. Even if I wasn't able to do all, at least, I did some of it.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fiesta 2012 (Part 2)

Days prior to our fiesta, problem embrace us even if we never envite it. Actually, it was not my parent's problem but my uncle's. We are really affected. In fact, we cried together. We felt very useless since we can't do something as a help because it involves finacial and we don't have that. All we can do is accompanied him, give some advices and just comfort him. That's what her sisters did.

Fiesta is coming. And my excitement lessened because of the problem. We are really so affected by it. While preparing for the fiesta, we think of the problem. We exchanged opinions about the problem. Then, Fiesta had come. I felt happy but there's a part in my heart that is not happy. It's a sympathy for my uncle. We think of not preparing food for the event but it can't since many people will come over to clebrate fiesta with us. Everybody is welcome. Even if we don't know, we welcome them into our house and offer foods we had. That's one way of attitudethat Filipinos have. We never showed to them that we had a problem for them to feel comfortable while they are in our house. Even if it's raining, people still came over. Rain can't stop them. Hehehe.

I would say that there's nothing else special during the fiesta unlike before except that we are celebrating the day of our patron. What I felt? Happy but little bit disappointed or sad.

God bless.

Fiesta 2012 (Part 1)

Month of June was over. It only means that our barangay fiesta was also over. It helds during the month of June, 70 days after the Holy Week as Sacred Heart of Jesus as our patron. Before this day come, evrybody is excited. Months before the event, they already think of what to prepare. Some raise their own pigs so they need not to buy in the market. And that's what we did. Whenever our mother pig give births piglets, we left two pigs andthe rest, we sell it. We offer it to our patron as a thanksgiving for the gift of piglets we had. My parents have been doing this for three consecutive years.

Days before the fiesta, people in our Barangay was curious about who will be coming home during fiesta. Fiesta is more fun when our neighbors, who are working abroad or local, will be coming home for a vacation during fiesta. In fact, they already bought tickets monts before the event. That's how excited they are to celebrate fiesta with us.

We're excited for the coming home of our neighbors, how much more if our relatives will be coming home. But, sad to say, they didn't make it because of the schedule of their work. I'm a little bit disappointed about it but I understood their situation. It's just that I'm longing and imagining for a more bonding with them. I would say that our fiesta was not that enjoyable compared to before. or I was not that enjoyed unlike last fiesta. Wanna know why? It's in my next entry...

GOD bless!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

School AGAIN...

Vacation is over. It's school again. Public schools opened earlier than private. They were opened on the first week of June while most of the private opened on the second week already.

Old students were used to the opening of the class. Freshmen were excited to the new levels of their school life. They may felt nervous, happy and grateful. They felt mixed emotions. I could say this since I already experience being a freshmen and be in a new surrounding. It was so exciting meeting new faces from other places.

Now, I'm looking forward for a more exciting school year. I wish I will have fun. I wish I will have more good memories than bad. For me, this school year is more challenging since it is in this school year I will take up the qualifying examination for BSA. That's why, I'm changing my study habit. If last school years, you could not see me in the library except for the signing of clearance. Now, you can always see me there. Hehehe. Wish us luck!!!

GOD bless!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Vacation is Over!

Vacation! Vacation! Vacation!

This is what most of us loved. It is the time of enjoyment and relaxation. It is the time we could bond with our loved ones. Vacation is the time we could consider ourselves us free.

Summer vacation is what students loved. Hehehe. It is when they are for stressful days and nights studying, making assignments and projects, and attending school activities. Yet, time ran fast. It was like yesterday when we have our vacation. Now, it is over. Finally over. Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!

I've missed most of my vacation days since I attended summer classes. But, it doesnt's mean I didn't enjoy it. It's just that, I was not satisfied. Hehehe. I wanted more and more experiences (good funny moments) during vacation with my loved ones. I only had little regrets since what I did is for my schooling which is more important since it is where my future holds. Hehehe.


GOD bless!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Stand Regarding the Impeachment of Chief Justice Corona

If I would be asked regarding my stand towards the impeachment of the Chief justice, I would say, I am in favor for it. Before hearing the explainations of the senator about their decisions, my reason was this: Corona should be impeached since he is an alliance of the former Pres. Gloria Arroyo. Ohhhh yes! I am against Arroyo and so is my family. I am against because there were many issues about her related to corruption. That's why, I am against Corona.

Upon hearing the senator's decisions, my reason changed but my stand, NEVER. Senators were right. It is part of the law to declare all their properties to their SALN. Before they were hired, they already  knew the law regarding it. They already knew their obligations upon accepting the position. And I agree with the saying, NO ONE IS EXEMPTION IN THE LAW. It was a big mistake that Corona failed to disclose to the public his statement of assets, liabilities, and net worth. He already knew the law but he never followed it. A story of a barangay official made my stand be stonger. A Barangay official was impeached because he failed to declare his business in the market. Impeaching is practiced in low position so there's no reason to not practice it for Corona. During the deciding day, last May 29 of this year, even if I am in favor of Corona's impeachment, I pity him since he was hospitalized that time.His condition is not okay and the decision of the court really put him down. Yet, Conviction is what he deserved. If only he declared his properties, there would be no problem for him. He wouldn't undergone that kind of humiliation.

You? What's your stand? Hehehe.
GOD bless everyone!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chief Justice Corona: GUILTY

For about 200 days with 43 trial days, people were waiting for the judgement of the court regarding the impeachment case against the Chief Justice Renato Corona. It was the second impeachment trial in Philippine history since Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez had resigned prior to the start of her trial. It is all about the undeclared properties to his SALN. Some people were agreed about the impeachment while some were pro-Corona. Both sides were heard. They were given time to say what's on their side to defend onto where they were stand, the prosecution and the defense team. There they showed evidences regarding the cases.

I wasn't able to watch the trials because I was in school. But, on the last day of hearing, on the deciding day, I was able to watch it with my mother. What is my stand? hmmp. I am in favor of the impeachment trial. and so is my mother. Upon watching it on television, we were puzzled about the decisions of the senators as judges. But, we are confident enough that majority of them were against Corona. Hehehe. Yet, were still nervous about the result. We felt a little bit cold. Hehehe. Before it started, we're already counting on who is against and in favor of the Chief Justice. Regarding with our guesses, we were right on most of them. Senators were given time to explain their decision on why they were against or the other way. There were only 16 votes needed to convict the chief justice. There were only 23 senators to decide since Senator Benigno Aquino became our president. Three of them voted Corona as NOT GUILTY namely Sen. Joker Arroyo, Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago, and Sen. Ferdinand Marcos, Jr.. And the rest of them, they were in favor for the impeachment of the Chief Justice Corona. Therefore, Chief Justice Corona is GUILTY!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Canigao Island Overnight: First Time 3

It was a big mistake of mine. Whoa. I left our things in our house. I couldn't believe it. I must be out of my mind. I was that excited to forget our things. 

What's with us is the clothes we wore in going there. My sister get mad at me. Of all the things that could be left, it was our things which I had forgotten. Ugh! Stupid Fe. Maybe because of my excitement. My sister didn't talk to me until we arrived there. She gave me bad look that made me guilty. Huhuhu. Thinking about it, it was so disappointing. We couldn't swim and changed clothes. Whoa. Still, we continue on our way. Upon arriving there, you could see smiles on our faces. We loved the view. We rented tent. Our cousins and friends swam after we put up the tent. Me and my sister got envy. Even if we didn't swim, we were still enjoyed. We hunted crabs. I find it more fun. It was my first time to catch crabs. All we do is laugh and laugh. No time for sadness during that night. My sister forgave me though. :) We're like kids there. We're acting like one.

We slept late at midnight. We never noticed the time since we enjoyed chatting each other. I was taking care by all because they were afraid of collapsed incident in little baguio to happen again. hahaha. Me, Ate and one of our cousin slept inside the tent while the three rest outside. When the sun risen, they swam again. They treasure the moment we were there. It's like once in a lifetime. Hehe. Before we left the place, we took pictures, jump shot! :)

I really really really enjoyed it. Hope it will happen again but with our parents with us. God bless!!!

Canigao Island Overnight: First Time 2

The day had come. The day that we were planning to go there. I could say that we are not that bad children since we asked permission. We did. :) What made them say  YES was our aunt (our uncle's wife) was also there for a family reunion. So, we are permitted to go there. Yeheyyyyyyyyy!!!

Overnight? Ohh yeah... I was so excited. I was in our house that time when my sister came home and told me the news about the activity we were going to do. Upon hearing it, I couldn't believe. I was actually asking her many times about it to ensure if I heard it right. and yes, I heard it right. I was excited preparing our things for it. I volunteered to pack up our clothes needed there. I was singing while packing up our clothes. It was mixed emotions of mine. All I know was I was happy and EXCITED. :p All our cousins will go there except the two little. Hehehe. We gathered at our Grandfather's house. When we were intact. Ready to go. What made me excited was not just I would experience overnight for the first time but because also of the people who would be with me there. It's our first time to bond in a beach, overnight, without parents, only us. When we were on our way to the Canigao Island, I had noticed that we were lack of things. And yes, we were lack, it was our bags. All my things and my sister's things were there. :(

What happened next? Do we got home to get our things? What was the reaction of my sister when she knew it? Did she get mad? Just read my next entry to know...

Canigao Island Overnight: FirstTime 1

From the very first time I went to Canigao Island, I wished I could stay there overnight but the chance didn't make it. Also, my parents wouldn't allow me to be there overnight. I can do nothing but follow them. Hearing and knowing the experiences of my friends there, I got envy.

It's been years I've been longing to experience an overnight activity in a beach especially Canigao Island since it's known to the most of us. It's a good spot for an overnight activity. I never thought I could experience it right away. What I thought was I could do it but only after few years from now. I never thought it would happen this vacation. Since My cousin and his friends came here for a vacation, we wanted to bring them to a good places which is visited by the most of us. One of this is Canigao Island. We never planned to go there for an overnight. What we planned is just go there and see the view of the beach. When we asked permission from our aunts and parents, they didn't allow us to go there. They were worried. With that, we were so disappointed.  My cousin and his friends, also us, really wanted to go there. So, we planned to go there without asking permission. Our decision was fixed...

Wanna know the happenings? Are you curious if we asked permission? Did we enjoy? Find it out in my next entry...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Vacation

I can say that my vacation is not that interesting compared to those who went out of town just to spend their leisure there. Mind is just simple. I was just in Maasin, spending time with the persons I love. Although, I had short time of vacation since I had a summer classes. Still, I used that short time to get enjoyed.

During the short time of my vacation, I had few first time experiences. One of this,I was able to run a motorcycle with a long distance from the city proper to our house. But, of course, with assistance since I was not that master. Hehehe. Another is, like what I said, I collapsed. Scary but I just consider as an experience. That was indeed an experience. Also,I had many activities during this vacation before I got sick. I went to Bontoc to visit my friends. My vacation is more on bonding with cousins.I will never get tired getting bond with them. And the highlight of my vacation is when we went to Canigao Island for an overnight with cousins, friends and sister. That was my first time. Actually, that was all our first time to be there overnight. And I must say, it was a great experience ever for this year. Hehehehe.

I must say, I had a simple vacation yet enjoyable like what others had. Wish it would happen again, except the collapsed portion. God Bless!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Collapsed for the First Time

Collapsed is what I feared. When I see people in collapsed situation I felt nervous. I can think that she/he will die. This is how my mind runs. I never thought that it would happen to me.

When we went to little baguio, I felt better. I didn't feel something bad. What I think is to be the first to come on top of the mountain. We ran and ran yet I was only the second. It is me and one cousin who got there first since the remaining, they just walked unlike us. When we got there, I told my cousin that I felt something cold. I was catching my breath. I had difficulty in breathing. Whoa. I felt dizzy and I felt cold around my body. I told my cousin to pinch me. He did yet nothing changed. After awhile, I got unconscious. I never noticed the arrival of my sister,cousins and friends. I felt like I wasn't on earth. I felt nothing that time. That was for about 15 minutes. Whoa. Imagined, I was unconscious for that long time. When I gained back my consciousness, I vomit and vomit and still feel cold. That time,they told me what they did to me. My sister called me but I never answer. She slapped and slapped me but I felt nothing. They were really worried. They also said the my skin color changed from tan to blue or violet then pale. They thought that that was my end. Hoooooooooooooo.

With that, I already knew the feeling of dying. It's scary. I can't imagine myself in that situation. Still, I thank God for He still give chance to live. Thank you, Lord. God bless us all!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Holy Week

Before the Holy Week came, I had many plans for activities to be done for these days. Unfortunately, I was sick that I wasn't able to make my planned activities. :(

April 4-  In the afternoon, I was lying in bed since I had fever that time when my cousins came around. They brought fruits for me and brought the portable DVD of my uncle. We watched movies which we already watched. Still, we got more fund of that movie. As what I always said, bonding with my cousins is my favorite. Don't know why. I just get enjoyed when I'm with them, talking to them and teasing with them.When I'm with them, I feel younger as them. Hahahaha.

April 5- Morning when my friend (mommy Ritchiele) asked me if  I'll go with them to Hanginan on friday, dawn. Upon receiving that message, I felt excited. I love the idea. It's what I planned. That time,I felt better. I asked my parent's permission and they said yes in one condition, I should not go there if I felt not okay. I assured them that I will follow what they say since it's for my own good. Afternoon,I went to Yhing's house.It is where we will met. Around 6pm, me, Yhing and her boyfriend went to Maasin City Shrine. Upon climbing there, I felt something not good. I felt tired easily unlike before that's why I decided not to go on to the planned activity. I choose to stay. Mommy got sad but she understood. That's the good thing.

April 6- I woke up early since I have to go home. When I got home, foods were ready like dinuldog, landang and biko. It is what filipinos usually prepare for holy week. We gathered at my grandparent's house. Bonding with cousins again. Yahoooo. Also, I met new  friends. They came from Manila. They came here for a vacation with my cousin. They were so nice. Even if I still didn't feeling well, I managed myself  to be okay so I could get bond with them. And yeah, I did. We played games on the laptop, racing for high scores. It was fun, really fun.

April 7- Late morning,I helped my mother preparing food since we will gather again at our grandparent's house for lunch. Then, after lunch, I ate buko with cousins and new friends. At 3pm, we agreed to go to Danao. We saw little crocodiles there. Those were for the Maasin Zoo which will be open soon. We went to the lake. We went to the short hanging bridge and lastly, we went to what we call "little baguio". We were racing for who will get there first. I was the second. Yahooo but something happened. I collapsed that frightens them especially my sister. We have no parents around. It's only us. Whoa. I was unconscious for almost 15 minutes. When I gained back my conscious, I felt shy since I vomit. I felt shy since I made them nervous. Glad my conscious came back. When we got home, I made my parents worry. :( Still at night, I went to Church with them for a mass.

April 8- Sadly, I wasn't able to go to mass at dawn for what we call "salubong". It's easter sunday. On that day, we went to beach. There were  many people went to beach that we found difficulties in getting cottage. And gladly, we found one.Yeheyyy.. I wasn't able to join them swimming yet, I still enjoyed the day. It's so tiring yet fun. I love that day.

Even if I didn't make my planned activities, still, I got enjoyed. Yeheyyyyy.. Take care and GOD bless!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How was Second Semester for me?

Second semester is the other half to complete the whole school year. For other students, they may find it the same with the first semester. While some may consider it as different and more fun than the first. I'm one of these people.

I found second semester more enjoyable than on the first semester. It is because, there are few celebrations in it. One of these is Christmas party for the students. Two is the College day. Partying and bonding with the other students with different departments is a great fun. It is when you can have more friends. The other reason why I love second semester is that it is when I got my friends closer to me. It is when I got to know them more. With a long period of time with them, they became more part of my life and give emphasis to what I am now. Even if we were striving for those tiring and sleepless nights, my friends are one of those people why I enjoyed my schooling. I owe a lot to them. I'm so glad to have them.

Now, I'm looking forward for the coming semesters of the new school year. I'm hoping for great events and great happenings with my great friends. God bless!

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Feeling Towards Graduation Day 2

As I was saying, I was supposed to be graduated last March but unfortunately, I didn't. This is what makes me sad. Others may see me smiling but inside, it's hurting. Until now, I can't accept the fact that I was not one of the graduates. But what else I can do but to just accept it. It make take a long time but I know, I'll get there to the acceptance stage.

I always say I salute those who graduated this year. On the other hand, I envy them. Not a little but I envy them VERY MUCH. I envy them for they made their parents proud and happy. I envy them because they already get their diplomas. I envy them since they are on the stage of new journey. I envy them for they were out in school life. I envy them for they can earn their own money. I envy them for they will have already chance to return the goodness and sacrifices of their parents. I envy them because they can already help their parents financially.

 I have many reasons to get envy to them. All I can do is to get envy and relieving myself for the thought I can be one of them. On the other hand, I think that if only I follow my parents, I am one of them but I am afraid to regret since I don't want to entertain the fact that I regreted that I took up my dreamed course. I can't afford to think that I regreted nursing course. I was hoping I'll get what I want for my parents. Wish me luck! God bless.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Feeling Towards Graduation Day 1

What makes my parents happy is what I dream for. To be graduated and get my diploma is what I aim for since this is what makes my parents happy. To make them happy is my ultimate goal in life.

Last March, I was supposed to be graduated and have a degree, but, I didn't. It's because I shifted course from BS Nursing to BS Accountancy. My parents never liked my previous course since it was so expensive. Yet, they still follow what I want and let me proceed to my dreamed course which is BS Nursing. I was so happy that time that they let me take this course. But, 2 years passed, they can no longer sustain my tuition fee since it is expensive that's why, they asked me to shift a course which in the first place they liked. I was sad that time and consider myself as desperate. I think and think of anything that could make me continue the course that I love. But, chance didn't let me. With sadness in my face and dismay for what happened, I found myself enrolling another course which is my course now. I never see myself being an accountancy student but, I became what I never wanted. Every corners in our house and my bed in my boarding house witnessed those sleepless night thinking about the happenings in my life. I cried and cried. I didn't let my parents knew that I cried since I don't want them to worry. Only my sister knew what I feel inside which is pain. It takes months for me to be okay. Whenever I cried, my sister comforted me. Whenever I cried in our home, I never released voice, just a silent cry for my parents would not be disturb in their sleeps.

Wanna know my feelings during graduation? just follow me in my next entry. See you!

Take care and have a beautiful day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Graduation in College; the Beginning and the End

Again, another school year had passed. Another journey for every student. Some graduated. Some continue to their student life. Life is not that easy that we can get what we want. But, it's a matter of choice. It's a matter between whether you continue your studies and achieve your dreams or stop studying yet still achieving their dreams.

What we made is our choice. I salute those people who continue to strive the difficulties which would be met during school days. I salute those people who survive through all those years of hard times in school. Not all times were hard. There are also times which are good and really consider as unforgettable moments of our lives which could make mark in our hearts. Those times that we share with the people around us; people that we knew or people that we just met in our journey.

Graduation for me is just the beginning and the end. I consider this as an end of  those hard times making projects, sleepless night in studying for the exams and skipping bonding time with friends just to make the mountains of assignments. It is a beginning since in here, another journey is waiting for you. This journey could not be that easy. You can still meet many stones before you get the gold. During this time, you will experience sweating under the sun in looking for a job. Looking for a job is not that easy. Yet, one must be patient enough since it is part of the journey.

WEW! I really admire those students who survive through all difficulties. I salute them for being confident enough to achieve their goals. They all must be really strong that they survive the student journey. I congratulated you guys for the job well done. I'm wishing you good luck for the next chapter of your life. GOD bless!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

During the Signing of Clearance

Every students have their own unique experiences during the signing of clearance especially those freshmen students. They were so innocent and got no idea about the process of the signing of clearance. Of course, they already had experience in signing of clearance from their previous school. It's just that, the process is different.

Me, during my freshmen year, I felt nervous. I felt that kind of feeling especially when I am in front of the officer whom I seen in a meter distance. In fact, I got rattled. Even when I am used to signing of clearance. I am used to its process, still, I got nervous. My heart beats fast during that time.

This past semester, I met problem for my clearance. It is the punishment from our department. The punishment is every absent of the students, they have to copy the given hard copy or printed files(long bond paper is used) which is four pages. I got four absent so I have to copy it four times. Whoaaaaaa. My hands were aching that time and honestly, I hate writing especially when it is long. There's nothing i can do but to follow their rules. I copied it and fortunately finished it with my hands aching and bit shaking. I got it massage from my mother after it. The school librarian need to sign for the clearance. Before she signed it, she will asked questions about the library like the Dewey decimal, library rules and anything related to library. To be honest, I'm not fund of the library. You couldn't find me in that area whenever you look for me during school days. In one semester, maybe, I went there for two or three times but mostly during the signing of clearance. It's a no good habit of mine that need to be stopped.

 Well, thanks to God, I have my clearance signed which make me cleared and proceed to another year level. And I promise to myself that I will never do that again so I won't find difficulties during clearance' signing.

Take care!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


CLEARANCE! We have different meanings or understanding for this word. Some may understood it as a move in chess. Others would think that it is for medicine which is a clearance of the body organ. Some use this for travel purposes. They can't go out of the country without being cleared if they have cases or to insure that they have no cases to escape from.

But, what I'm talking about here is a clearance for school. We use this so we can take the final exams and proceed to or go on to the next year level or be a graduate. Our process is that we have to get a clearance paper in the school. Then, we will go to the offices of the officers who are needed to sign it up so we can be cleared. The officers had their requirements before they signed our clearance. Like for example, in the Department of Student Affair, students need to be in proper uniform. They were strict to the point that, like for example, girls should not wear skirt uniform above the knee. It should be above the knee. This is maybe because, our school is a catholic church. For boys, they required to have their hair cuts with the length not exceed to 1 inch. For the course departmental, they have also their own requirements. For example, our department, they required the students to attend every activity we have. If they got absent, there's a corresponding punishment. They cannot be signed without fulfilling their punishments. To those who didn't get absent, they can have their clearance signed immediately by our department governor and Dean.

Above is just an insights about our processes during the signing of clearance. On my next entry is my experiences during this clearance time.

GOD bless!

Friday, April 20, 2012


A-Night, another activity that Accountancy department  had. As what I have heard, it's for the first time since what they used to is only the Junior and Senior students are the participants for this  alluring event. It is like JS prom. It is supposed to be the turn-over of duties and responsibilities of the outgoing department officers to the incoming officers.

But, this year, all year levels are included in the celebration. With this, it is not just a turn-over ceremony but a party for all. It is the time to mingle with the other accountancy students.Upon entering to the place where the party is, I was amaze by the colorful surroundings because of the dresses students were wearing. They look really elegant yet simple. They look beautiful and handsome including me. I must say, they really prepared for this night. WOW! Before the program started, we had a dinner. And few minutes after dinner, a short program started which includes the turn over ceremony and the awarding of what we call Star JPIANs for getting high grades. There were chorus presentation for every year level which we had practiced few nights before the event. There is also a dance presentation by selected accountancy students. With those presentations, it just a proof how talented we are. Hehehe.

The event started and ended up successfully. It is because of the full participation of the students. I had fun. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How I celebrated Valentines Day?

When we talked about valentines day, what comes first into our minds? hmmmmmmmmmp. It's love, right? When we say love, the very first thing that comes to the minds of most of us is partner, as in love partners; our boyfriend or girlfriend and husband or wife. We could picture out dates with partners or whatsoever things that partners would do just to make this special day of heart more special. If you'll gonna ask me if what did I do during this day? hmmmmmmp. You really wanna know?...

Well, what I did during the valentines day is it's like my other ordinary days. Nothing special. What made it special is that I gave flowers to my parents as what I usually do when I was a kid. If you'll ask me if I had a date? My answer is I don't have. If I have a boyfriend? Yes, I have. Yet, we didn't have date that time. It's just that he is not feeling well that time. In fact, he got absent in school. You may think I'm bad for thinking that his sickness is a blessing in disguise. Why? It is because I don't want to have date on that day. I preferred to stay in my boarding house than to be with my boyfriend on that day. It doesn't mean I don't love him. It's just that I don't feel like going out with him for that day. In short, I'm not use to it. I don't want to entertain the fact that I'm gonna having a date that time. Glad that he wasn't able to make it. I don't know why I'm thinking like this. Maybe because I'm still new to it. Hehehe. During that day, we're just sending messages to each other through text. He apologize for he didn't make it for me to feel that special day. Glad but I didn't let him feel that I don't like the idea of dating with him that day. For me, we have many days to have a date, not on that day. Hehehe. :p

Maybe someday, I'll be used to it. Hope so. But now, I'm still new to it. Hope I could do my part as a partner in GOOD way.

GOD bless us all!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

During the Assessment Examination

As what I have understood about an assessment examination, it is a sort of survey if a student really learns about the lessons. Days before the examination, I was really nervous about this exam. I was afraid and have many worries. What if I will fail? What if I forgot the lesson? What I'm gonna do if I fail? It's  a shame for me. My nervous widen when a junior student that those who will fail, their names will be posted at the department bulletin. OMG. What if my name will be included on the post. Whoaaaaaaaaa.. It was really a stressful thought.

Days before it, I was already reviewing my lessons. I actually asked the boardmate is a year level ahead of me when I met some problems of studying. I really prepared for the exam yet still nervous. Hoooooo. In fact, I don't touch my cellphone the night before the exam so that I wouldn't be tempted for texting since, I admit, I am a texting addict. I tried not to hold it. What I did is to let my close boardmate hold and use it. It's my way of disciplining myself.

During the day of examination, i told myself to calm down. Yet, I was panic since I don't have white t-shirt. My sister didn't hear me to bring me a white t-shirt. we are required to wear white. All the examinees were required. Time is running. What I did is just borrowing from my boardmate which I not usually do. I'm not use to borrow things from my friends except for my close and best friends but what can I do, I'm running out of time. I came to school before the time with my hands shaking and sweating. I tried to look relaxing but seems I failed. 1Pm sharp, the exam started. There are three sets or type of examination: Worksheet, theory and problem. I find no difficulty yet I don't find it easy. Hehehe. It's in the middle. :p

Until now, it's more than one month, yet, we still don't know the result. Hmmmmmmmmmp. But, it's okay. Hehehe. I just hope I made it right. God bless!

Friday, April 6, 2012

College Day Activity

Below is the activities during the celebration...

Day 1- Holy Mass is held at 4 P.M. Every activity of our school, it is begun with a Holy Mass since our school is a Catholic school and we believed that this activity wouldn't be successful without God as the center of it. God first before anything else.
...After the Holy Mass, every department continued preparing their booths.
At &PM, there is a basketball game. It is held every year. It is the Diocese Priest against the faculty of the school. And it was the priest who won. 

Day 2- Parade was held starting at 7:30 o'clock in the morning. It took almost two hours. Students were wearing their departmental t-shirts which made the parade a colorful one. After the parade, students were gathered at the Gunfrida Covered Court(located inside the school campus), short program was held were some dance and singing presentations were shown. After that, opening of the booths lead by the School Vice President. Then, booth was open to all. In every booth, money involved. You can's enter the booth without at least five peso. It is the department's way of raising money for their department which could help a lot when they have activity for their department. While some students were very busy roaming around the school and entering the booths, accountancy students especially the 1st and 2nd year(I am included) were very busy getting ready, studying for the assessment and pre-qualification exam, respectively. The exam started at 1PM. As there was an exam for the accountancy students, there is also an activity on the covered court, same time. It is called Whiz Blits. Don't know the mechanics for this game since I wasn't able to witness it. As what I have heard from my fellow students, this game is already done last year college day celebration. After the activities, Holy Mass is held. 7pm of the same day, there was a literary musical contest. Some students showed their talents and entertained the audience well. It was worth watching for.

Day 3- Booths visiting. Honestly, I didn't know what happened or the activities during this day since I was just at the boarding house. I was not feeling well that time. SIGH. All I know was there was a Holy Mass at 4PM before closing the celebration. And that, there was an accident happened to one of the student. He fell from the roof side of the stage since he was supposed to cut the tie of the balloons. Unfortunately, he fell down together with the balloons. Rescuer arrived immediately. The school shouldered what happened. Until now, I don't heard news about the student. Hope he is fine and well. To GOD Be the Glory...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Alma Mater College Day Celebration- Saint Joseph College

Seems like yesterday, I have heard about the college day celebration of my Alma Mater- Saint Joseph College last 2011. I just heard about the amazing event since I wasn't here. I was in Manila that time. Upon hearing the activities made, how I wish i was there witnessing it. Whoa. But this year, I made. Not just I made it, I was a part of it since I was AGAIN a student of SAINT JOSEPH COLLEGE.

Before this memorable event to come, I can see the excited feelings of students from elementary to college through their eyes. They were excited because of the days having no class. Hahaha. But, of course, the main reason is the activities that the school would made to make it memorable and unforgettable. Freshmen were already asking the old students on what it is during the said celebration. They were busy imagining what was going to happen on the days of celebration. Old students were also fond telling the freshmen about the celebration. They were also comparing every year's celebration. Months before the celebration, school officials and student organization officers were already busy for the said event so that it would be an exciting and unforgettable one and cannot be compared to anything. They were busy preparing for the venue, sound system, activities, and etc. that could make the event beautiful. Every course department were also busy about their booths. So as the high school student and elementary pupils.

Day before the event, afternoon, they were preparing for their booths. There were love booth, barbecue booth and movie booth. Movies of Filipino and foreign were shown. Wanna know what was happened during the celebration?....
Just read the next entry.. :p

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Earthquake in Maasin City

Month ago, Feb. 5, 2012, an earthquake attacked Maasin City which scared most of the Maasinhon. Days before that happened, there are been news about earthquake attacks somewhere in Tacloban which destroyed lots of properties. And that day, the earthquake ran to Maasin City.

In my whole life, I had experienced earthquake. I don't know how many times I had experienced it since I was a child. But, now that I'm big enough to remember the happenings, I have experienced the earthquake which really scared me. In fact, I cried. That time, I am in school for a computer class. I was in the fourth floor. We were doing activities for our computer subject that time. When we were almost done, we feel shaking. It was like we were dancing. My classmates were shouting and our instructor told us to shut up and relax. Whoa! I can see the computer monitors were shaking and my surroundings did. What I did was holding the table, lean my head on the table and just waiting when we would be fall to the ground. It took few minutes for the earthquake to stop. When it stopped, I ran outside, not talk to anybody. I just went downstairs and went immediately to my boarding house. On my way to my boarding house, someone talked to me but I didn't answer. No voice came out from my mouth. All I remembered was a priest told that students to go out of the school building and proceed to the safe area. As in, I was like out of my mind. When I arrived in my boarding house, I saw my boardmates also scared of what had just happened. I didn't talk to them. I lied to my bed and tears fell down from my eyes. That was the only time, I let my fear out. As far as I remembered, that was the first earthquake that I was away from my family. How I wish I was there at that time hugging as my comfort so my fears would be lessen. It takes hours for me to okay. The earthquake attacked Maasin city three times. Isn't it scary? Whoa. Thank God, no harm done except the fears we felt inside.

We don't know what will happen next. What we have to do is to be prepared and calm down. Don't be rattled so that we will know what's the right thing to do. God bless everyone!!!