Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Traveling to Manila Part 1

Traveling to different places is what I dreamed of. I really love to travel. I love to visit and explore different places around the world especially in the Philippines. But, in my case, traveling is never that easy for me. It is because of my travel sick (vomit and dizzy).

Going here in Manila was not a convenient for me since it takes more than 24 hours of traveling. Being an out-of-school-youth, it was really my plan to go here in Manila for various reasons. First, I want to visit my relatives whom I have never seen for the past four years. Oh, it's already four years since the last time I came to here. That was my first time to be here. It was also my very first long trip. Second reason is that I wanted to see a new environment. But, it doesn't mean that I'm tired of being in Maasin. I will never get tired of my hometown. It is just that I wanted to refresh myself with new surroundings. The last and the main reason why I came here is that I wanted to learn being away from my parents. I admit that I'm a parent's girl. I was dependent to them. I can't take the time being away from them. I always want to be with them. When I was away from them, I often missed my parents very much. But when I slept in Maasin, I never missed them. Maybe because, I know they were just near from where I am. We're still in the town, a small town. I can go home anytime I want whenever I miss them. Going to Manila gave me the idea that I can make it being away from them that I will never miss my parents even if I will be away for a long time. Wanna know if I miss them being not on their side for a month or more than a month? You'll gonna find it out on my following blog entries. Hehehe!

On the day I decided to temporarily stop my studies, I promised to myself that I will go to Manila before I will go back to school again. I planned to spend my whole time as an out-of-school-youth here in Manila and just go back for the enrolment of the next college classes. But that didn't happen since my parents didn't give me permission to go.

If you want to continue reading about my experiences in Manila, the next part of my trip story is here.

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