Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Baby Cotton, My Pet

Having a dog pet is what I wanted. I get envy when I saw someone strolling or taking pictures with their pet. With that, I can say to myself how I wish I have a dog pet. But, it was impossible since dog with high breeds are expensive. I can't afford.

Honestly, I never like animals that past. It takes time. In fact, we have dogs in our house. They were just at the outside our house as what we trained them. They don't allow to enter the house. When it comes to giving them food, you can't count on me to that. I never gave them food by myself. i actually tell to my parents or sisters to not command me in giving food to dogs because I don't like. This attitude of mine changed when I my elder sister brought a puppy from my uncle's house. The first time I saw, wow, it change my views. I feel like taking care of it. And yeah, that's what I did. I take care of it. I even ask my parents that time to let the dog stay inside the house. They were surprised with what I'm asking for. They were even more surprised when I was so caring to the dog. I always carry it. I even want it to sleep with me but my parents won't let me. It was the limitation. I am the one who gave it a bath. In fact, in food, i personally take it over. I also gave food to the two dogs outside. And this is weird, I even clean my dogs' waste. My parents and sister asking what's with the dog that made me change. Hehehe. I really love my dog. Every time I am away from him, I missed him. Whenever i'm lonely, I find comfort in every sweet moves he did to me. I find it cute. Even if he is not a dog with a high breed, I don't care. What I care for is he's with me.

Cotton is the name of our dog. I usually call him Cottonio Acasio Alico. His nickname is Ton2x. I consider him as my brother. I let him recognize me as his "ATE", also my sister and my parents are her parents. Hahaha. That's the way I want it. You may find it really weird but fun for me.

GBU. TC! :)

One of My Dream Eversince

Dream! When we talk about dream, I have many to share. One of it is to attend and join the Sinulog festival celebration in Cebu. Who never wants to attend Sinulog? I guess, no one. It was everybody's dream or if not a dream, a goal.

During my elementary years, I always watch the Sinulog festival broadcasting on TV together with my parents. As I watched, I got amazed. I was amazed by its colorful, fun and religious celebration. With that I end up with a question on my mind. When will I be able to be there and join the celebration. I never missed to watch it on TV, if I did, maybe there would be a valid reason. I want to attend for many reason. One is many artists/celebrities will come. Another is, it was so enjoyable as what my friends is. Your expense there and tiredness are all worth it. You will never regret if you go there, said by them. With this, I get excited. Third and the last reason is to attend mass and see myself the statue of Sto. Nino. I want to be the one who will share my visit there and not just a listener. I really want to go there but the chances never let me. It was my parents who never allow me to go there by myself. I should have a company who is trustworthy, not just my friends. I understand what they were trying to say. It's not that my friends are not trustworthy. The company I'm talking about is someone who is about their age. They are also afraid that I will get lost there. I get disappointed every time they didn't permit me but, in the end, I understand. They were just protecting and concern about me as their daughter. I'll just wait for the time of their permission.

I'm hoping to attend next year. Hope so. I really hope. If not, there's always a next time. Sinulog will wait for me so am I for the chance.

Pit Senior!!!


Foreigners keep on visiting our country, Philippines. It's because we have lots to offer. First, we have beautiful and mostly natural tourist spots. Another is we have citizens that are hospitable and friendly to everybody. Lastly, the festivity. We have fiestas that cannot be compared to any country. We have unique festivals which reflects different cultures we have and described what place you are in. Also, it just shows how religious we are Filipinos.

Talking about festival, we have many to show. one of our country's biggest festival is the Sinulog in Cebu. It was held during third Sunday of the month of January. This commemorates Filipino's pagan origin, and the acceptance of Roman Catholicism. Not only Cebu celebrates Sinulog, Maasin City, So. Leyte and Balingasag, Misamis Oriental do. This is to honor Senior Sto. Nino. Usually, it features street parade, sea parade with boats full of flowers and candles and a Sinulog dance. Filipinos from different places don't mind the distance they would go as long as they could celebrate Sinulog with Cebuanos and other Filipinos. Some even came from abroad. They went home with the intention of joining Sinulog celebration. As what I always seen on TV, crowds is really present. It was a long distance of walking since vehicles can't pass the way anymore because of the crowd. Despite the rains or heat of the sun, they take it for granted for them to feel the real essence of Sinulog.

It's maybe everybody's wish to attend Sinulog Festival. No wonder why many love to go. Imagining about it, one will get excited and looking forward to attending festival like this. What a great event we had. A really tourist catching festival.


Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 for me!!!

Well, as I was saying, 2013 is still a puzzle that needs to be solved. I don't have any idea what this year has to offer for me. Does it offer happiness or sadness. I really don't know.

Hmmmmp. As we are on its first quarter, I can say at the beginning, 2013 is a great year for me. It's all because we are happy and intact as we welcome the year. But, as it passed by, I can say, 2013 is a sadder year for me compare to 2012. It's all because I lost someone who is so important to me. It was my grandfather(father's side). It really hurts me knowing that I have already no grandfather at all. Whoa! I envy those who have. It hurts me to see my father crying because he's losing her brother 8 years ago and now, he's losing his father. But, what hurts me more is knowing that my dream for my grandfather will never be happen. How can I pursue that dream when he's gone. Me and my ate have our plans when we have stable to job to treat our grandparents(father's side) since they are all we have and also to thank them for bringing our father to us. It made me sad. Only to realize I still have one grandparent, my grandmother. I'm praying that God will give us enough time so we can fufill what we dreamed for our grandparent. I'm hoping. Losing my grandfather is really hard but, knowing that he's with God, it makes me feel okay a little bit.

That is why 2013 is not that good for me. But, I'm looking forward for many things to come. Hope it will be for the better. God bless!


Since 2012 has ended, another year replaced its throne. 2012 gave us tragic, amazing, saddle and happy moments we surely never forget. As it ends, our life ain't end. 2012's ending open the portals to another life. Another life, another journey. Another journey, another YEAR. It's 2013.

2013 seems a mystery to all of us. We don't know what it has to offer. Does it like 2012 which gave us so much happiness, at the same time, tragic moment. Well, we don't know what we'll come. It's a big surprise for us. 2013 is a puzzle. We are the player who will complete broken pieces to become a picture. The picture I meant is life. Everyday is a broken piece of 2013 we have to take. There maybe chances of taking risk or taking it easy. It's up to us, really up to us.

Now, we're still on its first quarter. And, there already been many things happen to us. It took us down or up. 2013 is a big question. But, only us can answer it. This year depends on us in a way we handle things that came, come and will come to us to make 2013 a meaningful and unforgettable one. Let's just exert effort and lift it all up to the Lord.

GOD bless!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reasons Behind My Wishes 2

7. Gift for myself. :)
#My parents can't sometimes give me gift. They can't buy sometimes what I want especially those expensive ones. And, I understand that. I understand the situation that's why last Christmas, I'm preparing gift for myself, too. It was a shirt which I dreamed to have since I was a kid. It's a T-shirt for boys. I'm not boyish but I just want to have a shirt like boys do. Hehehe. I don't care if it's the only one I have as long as I have one. :p

8. Family Gathering. :)
#From the very beginning, I always mentioned about my like to have a family gathering always. It's the simple thing I want in life and I want to happen always. I love my family and relatives that's why I love being with them always. It happened last Christmas and I want it to happen again and again. I will never get used to it. :)

9. Make my parents happy. :)
#I admit that not all the time I can make my parents happy. I also make them worries and difficulties. But, as long as I can see them happy because of me, I can say that I'm not that totally bad. That's why I'm wishing for it. That I can be corrected for the things I did that make them sad.

10. Pass the qualifying exam....
#Qualifying exam is fast approaching. It will be on March 23. Being an accountancy student depends on this exam. If I pass, I can continue my studies as an accountancy student and if I didn't make it, I can no longer proceed to third year. It's the rule, school policy. That's why I'm hoping I can pass so that I can proceed to third as an Accountancy student and this would surely make my parents happy.

11. iPad, DSLR Camera and trip out of town with family. :(
#These are the material things I wanted. I know its difficult to have but still, I'm wishing. These are few of my inspiration to finish my studies. These motivates me to strive harder. I will have this not too soon but at least, there is a soon. :)

12. Good lovelife. :(
#I wish to have a good lovelife. I never experienced it that's why I'm wishing for it. :)

GOD bless!!!

Reasons Behind My Wishes 1

1. Good Health for my family and the people I love. :)
#Yeah! It happened and I hope it will happen every second. Nothing is more important than the health of those people I love especially my family. It is one of the content in my prayers, good health for them. We are not rich. Their health is what I consider wealth I have. It breaks my heart whenever they felt sick or what. I want them to be always healthy and do whatever they want. :)

2. United family.
#None of us here wishes to have a broken family. Of course, all of us dreamed to have a complete and united family. Simple as that.

3. Good relationship with my family, relatives, friends and people in my surroundings. :) :(
#Good environment stats with good relationship with the people in our lives. So, that's what I'm wishing for. Misunderstanding is inevitable. But, as long as you know how to handle it, you will have good environment. I don't want to have enemies. I want to loved everybody and be loved by them.

4. School. :)
#Being sent to school, nowadays, is really difficult especially that tuition fee is raising. Parents find it hard to send their sons/daughters to school especially those who have low source of income like my parents. That's why I included it to my wishes. To finished my studies and earn a degree. Education is really important to me. It's the only thing my parents can leave to me. If I finish my studies, my parents can say they are fulfilled.

5. Gifts for Mama, Papa and Ate. :)
#Giving gifts to them is the least thing I can to. Even if its price is cheap as long as it came from my heart, I'm happy to give it to them. Last Christmas, I can say that my gift is really worth it. It was the helmet for my father. Its very usable. Its the only gift I consider among the rest as the best one. A kiss from them make me feel that they appreciated my efforts in giving gift to them, cheap or expensive, big or small.

6. Good friends :)
#Everyone of us wishes ti have friends, good friends, actually. Friemds that you can call when you are in need, friends you can laugh with, friends you can cry with, friends who scold like a Dad, care like a Mom, teases like a Sister and irritates like a Brother. And I must say, I have them all. I'm so grateful.

Last Christmas Wishes

Did my wishes last Christmas came true?

I know Christmas is already over. In fact, it's been two months ago since we celebrated it. Just want to talk about my Christmas wish. Allow me, please!

If others have there 12 gifts, mine is 12 wishes for Christmas.

In every wishes I had, I will put smiley :) if it happened and :( if it didn't.

Here's my wish list:

1. Good Health for my family and people I love :)
2. United Family :)
3.Good relationship with family, relatives, friends and people in my surroundings :) :(
4. School :)
5. Gifts for my Mama, Papa and Ate. :)
6. Good friends :)
7. Family Gathering :)
8. Make my parents happy :)
9. Pass the qualifying exam...
10. Gift for myself :)
11. Ipad and DSLR Camera, Trip out of town with family :(
12. Good lovelife :(

Above are my Christmas wishees. You judge if it came true or not...

Best of 2012 for Filipinos especially Roman Catholic

Nothing is the best for Filipinos especially Roman Catholic than knowing we have a saint that is a Filipino. That is Lorenzo Ruiz. It gave pride to Filipinos especially those Catholic ones. It boost our pride as we had a Filipino saint who is known to almost all. He could be the representative for Filipinos.

Added to our pride was when another Filipino who became a saint just before 2012 ended up. It was Pedro Calungsod. After being canonized for 40 years, at last, he became a Saint. He was from Cebu. He stood for his faith to the Lord that made him suffered and died. He deserves to be idolized by many. After the declaration of being a saint, before the statue of Saint Pedro Calungsod brought back to its home somewhere in Cebu, He was being brought to 30 cities/towns in the Philippines. It let the Filipino see the newly proclaimed saint. Maasin City is one of those cities/towns.

Yehey!!! We already had two saints, two Filipino saints. How proud I am to become a Filipino. How proud I am to be a Roman Catholic. God bless!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

2012's Best Through Bad Times

What I have mentioned earlier were the bad times that the Filipinos were going through. Yet, as days passed by, seems like we have moved on for what had happened. Our country encountered so many trials. There are many instances that drags our country down.

Even though that happened, we are still here right now standing and surviving. Even though were on our downest and seems like there's no more hope for us, Filipinos unity take us high. In every trials we had, we never forgot to help those who are in need. As what is featured on television, we can see that even those victims lost their homes and their loved ones, still they managed to smile. This is because, other Filipinos helped them and showed their support to them. They let the victims feel that they were not alone. They were there to provide and support what they need. Some Filipinos went there to show support and brought relief goods for the victim. Going there alone despite the difficult transportation alone is enough to let the victims feel that there's still hope for all of them. All is willing to help for the sake of everybody.

And That's what makes it best through bad times. Those hard times we encountered keep us closer together. This keeps us UNITED and that's more important than anything. GOD bless!!!

2012's Best Through Bad Times 1

Before, if we think about 2012, one thing came into our minds. It's the end of the world. 2012 scares a lot of people who believed in the theory of Notradamus whose predictions came true, well, some. With this, it added the scare level of people who believed in his theory.

Yes, 2012 is totally over yet its memories still lingers through our minds. Sometimes, we can reminisce its happenings which have a big impact into our life, not physical, but emotional aspect of our lives. We can still remember without the intention of remembering it.

2012 gave us so much bad times especially us, Filipinos. There are typhoons, earthquakes and other calamities we experienced that ruins some of our lives especially those who are really affected, literally. It killed our lives, killed our emotions, destroy their houses, washed away their source of income, ruins their hopes. As you can see on TV and what is stated in the news, seems like there's no tomorrow. It's like it's the end.NO hope. As I can see the victims on TV, I can feel what they felt. They felt so down. Is there any hope?

Another thing is, I consider as bad times when Pacquiao loses his rematch with Marquez. That was really a trending issue on TV, radio and newspapers. Philippine's pride went down as Pacquiao was defeated. It was the main menu in every conversation. That issue trended for so long. It really affect Filipinos. Some are disappointed or maybe, all perhaps. All were disappointed about the last rematch. Many couldn't believe about the happenings during the fight. Some understood while some got angry to Pacquiao regarding what happened. With all of this, Filipino's smooth heart prevailed. We symphatize him. We understand his way after all of those blames.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

YEAR 2012

Year of  2012 has been  brought  both good and bad things to us. We were struggling different challenges or trials, yet, we still here and stand out . We can say, WE SURVIVE  2012 had to offer. Despite the difficulties  we encountered, we still managed to be happy. We never let ourselves be defeated by those problems we had, big or small.

2012 had been brought us ups and downs. We suffered from calamities especially typhoons.  Some losses their loved ones. Some became homeless. Some losses their businesses which help them survive.  Still, we still manage to smile. That's how we Filipinos are. We can still smile despite the problems we were facing. And that's the god thing. That 's one of our personality that no mater what happens, we can still wear our best smiles.

2012 has ended. Those things we had experienced teach us lessons. Lessons that could help us to become better person for the years to come.

GOD bless!!!