Saturday, November 10, 2012


September 5, day 2, students woke up earlier in the morning so that they won't miss the AQC or the Attendance Quick Count. This is part of the scoring that's why students have to join this. And also, it is compulsory for them to have their attendance since it is one of the requirements for the signing of clearance. There's a corresponding punishment for those who got absent during the celebration. To avoid this, one must not get absent and have their attendance during AQC. Hehehe. The second day of the celebration started with a mass held at the Gunfrida Covered Court in which  parade  followed. While in the crowd, Even if the parade didn't started yet, you yould hear yellings and cheerings for each teams from Elementary department to college department. And you could see, despite the heat of the sun, teams never failed to catch attentions from people. Everyone portrayed well what they were participating to from gorgeous and charming muses, vigorous athletes to the robust cheerers who were dancing too while yelling all the way. And what the parade made extra spectacular? Of course, it was because of the family dance or what we call "Street Up Dance" participated by everyone. This is what pupil/students, teachers and staffs have been practicing days before this celebration. This only tells one thing, the cooperations among Josephinians.

After the parade, all were gathered back to the Gunfrida Covered court. An exhibition  from the High school Band was done and muses from different levels got to show off their beauty and appeal. To not prolong the agony of waiting for who would be the winners during the parade and for the muses, the winners was announced immediately. All were satisfied by the result and we must say that judges unquestionably have a fair judgement.

Day 1 and Day 2 are already exciting right? How mush more for the next days of events. For you to know, follow me as I narrate it on mt next entry...

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