Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mother's Day

Who fed me from her gentle breast
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?
My Mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My mother.

Mother's day is annually celebrated by all countries in the world to honor our mother. But, here in the Philippines, it was celebrated during second Sunday of the month of May. It is an important occasion to pay tributes to the person who unlimitedly takes good care of us, the person who knows no boundaries in showing her love and a person who always does everything just to keep her children safe and happy. And I'm talking about no other than our mother.

Families have different ways in celebrating this important event in their lives. Some families treat their mother to a dinner out or shopping in the mall, spend time together in the park or have swimming in the beach. Some also treat their mother to a make-over like retouch, spa and body massage. some also just stayed at their home doing mother's daily routine like cleaning the house, wash the dishes and other things that is done by our mothers. They treat their mother as a Queen on that day.

Me,I didn't do all of that. I had my simple way of celebrating or thanking my mother for all the things she did to me. Being kind to her everyday and didn't give any problems to her is my way of showing my gratitude to her for taking good care of from the time I was still in her womb until now. I may not have have money to treat her anywhere or to buy her anything. All I can do is to be a good daughter to her as I can. She has no day off. She has no pay in taking good care for her family. But, we never heard any protest from her. I love my mother. What I am now, I owe it all to her. I can never be who I am now without her. There's nothing I can do to equate the things, the sacrifices you have done for us but to be a good child to you. This is all I can do. I can say that, even if we are not that rich, I am the luckiest for having a mother like mine.

Mother's day is our chance to show our love back to our mother. We should never miss this opportunity for us. One day is much enough for them since they never ask anything from us in caring and loving us. But the best way to show that we love them is to tell them every day that you love them. Be a good child to them. Let's not wait for a mother's day to come to show our love and care for our mother. Every day for me is a mother's day. and most importantly, let's pay tribute to the mother of all, The Blessed Virgin Mary. Happy mother's day Mama Mary! Happy mother's day to all mothers out there especially to my mother, Fe Alico! I love you, Mama!

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