Tuesday, April 10, 2012

During the Assessment Examination

As what I have understood about an assessment examination, it is a sort of survey if a student really learns about the lessons. Days before the examination, I was really nervous about this exam. I was afraid and have many worries. What if I will fail? What if I forgot the lesson? What I'm gonna do if I fail? It's  a shame for me. My nervous widen when a junior student that those who will fail, their names will be posted at the department bulletin. OMG. What if my name will be included on the post. Whoaaaaaaaaa.. It was really a stressful thought.

Days before it, I was already reviewing my lessons. I actually asked the boardmate is a year level ahead of me when I met some problems of studying. I really prepared for the exam yet still nervous. Hoooooo. In fact, I don't touch my cellphone the night before the exam so that I wouldn't be tempted for texting since, I admit, I am a texting addict. I tried not to hold it. What I did is to let my close boardmate hold and use it. It's my way of disciplining myself.

During the day of examination, i told myself to calm down. Yet, I was panic since I don't have white t-shirt. My sister didn't hear me to bring me a white t-shirt. we are required to wear white. All the examinees were required. Time is running. What I did is just borrowing from my boardmate which I not usually do. I'm not use to borrow things from my friends except for my close and best friends but what can I do, I'm running out of time. I came to school before the time with my hands shaking and sweating. I tried to look relaxing but seems I failed. 1Pm sharp, the exam started. There are three sets or type of examination: Worksheet, theory and problem. I find no difficulty yet I don't find it easy. Hehehe. It's in the middle. :p

Until now, it's more than one month, yet, we still don't know the result. Hmmmmmmmmmp. But, it's okay. Hehehe. I just hope I made it right. God bless!

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