Thursday, March 29, 2012

Earthquake in Maasin City

Month ago, Feb. 5, 2012, an earthquake attacked Maasin City which scared most of the Maasinhon. Days before that happened, there are been news about earthquake attacks somewhere in Tacloban which destroyed lots of properties. And that day, the earthquake ran to Maasin City.

In my whole life, I had experienced earthquake. I don't know how many times I had experienced it since I was a child. But, now that I'm big enough to remember the happenings, I have experienced the earthquake which really scared me. In fact, I cried. That time, I am in school for a computer class. I was in the fourth floor. We were doing activities for our computer subject that time. When we were almost done, we feel shaking. It was like we were dancing. My classmates were shouting and our instructor told us to shut up and relax. Whoa! I can see the computer monitors were shaking and my surroundings did. What I did was holding the table, lean my head on the table and just waiting when we would be fall to the ground. It took few minutes for the earthquake to stop. When it stopped, I ran outside, not talk to anybody. I just went downstairs and went immediately to my boarding house. On my way to my boarding house, someone talked to me but I didn't answer. No voice came out from my mouth. All I remembered was a priest told that students to go out of the school building and proceed to the safe area. As in, I was like out of my mind. When I arrived in my boarding house, I saw my boardmates also scared of what had just happened. I didn't talk to them. I lied to my bed and tears fell down from my eyes. That was the only time, I let my fear out. As far as I remembered, that was the first earthquake that I was away from my family. How I wish I was there at that time hugging as my comfort so my fears would be lessen. It takes hours for me to okay. The earthquake attacked Maasin city three times. Isn't it scary? Whoa. Thank God, no harm done except the fears we felt inside.

We don't know what will happen next. What we have to do is to be prepared and calm down. Don't be rattled so that we will know what's the right thing to do. God bless everyone!!!

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