Monday, May 21, 2012

My Feeling Towards Graduation Day 2

As I was saying, I was supposed to be graduated last March but unfortunately, I didn't. This is what makes me sad. Others may see me smiling but inside, it's hurting. Until now, I can't accept the fact that I was not one of the graduates. But what else I can do but to just accept it. It make take a long time but I know, I'll get there to the acceptance stage.

I always say I salute those who graduated this year. On the other hand, I envy them. Not a little but I envy them VERY MUCH. I envy them for they made their parents proud and happy. I envy them because they already get their diplomas. I envy them since they are on the stage of new journey. I envy them for they were out in school life. I envy them for they can earn their own money. I envy them for they will have already chance to return the goodness and sacrifices of their parents. I envy them because they can already help their parents financially.

 I have many reasons to get envy to them. All I can do is to get envy and relieving myself for the thought I can be one of them. On the other hand, I think that if only I follow my parents, I am one of them but I am afraid to regret since I don't want to entertain the fact that I regreted that I took up my dreamed course. I can't afford to think that I regreted nursing course. I was hoping I'll get what I want for my parents. Wish me luck! God bless.

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