Saturday, November 10, 2012


September 7, Friday, the final day of the celebration. half of this day was for the continuation of the unfinished games. Also, some students gathered at the Gunfrida Covered Court  for the searchfor the Videoke King and Queen and Dance Showdown. each team has already their own selected representatives for each category. As the event started, i could see students were having fun for there were representatives who sang bit funny. Representatives were not that singers. Although, they could sing. There is one who sang like drunk person. Hehehe. There were also serious in hitting the notes especially those high ones. Audience knew the result immediately since it was the videoke player who gave the scire. Judges are no need. The winners are from one team, the Redeemer. For the Dance Showdown, each team prepared their steps before the event. They were giving one minute each to execute their stunning moves. Audience were amaze and never fail to clap their hands for the dancers knew what they were doing. It was really entertaining. After the activity, I could see smile on everyone's faces as a sign that they were enjoying and were satisfied with what they have seen.

During afternoon, it thrilled everyone for it was the announcement of the over-all champion! Of course, we opened the celebration with a mass, it should be closed with the same. This is what Josephinians used to. After the mass, it was the moment everyone was waiting for-the announcement of the over-all champion. We could feel the excitement of everyone through their yells and cheers and obviously, both teams wanted to be proclaimed as winners.

WEWWWWW!!! Who would came out as winners? You're curious, right? Then, read my next entry! There, your curiosity will be answered.

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