Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm Going Home to the Place where I belong (Part 2)

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it all, it starts here. The previous part is Going Home (Part 1). The next part is here.

Part 2: My first flight in a plane ever

When we arrived at the airport, I felt mixed emotions. I looked at the outside of the airport building. When we went out of the taxi, we got a baggage push cart. We saw people fell in line as they enter inside. It was a long line so I had the chance to cherish the moment by looking around. As we were in the line, my aunt told me what to do upon arriving in Cebu. She said I should not trust anybody there whom I don't know. As we entered through the door, I saw the big effort of the airport staff to secure the people’s safety. Many checks everywhere! My aunt pointed me to go to the people who fell in line for the check in counter and baggage weighting. My aunt didn't leave me until the ticket checks and weighting of the baggage was done. After that, I went to another counter to pay the terminal fee. Then, I followed the other passengers and passed through another check point, and finally arrived at the gate we were going to wait for our flight. There were many gates there: my plane was scheduled for gate 118. Near the gates are stores. There are many different things sold there, such as foods, magazines and other stuff. I imagined before what a gate would look like, but now I saw only long chairs, which was the waiting area. I smiled about myself. Hehehe!

As I was in the walkway going to the gate of my flight, I used the opportunity to look around in every corner of the airport. It was amazing. As I walked and walked, I finally saw a placard, hanging, with 118 written in there. At last, I was able to sit down after a long time of standing and walking. Yipee! As I sat there, I don't know what to do, either sleep or not. I was afraid that if I slept, I would miss my flight. So, instead, I started texting on the phone to my relatives and friends. I didn’t stop sending messages to them until my flight. I was happy texting since there was still someone awake. But by this, I didn't hear what the girl in the voice-over said. I was confused what to do. I saw people, who were sitting the same chair with me, stood up and went to the counter where tickets were to be presented again. To be on the safe side, I asked a woman of middle age what flight she was. Flight 5J-559 was her answer. Oooooh, it was the same flight with me so I went to the back of the last person in the line. I followed them until we were on the plane. I saw flight attendants, standing at the plane's door, saying "Welcome aboard Ma'am". This was when I realized that I would be able to ride an airplane. It was a dream come true to me. Yahooo! I went immediately to my seat which was 7F. It was on a window side. I sat there and look around inside the plane and told myself: "This is how the plane I saw on TV looks like" …

To be continued...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Catastrophy in Japan

I am sad and very worried about the historical disaster that currently happens in Japan. It is the coincidence of 4 catastrophies, each alone already with terrible impact, and we have all four happening at the same time. First, the Japanese experienced the probably biggest earthquake in human history. Next, there was the Tsunami which took probably thousands of people's life and destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes. Then there was a volcano eruption, and that would in normal days be a big news on TV, but nowadays it nearly disappears in the massive amount of other bad news from Japan. And finally, there is the dramatic failure of the nuclear powerplant, which, as of today, might become the biggest nuclear catastrophy since the invention of non-military use of nuclear energy.

The Philippines are far away from Japan and we are probably relatively safe. Not as safe as people in USA or Europe, still the distance between the Philippines and Japan is about 3000km (2000miles). But our own daily problems suddenly look small compared to what happens right now in Japan. And let's not forget the thousands of Filipinos who are currently working in Japan or are there in school as exchange students, and who are currently suffering from the situation in Japan. And last but not least, lets not forget the Japanese people themselves. They all need our prayer!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm Going Home to the Place Where I Belong

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it all, it starts here. The previous part is We Meet Again (Part3). The next part is here.

Part 1:

Knowing that my schedule for going home was already fixed for Feb. 16, I was so happy and excited at beginning of February. At last, I would be able to go home to my family whom I really missed so much. I couldn't wait to see and hug them as much as I could.

Feb. 15, on Thursday morning, I began packing my bags. I couldn't do all yet since my other clothes were still wet. So, I decided to continue in the afternoon. While waiting for my clothes to dry, I treasured the few hours while still being in Manila. I played with my nephew and niece. I went also to a small building called Guada Mall. It was just one ride away from my aunt's house in Makati. I walked around there, enjoying the time that I was still there, since what I could see here cannot be seen in Maasin. I was alone there and never noticed the time, and also didn't look at my phone which had many text messages from my aunt. As I looked at the time, it was already 7pm. I ran out the mall. I was in a hurry. I remember that I was still not done fixing my luggage. Hehehe! As I got in the house, I worked immediately on my things. I didn't eat dinner since I felt full even though I was not, maybe, because of my excitement to go home. After working on my bags, I tried to eat dinner. Still, I lost my appetite but I forced myself to eat, It was already 10pm. My flight was at 4:40am of Feb. 16. I still had more time to get ready or maybe to get some sleep. I needed to go to the airport 3 hours before my flight. Sadly, I couldn't sleep. I forced myself to sleep but I really couldn't. My aunt and cousins were already sleeping. I was just the only one who was awake. I stayed in the living room, looking at the hands of the clock turning around it, waiting for the time to come. I couldn't sleep because I was too much excited. I didn't stop thinking about what will happen during my arrival there in my hometown. I couldn't wait to go to the airport, fly and arrive.

Until the time came for us to go to the airport, I didn't have sleept even just for a single minute. My things were ready and I was also ready. I started already missing Manila. On our way to the airport, while riding on a taxi, I looked outside treasuring the moments that I was still there, grabbing the oppurtunity to see things which cannot be seen in Maasin. I just looked outside until I saw the printed name NAIA Terminal 3. This is it! This is really is is it! What happen to my flight? You will know it on my next blog.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Valentines Day

Valentines Day, this is people's most awaited event in a year especially to those lovers out there. It is also called Heart's day. This the day for love. Boyfriends give something special to their girlfriends, such as flowers and chocolates, or they will take them out on a special date.

For me, even if I don't have a lover to give me flowers or take me out on a date, it was not a cold Valentine since I have my relatives with me. Valentine is not only for lovers. It is for all. I usually celebrated valentines day with my family. I will always surprise my parents during this day. I wake up early in the morning and beg flowers from my neighbor and give those to my parents. A simple hug and Thank You are enough for me. I don't expect much in return. As long as I make them happy, I am also happy. If sometimes I don't have flowers to give to them, I get some amount from my coin bank and buy something special for them. Sometimes, when my friends saw me holding some Valentine stuff, they teased me, about an imaginary boyfriend. Hahaha! I just smile at them if they only knew that it was for my parents.

If you gonna ask me if I already experience receiving something from someone during Valentines day, my answer would be YES. I received three red roses with his name written in a tag. He was the man who courted me. He went into our house despite the big rains and gave me the flowers. He had my cousins with him. I was really surprised. I never expected it. Even if I don't fell something special for him, I'm so thankful to him because for giving me that three red roses, I felt very special. I'm so flattered thinking that he came into our house just to gave me that and never mind the rain. I love him but a love which is just for a friend. I just don't want to to be unfair with him. I know it hurts but it was just for the better. I don't want to give him hope. Now, we're friends but not close. We just smile to each other whenever we met. The flowers are still with me. I put them on my treasure box. I keep them not because I love the one who gave it but because it was special for me. Special not because of that man but because of the effort of making me special. If thought, that was the first time and last time until now. I'm looking forward that it will happen again. But, of course, it will be with the man I love. Hehehe.

Even if I'm single, I'm still happy during the Valentines day celebration. I have my relatives with me and my family in the province whom I know love me very much. There's no reason for me to be lonely on that special day knowing that I'm so loved and I love them back. At the same time, while enjoying my life being single, I'm still hoping for the coming of the right guy for me who will love me for who I am. God Bless. BELATED HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We Meet Again

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it all, it starts here. The previous part is We Meet Again (Part2). The next part is here.

Part 3

I really got headache on that morning of Feb. 13. I was just lying on the bed and tired of waking up. As if my head will fall down if I stood. I got a terrible hang over. I wanted to drink and drink cold water that time. With this heavy head, I was worried about what my friends and  I agreed which is to meet at SM Mall of Asia (MOA) at around 3pm. Since I was not feeling well, I went back to sleep and just set the alarm on my phone to wake me up before the agreed time. It was 2pm and the alarm ring, but, I didn't wake up. It was my cousin who woke me up and reminded me of my appointment with my friends. I stood up quickly and went to the bathroom immediately. I took a bath for 5 minutes. I was just in a hurry. My normal time for taking a bath is is more than 30 minutes. I was done preparing for myself in about 20 minutes. I was ready to go. The problem was that my aunt was not around. I didn't want to go out without letting her know that I'm going. I had asked her permission for the past night. It is in our Filipino tradition to let our elders know that we are leaving before we go to our destinations. I searched for her and luckily, I found her at her neighbor's house. After informing her about my plans, I went immediately to my destination. It was clear to me that I was late, but at least, I was able to make it, meeting up with them. I receive many text messages from them. They were already at our meeting place. For me to arrive there, I had to ride in a jeepney, then MRT and jeepney again. My friends met me at the MRT station since I didn't know the right way to MOA.

As we met, we hugged. Hehehe! We rode a jeepney and started our conversation there using our dialect which is Cebuano. People who were also there in the jeepney looked at us, maybe they wonder what we werte talking about. Hahahaha. We didn't mind the people around us, the important was, we talked about many things until we arrived at SM. We continue our conversations. We roamed around inside and outside the mall. We took pictures as if there were no other people around us. We also shopped for clothes that we liked, but of course only those affordable ones. Upon strolling, we became hungry. We ate at the Chowking food chain. We continue talking about our different experiences, in particular our lovelifes. We shared secrets to each other which I found most interesting of all that we do. Hehehe, you want to know which secrets about our lovelifes? I won't tell, otherwise it would no longer be a secret!

I found it enjoyable. We never noticed the time. It was already 8pm. It was time for us to go home. We rode a bus on our way home. Thinking about that it would be the last time to see them before I leave Manila, I felt sad and already miss them. And endless thanks to them for making my vacation so enjoyable and unforgettable! They told me that they will take a vacation in the province this coming summer. Thinking about that, it excites me. I'm looking forward to what will be our experiences together in the province this summer!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Good Things (We Meet Again Part 2)

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it all, it starts here. The previous part is We meet again (Part1). The next part is here.

On Feb. 2, 2011 it became clear that I would go home on Feb. 16. I booked a plane for that day. Knowing the date, I thought of arranging my remaining time. I had so many things to do before leaving Manila. First, I needed to stay in Laguna for a week with my cousin at their house since my aunt went to Manila for work. Second was to bond with my cousins in Makati city. Third was to go to SM Mall of Asia where I wouldn't been during my first vacation here. And lastly was to see my friends again which was on Feb. 13. While waiting for this day to come, there were much good things happening to me.

The main reason why I agreed to stay in Laguna for a week was to bond with my cousin. There were no other time to make it but within that week. Great, I made it. I got bond with her. We made lots of conversation. She told me stories about her lovelife and the other stupid things she did. She also taught me how to play cards. I only mastered a little what they called Pusoy Dos. It was just for fun. When we got bored, we watched movies. The two movies we loved were "One More Chance" and "My Amnesia Girl". We watched these two for the whole week every day. We never got tired watching it. On my last day, Feb. 11, we decided to sleep late. We watched the movie again and got my hair colored from red brown to black. Hehehe! You may find all this boring but it wasn't for us. On Feb. 12, we left the house together since they were going to Palawan together with my aunt (her mother), her boyfriend and her boyfriend's family. As we went separate ways, I felt like missing them. That would be the last time I would be able to see them before I go home. From Laguna, I travelled to Makati city alone. I found it scary and at the same time, exciting. Scary because I was afraid to be lost and exciting since I would be able to prove to myself that I can travel alone to an unfamiliar place. Gladly, I made it. I really made it. Yahoooo! When I arrived in Makati, at around noon, my aunt prepared many diffrent foods. Oooooh, it was my cousin's daughter 3rd birthday. What a great timing! Hehehe. After we ate, we did videoke and my cousin bought some drinks (San Mig light). That was in the afternoon until night so I got a little bit drunk. It's okay since what's important is we enjoyed. We had fun. When I woke up in the morning of Feb. 13, my head was aching. Ouch! Hang over. Hehehehe. I was not feeling well. That day was that day I was supposed to meet my friends again. Will I be able to meet them in my situation? Find it out on my next blog entry.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We Meet Again

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it all, it starts here. The previous part is 2 Month in Manila. The next part is here.

Part 1

Time passed, we've grown. It's been years since I played children games outside with my neighbor of the same age. Now, I miss that moment. As we grew up, we parted ways. We needed to continue with our lives on separate ways. My playmates went to Manila to continue their studies. I was left in the province. It's sad but we have to accept it. We have to go on with our lives. Even if we are far from each other, we never miss to communicate. If not through cellphone, it's by social network sites such as facebook or friendster.

It was Dec. 21, 2010 when I decided to meet my childhood friends. I planned to go to their house. Since I don't know where it is located, I contacted my elementary school classmate who happened to be their cousin and asked him to accompany me there. Gladly, he agreed. It was exciting for me to see them again after a long period of time. I woke up early in the morning of that day because I needed to go with my aunt and cousin to PGH (Philippine General Hospital) for my cousin's eye check up and my friend just picked me up there. At around 9am, we met and we went immediately to our destination. We rode an LRT (until EDSA station), then rode an MRT (until Shaw station) and then jeepney. We walked for about 5 minutes and finally, we arrived. At first, I was shy. But then, we had fun together my shyness faded and felt at home. They asked me about many things especially about our place on how people are there doing. While having conversation, we felt hungry, so we ate. While eating, we agreed to go to the mall (SM Sta. Mesa). After we ate, we rest for  few minutes and then go, mall escapade time. Hehehehe! We roamed around the mall while continuing talking. We reminisced the things we did during our childhood. We can still remember the time we were outside playing games under the rain, swim in the river and went to mountain to fly a kite or make a slide riding on the branch of the coconut. We laughed a lot, remembering our childhood, so that people who were also there stared at us. Hehehe!

Because of our enjoyment, we never notice the time. It was already evening. The time we spent was not enough so I promised to them that before I go home to the province, I will see them again. My friend accompanied me back to my aunt's house. He never left me until I entered the house. We came home late since we were lost for about an hour. It was scary but we made it into the house. Thank God, we came home safe. It was really a great day for me. Upon seeing them, my stay in Manila was half way completed.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Living in Manila for Two Months

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it all, it starts here. The previous part is New Year Celebration. The next part is here.

Living in Manila for two months was not that easy for me. Of course, enjoyment was there but being lonely and missed my family was inevitable. And it made me sad. While being away from them, I did realize su much about my life, which could turn me into a better person, maybe.

While in Manila, there were times that I enjoyed but there were also times that I was lonely, in particular the times when I was left alone in the house. Doing nothing made me thinking of many things. I remembered all the good and bad times that happened in my life. I thought of all the things I've done, and I remembered mostly the bad things. Sometimes, while thinking of this, teardrops fell down from eyes. I regret very much. I felt sorry for when I had done something bad. I think of doing something that will make that up. Even if I could not turn back the time but, well, at least, I'll do things that will cover the hole I made through doing undesirable things. On the other hand, while strolling around the place (Manila), I realized that even if we're not rich, at least our parents were able to provide us a house to live, clothes to wear, food to eat, and other things we need, especially our schooling. I'm so lucky compared to those people I saw, people who live on the street. Maybe, they grew up living on the street. I saw families there. I saw children crying; maybe they were hungry. I saw also mothers breastfeeding their babies at the side of the street. I saw fathers begging money from people they met while carrying their children. Some just looked for food from the trash can. While witnessing this, I realized that I should be glad with what I have now. Our family maybe met and will meet difficulties (for instance financially, but, well, at least, our parents don't let us to live and grow in the street). Life is not that convinient and because of its inconveniency, some people did undesirable things like stealing or snatching or whatever. I don't believe that all who are imprisoned are bad. There are also good. It is just that their situation pushes them to do such bad things. But, there are also people who had no work because of laziness and who choose to do such things to provide their vices.

I really thank God for giving me such wonderful parents who are ever loving. I thank my parents for raising us well. You never left us in difficulties. You are so supportive. You gave us what we need, especially your love and care. Thank you very much  Mama and Papa. Letting me go in Manila is a gift for me. It lets me realize more how lucky I am in the world for having parents like you. I love you so much! God bless!