Saturday, June 4, 2011

Activities in speech 11

At the beginning of our speech class, our professor gave us set of schedules which should be done during our class. This schedule helped us to prepare for the activities in the coming days. It made us to be ready and not experience cramming. Upon having this schedule, still, we experienced cramming. Honestly, it is because of our habit that, when we have time, we won't work for school until last minute. Because of this, we always had cramming on our activities. One of the activities is the interpretative dance. We ought to sing a song and interpret it. We already chose a song to be sang but we never practiced on it. My partner knew the song and me, I knew only the chorus. We practiced our interpretative dance the day it should be presented. We only had one hour left to practice. I just saved the song to my MP3 and listened and listened into it with a printed copy of it in my hand. We divided the part of the lyrics so it would be easy for me to memorize my part. We just sang it together if it is in its chorus. For our interpretation also, we only used our hands. We practiced and practiced until it was time to present. Upon witnessing the performance of my classmates before us, I can say that me and my partner were better than them. And when it's our turn, we performed on our best. We didn't do any mistake on our part and we pronounced the words correctly. It was just that we were out of tune sometimes since we are not that good singers. Hehehe!

Next activity was to present a commercial. Like the last activity, we experienced cramming. The good thing was we didn't have anything to memorize. We just had to say what we wanted to say, but of course we should use English and it should be related to the product we advertise. I found it funny and interesting. Some of my classmates did their part seriously while some made their commercial into a little bit of comedy.

For the last three remaining days of our summer class, we had three consecutive activities. One activity for each day. The first activity, it was word drill. We ought to read words correctly, correct pronunciation. I got only 52 points out of 60. I found it difficult since there were some words that I never had heard before. I was confused how to read it. I just guessed their right pronunciations. For the second activity, it was a sentence drill.We should read the sentence in correct pronunciation of its words and right intonation. That was even more difficult, and I got only 49 out of 60. For the last activity, it was tongue twister. Honestly, I'm not good at it that I practiced very hard. I got 45 out of 50. Even if I didn't get the perfect score, I'm satisfied with what I got because I passed. And compared to my classmates, I got high scores.

God bless us all!

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