Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Living in Manila for Two Months

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it all, it starts here. The previous part is New Year Celebration. The next part is here.

Living in Manila for two months was not that easy for me. Of course, enjoyment was there but being lonely and missed my family was inevitable. And it made me sad. While being away from them, I did realize su much about my life, which could turn me into a better person, maybe.

While in Manila, there were times that I enjoyed but there were also times that I was lonely, in particular the times when I was left alone in the house. Doing nothing made me thinking of many things. I remembered all the good and bad times that happened in my life. I thought of all the things I've done, and I remembered mostly the bad things. Sometimes, while thinking of this, teardrops fell down from eyes. I regret very much. I felt sorry for when I had done something bad. I think of doing something that will make that up. Even if I could not turn back the time but, well, at least, I'll do things that will cover the hole I made through doing undesirable things. On the other hand, while strolling around the place (Manila), I realized that even if we're not rich, at least our parents were able to provide us a house to live, clothes to wear, food to eat, and other things we need, especially our schooling. I'm so lucky compared to those people I saw, people who live on the street. Maybe, they grew up living on the street. I saw families there. I saw children crying; maybe they were hungry. I saw also mothers breastfeeding their babies at the side of the street. I saw fathers begging money from people they met while carrying their children. Some just looked for food from the trash can. While witnessing this, I realized that I should be glad with what I have now. Our family maybe met and will meet difficulties (for instance financially, but, well, at least, our parents don't let us to live and grow in the street). Life is not that convinient and because of its inconveniency, some people did undesirable things like stealing or snatching or whatever. I don't believe that all who are imprisoned are bad. There are also good. It is just that their situation pushes them to do such bad things. But, there are also people who had no work because of laziness and who choose to do such things to provide their vices.

I really thank God for giving me such wonderful parents who are ever loving. I thank my parents for raising us well. You never left us in difficulties. You are so supportive. You gave us what we need, especially your love and care. Thank you very much  Mama and Papa. Letting me go in Manila is a gift for me. It lets me realize more how lucky I am in the world for having parents like you. I love you so much! God bless!

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