Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Accountancy Week 3

Saturday, July 21, 8 o'clock in the morning, JPIANs gathered again at the Gunfrida Covered Court for the continuation of the JPIA week. Our attendance is compulsory. It was ball games time. Basketball for boys and volleyball for girls. JPIANs were shouting because it was really exciting. We gave names to the players. Just for fun. We cheered for our teams. And it was the credit who won for the basketball and debit team for volleyball. I was a good fight for the both game. We can see that JPIANs has also the ability in sports not just in academics. It was proven by their performance during the game. After the game, We rest for awhile and then, just like the loyalty day celebration, we had attendance quick count. And, announcement of winners and champions came next.

We can felt the thrill during the activity. we were excited to know who the winners are. And here it goes, one of our instructor announced the winners. And it was the Credit team. Whoaaaaaaa. We lose. But, it was fine. We accept the result whole heartedly. What's important is we enjoyed. We had fun. It's our way of freeing ourselves from stress with our studies. Our instructor once said that we should give our time to what we do. Focus on one. When having school activities, focus on it. If it's time for class, pay attention to it and learn. That's what I realized. we shouldn't be serious all the time. All of us need time to have fun and unwind and that was what we did.

JPIANs, Good job to all of us! Hoping for another best next time! God bless!

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