Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Stand Regarding the Impeachment of Chief Justice Corona

If I would be asked regarding my stand towards the impeachment of the Chief justice, I would say, I am in favor for it. Before hearing the explainations of the senator about their decisions, my reason was this: Corona should be impeached since he is an alliance of the former Pres. Gloria Arroyo. Ohhhh yes! I am against Arroyo and so is my family. I am against because there were many issues about her related to corruption. That's why, I am against Corona.

Upon hearing the senator's decisions, my reason changed but my stand, NEVER. Senators were right. It is part of the law to declare all their properties to their SALN. Before they were hired, they already  knew the law regarding it. They already knew their obligations upon accepting the position. And I agree with the saying, NO ONE IS EXEMPTION IN THE LAW. It was a big mistake that Corona failed to disclose to the public his statement of assets, liabilities, and net worth. He already knew the law but he never followed it. A story of a barangay official made my stand be stonger. A Barangay official was impeached because he failed to declare his business in the market. Impeaching is practiced in low position so there's no reason to not practice it for Corona. During the deciding day, last May 29 of this year, even if I am in favor of Corona's impeachment, I pity him since he was hospitalized that time.His condition is not okay and the decision of the court really put him down. Yet, Conviction is what he deserved. If only he declared his properties, there would be no problem for him. He wouldn't undergone that kind of humiliation.

You? What's your stand? Hehehe.
GOD bless everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. There is too much emotions whenever there is a public trial in the Philippines. This has a negative influence on the execution of the law. The law should not be influenced by emotions.

    If crimes are proven, there is no room for pity just because someone is sick. Then he is guilty. If crimes are not proven, there is no room for liking or disliking, then he must be considered not guilty, even if you don't like it.

    Don't use emotions! Don't use opinions! My opinion does not matter because the law is like math: 1 + 1 = 2, no matter whether I like it or not. Proven crimes = guilty, unproven crimes = not guilty, no matter whether you like it or not. No emotions!
