Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fiesta 2012 (Part 1)

Month of June was over. It only means that our barangay fiesta was also over. It helds during the month of June, 70 days after the Holy Week as Sacred Heart of Jesus as our patron. Before this day come, evrybody is excited. Months before the event, they already think of what to prepare. Some raise their own pigs so they need not to buy in the market. And that's what we did. Whenever our mother pig give births piglets, we left two pigs andthe rest, we sell it. We offer it to our patron as a thanksgiving for the gift of piglets we had. My parents have been doing this for three consecutive years.

Days before the fiesta, people in our Barangay was curious about who will be coming home during fiesta. Fiesta is more fun when our neighbors, who are working abroad or local, will be coming home for a vacation during fiesta. In fact, they already bought tickets monts before the event. That's how excited they are to celebrate fiesta with us.

We're excited for the coming home of our neighbors, how much more if our relatives will be coming home. But, sad to say, they didn't make it because of the schedule of their work. I'm a little bit disappointed about it but I understood their situation. It's just that I'm longing and imagining for a more bonding with them. I would say that our fiesta was not that enjoyable compared to before. or I was not that enjoyed unlike last fiesta. Wanna know why? It's in my next entry...

GOD bless!

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