Friday, September 14, 2012

Acquiantance Party

Last July 3, 6pm, we had our acquaintance party. When we say acquiantance, it means meeting new people, acquiant new people.  It's about making friendship. It's about familiarizing your neighbors or the people around you. When we heard about acquiantance party, disco lights with dancing people comes into our minds. Yeah right, this is how the party going.

During acquaintance party, students were grouped by department. In every department, tables had designs which makes the event a colorful one. Even if students were tired from the faith walk during that day, they still made it to the party.  Before the disco started, a short program was held where in every department prepared for their own presentations. There have been singing, dancing and acting talents which has the students shown and performed. Some was their first time in performing while some were used to it. Even if it was that way, I must say that my schoolmates were really talented. They really have used and treasured what God has given to them that they shared it to the people around them during that night. On the other hand, that party wasn't just for disco or just a party, it was held also for the departmental officers to take oath. Officers took oath by department lead by their Deans. During the event, shouts was present. Hehehe. A shout of appreciation. The program ended at about 10pm. Then, time for disco which the students had most awaited. PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! As the disco music played, students went to the dance floor and showed their different moves. They were sweating. They really grabbed the chance for having this event. It's once in a semester. How they wished it was every Friday. Hahahaha. Of course, not all students danced, there were students who are not fond of disco yet they just enjoyed by looking those dancing people. If you asked me where I belong, believe it or not, I was just sitting and watched my friends dancing and making grooves. It didn't mean I don't like disco. I love dancing. It's just that I don't feel to dance that time. I should e consider as killjoy that time. Hehehe. Even if that way, I still enjoy. I went home after awhile because I think of my class for the next day.

I must say, this year's acquiantance party was nothing different from the previous. It's still enjoyable. I must say, acquiantance would never be boring if you know how to get yourself in the event. Cooperation is important for you to enjoy a thing. With that, I met new friends from my department to the other department. Many were added to my list of friends and that is the most important, BEING FRIENDLY to everybody. GOD bless!!!

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