Saturday, June 25, 2011

Experiences at VSU

While studying at VSU (Visaya State University) for the summer class, I experienced many things that I want to share with you. Experiences that I will never forget! Some of these are memorable to me since I've done it for the first time. And also, there are experiences that molds me into good. I was able to share experiences with different lives of people that I just met or people that accompanied me throughout the summer class.

The first experience was to wake up early, everyday in the early morning, around 5am, just to clean the area which was assigned to us. Every room got an area to clean. As far as I remember, I've done this for the first time. Honestly, I hate to wake up early, but I had no choice but to follow it. It was part of the dormitory's rules and regulations so I was oblige to do it. If someone violated it, fines were expected. These kinds of routine helped the students to follow rules, and in addition it trained students for some household chores. Doing it for about two months, it helped me to changed a little bit since as of now, I was able to clean our house which I never did before. Before, I gave all the responsibilities to my elder sister. This doesn't mean that I didn't do any chores in our home, it's just that I don't like cleaning that is why I didn't care much to do it. But now, I already consider cleaning as part of the weekly routine.

Another experience was that I was able to study and live alone and away from my place. I had to budget my allowance every week which I've never done before. I made sure that it would be enough for the whole week without experiencing money shortage. It was also my first time to enter into a school without someone that I knew already, someone that could be my company when looking for a rooms. Unlike my previous school where I have many friends already, in VSU, I didn't know even a single person. But I was able to cope with it since people there were so friendly and accommodating. Thanks to them!

Also, it was at VSU that I saw some animals that always wanted to see: sheep, ostrich and deer. I saw them for the first time. Hopefully I will see more other animals one day. My roommates toured me to some area of VSU which I haven't seen before. One day is not enough to roam around all over the school, as they said, since it was a big school. In fact, when I was there, I haven't gone to all places of it, maybe only half of it.

Being with different people, it's like sharing our life story. I found it interesting since we were talking about our pasts, good or bad. And there is one story which touched my heart. It was about the past of one of my roommate. She have gone many difficulties. She experienced to be one of those street children who beg from people they met. She was able to sleep in the street. She went through many difficulties. If I was in her situation that time, I don't think I would have survived from all of that. I praise her courage and strengths in striving those trials she met. Knowing her past, I can say that I'm so lucky where I am now. Even if we are poor, I know that some dreamed to be in my situation. Now, the roommate I talked about took a nursing course. I think she lived in one of bahay-ampunan (orphanage) in Tacloban city. An Australian supported her studies. I wish her all the best and lots of success! God Bless all!

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