Friday, May 18, 2012

Graduation in College; the Beginning and the End

Again, another school year had passed. Another journey for every student. Some graduated. Some continue to their student life. Life is not that easy that we can get what we want. But, it's a matter of choice. It's a matter between whether you continue your studies and achieve your dreams or stop studying yet still achieving their dreams.

What we made is our choice. I salute those people who continue to strive the difficulties which would be met during school days. I salute those people who survive through all those years of hard times in school. Not all times were hard. There are also times which are good and really consider as unforgettable moments of our lives which could make mark in our hearts. Those times that we share with the people around us; people that we knew or people that we just met in our journey.

Graduation for me is just the beginning and the end. I consider this as an end of  those hard times making projects, sleepless night in studying for the exams and skipping bonding time with friends just to make the mountains of assignments. It is a beginning since in here, another journey is waiting for you. This journey could not be that easy. You can still meet many stones before you get the gold. During this time, you will experience sweating under the sun in looking for a job. Looking for a job is not that easy. Yet, one must be patient enough since it is part of the journey.

WEW! I really admire those students who survive through all difficulties. I salute them for being confident enough to achieve their goals. They all must be really strong that they survive the student journey. I congratulated you guys for the job well done. I'm wishing you good luck for the next chapter of your life. GOD bless!

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