Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fe say goodbye to VSU

Being in VSU for about two months, it is one of the greatest experiences I should save in my memory box. It couldn't be erased from my mind unless I will get amnesia. Hahahaha! I had so much fun there not because of the place but because of the people there. If you want to picture out about this school, just imagine a mountain with buildings that are apart from each other. Students and staff there were so kind that your tiredness would fade when you will see all their smiling faces. I can say that studying there could be tiring in a way that the rooms are far from each other and lots of mountaing climbing is needed to reach the rooms. But, if you were in the class, you wouldn't regret that you enter this school since professors there are highly competent. This is just my opinion. It was based on what I have observed during my stay there. People there were simple in a way that they enter to class wearing slippers. It was my first time to experience it. I amazed me since I was not used into it from SJC. The school, where I came  from, Saint Joseph College, prohibited wearing slippers and shorts when we enter into the school. There in VSU, you can wear any types of clothes you want. But, there are some who wear their uniforms.

You know what? Now, I miss VSU. I miss going to the market to buy foods every night. I also miss going to Baybay proper with my roommates just to eat halo-halo in a food chain there. I miss the bell ringing to wake us up for cleaning. I miss climbing a long way up to attend classes. I miss the big dormitory where I lived. I miss my roommates whom accompanied me throughout my living there. I also miss my classmates especially my classmate named Alyssa who was always there with me to guide me, who gave me orientation about the way people in VSU lived and about the school and who is now one of my best friends. She is the one who was always my partner in every activity we had. She helped me in every difficulty I encountered during my stay there. I missed everything about that school. Goodbye VSU! I thank this school very much! More power to the school! May you continue being good in feeding knowledge to your students more like what you have nourished to me! GBU!

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