Monday, June 18, 2012

Canigao Island Overnight: First Time 3

It was a big mistake of mine. Whoa. I left our things in our house. I couldn't believe it. I must be out of my mind. I was that excited to forget our things. 

What's with us is the clothes we wore in going there. My sister get mad at me. Of all the things that could be left, it was our things which I had forgotten. Ugh! Stupid Fe. Maybe because of my excitement. My sister didn't talk to me until we arrived there. She gave me bad look that made me guilty. Huhuhu. Thinking about it, it was so disappointing. We couldn't swim and changed clothes. Whoa. Still, we continue on our way. Upon arriving there, you could see smiles on our faces. We loved the view. We rented tent. Our cousins and friends swam after we put up the tent. Me and my sister got envy. Even if we didn't swim, we were still enjoyed. We hunted crabs. I find it more fun. It was my first time to catch crabs. All we do is laugh and laugh. No time for sadness during that night. My sister forgave me though. :) We're like kids there. We're acting like one.

We slept late at midnight. We never noticed the time since we enjoyed chatting each other. I was taking care by all because they were afraid of collapsed incident in little baguio to happen again. hahaha. Me, Ate and one of our cousin slept inside the tent while the three rest outside. When the sun risen, they swam again. They treasure the moment we were there. It's like once in a lifetime. Hehe. Before we left the place, we took pictures, jump shot! :)

I really really really enjoyed it. Hope it will happen again but with our parents with us. God bless!!!

Canigao Island Overnight: First Time 2

The day had come. The day that we were planning to go there. I could say that we are not that bad children since we asked permission. We did. :) What made them say  YES was our aunt (our uncle's wife) was also there for a family reunion. So, we are permitted to go there. Yeheyyyyyyyyy!!!

Overnight? Ohh yeah... I was so excited. I was in our house that time when my sister came home and told me the news about the activity we were going to do. Upon hearing it, I couldn't believe. I was actually asking her many times about it to ensure if I heard it right. and yes, I heard it right. I was excited preparing our things for it. I volunteered to pack up our clothes needed there. I was singing while packing up our clothes. It was mixed emotions of mine. All I know was I was happy and EXCITED. :p All our cousins will go there except the two little. Hehehe. We gathered at our Grandfather's house. When we were intact. Ready to go. What made me excited was not just I would experience overnight for the first time but because also of the people who would be with me there. It's our first time to bond in a beach, overnight, without parents, only us. When we were on our way to the Canigao Island, I had noticed that we were lack of things. And yes, we were lack, it was our bags. All my things and my sister's things were there. :(

What happened next? Do we got home to get our things? What was the reaction of my sister when she knew it? Did she get mad? Just read my next entry to know...

Canigao Island Overnight: FirstTime 1

From the very first time I went to Canigao Island, I wished I could stay there overnight but the chance didn't make it. Also, my parents wouldn't allow me to be there overnight. I can do nothing but follow them. Hearing and knowing the experiences of my friends there, I got envy.

It's been years I've been longing to experience an overnight activity in a beach especially Canigao Island since it's known to the most of us. It's a good spot for an overnight activity. I never thought I could experience it right away. What I thought was I could do it but only after few years from now. I never thought it would happen this vacation. Since My cousin and his friends came here for a vacation, we wanted to bring them to a good places which is visited by the most of us. One of this is Canigao Island. We never planned to go there for an overnight. What we planned is just go there and see the view of the beach. When we asked permission from our aunts and parents, they didn't allow us to go there. They were worried. With that, we were so disappointed.  My cousin and his friends, also us, really wanted to go there. So, we planned to go there without asking permission. Our decision was fixed...

Wanna know the happenings? Are you curious if we asked permission? Did we enjoy? Find it out in my next entry...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Vacation

I can say that my vacation is not that interesting compared to those who went out of town just to spend their leisure there. Mind is just simple. I was just in Maasin, spending time with the persons I love. Although, I had short time of vacation since I had a summer classes. Still, I used that short time to get enjoyed.

During the short time of my vacation, I had few first time experiences. One of this,I was able to run a motorcycle with a long distance from the city proper to our house. But, of course, with assistance since I was not that master. Hehehe. Another is, like what I said, I collapsed. Scary but I just consider as an experience. That was indeed an experience. Also,I had many activities during this vacation before I got sick. I went to Bontoc to visit my friends. My vacation is more on bonding with cousins.I will never get tired getting bond with them. And the highlight of my vacation is when we went to Canigao Island for an overnight with cousins, friends and sister. That was my first time. Actually, that was all our first time to be there overnight. And I must say, it was a great experience ever for this year. Hehehehe.

I must say, I had a simple vacation yet enjoyable like what others had. Wish it would happen again, except the collapsed portion. God Bless!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Collapsed for the First Time

Collapsed is what I feared. When I see people in collapsed situation I felt nervous. I can think that she/he will die. This is how my mind runs. I never thought that it would happen to me.

When we went to little baguio, I felt better. I didn't feel something bad. What I think is to be the first to come on top of the mountain. We ran and ran yet I was only the second. It is me and one cousin who got there first since the remaining, they just walked unlike us. When we got there, I told my cousin that I felt something cold. I was catching my breath. I had difficulty in breathing. Whoa. I felt dizzy and I felt cold around my body. I told my cousin to pinch me. He did yet nothing changed. After awhile, I got unconscious. I never noticed the arrival of my sister,cousins and friends. I felt like I wasn't on earth. I felt nothing that time. That was for about 15 minutes. Whoa. Imagined, I was unconscious for that long time. When I gained back my consciousness, I vomit and vomit and still feel cold. That time,they told me what they did to me. My sister called me but I never answer. She slapped and slapped me but I felt nothing. They were really worried. They also said the my skin color changed from tan to blue or violet then pale. They thought that that was my end. Hoooooooooooooo.

With that, I already knew the feeling of dying. It's scary. I can't imagine myself in that situation. Still, I thank God for He still give chance to live. Thank you, Lord. God bless us all!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Holy Week

Before the Holy Week came, I had many plans for activities to be done for these days. Unfortunately, I was sick that I wasn't able to make my planned activities. :(

April 4-  In the afternoon, I was lying in bed since I had fever that time when my cousins came around. They brought fruits for me and brought the portable DVD of my uncle. We watched movies which we already watched. Still, we got more fund of that movie. As what I always said, bonding with my cousins is my favorite. Don't know why. I just get enjoyed when I'm with them, talking to them and teasing with them.When I'm with them, I feel younger as them. Hahahaha.

April 5- Morning when my friend (mommy Ritchiele) asked me if  I'll go with them to Hanginan on friday, dawn. Upon receiving that message, I felt excited. I love the idea. It's what I planned. That time,I felt better. I asked my parent's permission and they said yes in one condition, I should not go there if I felt not okay. I assured them that I will follow what they say since it's for my own good. Afternoon,I went to Yhing's house.It is where we will met. Around 6pm, me, Yhing and her boyfriend went to Maasin City Shrine. Upon climbing there, I felt something not good. I felt tired easily unlike before that's why I decided not to go on to the planned activity. I choose to stay. Mommy got sad but she understood. That's the good thing.

April 6- I woke up early since I have to go home. When I got home, foods were ready like dinuldog, landang and biko. It is what filipinos usually prepare for holy week. We gathered at my grandparent's house. Bonding with cousins again. Yahoooo. Also, I met new  friends. They came from Manila. They came here for a vacation with my cousin. They were so nice. Even if I still didn't feeling well, I managed myself  to be okay so I could get bond with them. And yeah, I did. We played games on the laptop, racing for high scores. It was fun, really fun.

April 7- Late morning,I helped my mother preparing food since we will gather again at our grandparent's house for lunch. Then, after lunch, I ate buko with cousins and new friends. At 3pm, we agreed to go to Danao. We saw little crocodiles there. Those were for the Maasin Zoo which will be open soon. We went to the lake. We went to the short hanging bridge and lastly, we went to what we call "little baguio". We were racing for who will get there first. I was the second. Yahooo but something happened. I collapsed that frightens them especially my sister. We have no parents around. It's only us. Whoa. I was unconscious for almost 15 minutes. When I gained back my conscious, I felt shy since I vomit. I felt shy since I made them nervous. Glad my conscious came back. When we got home, I made my parents worry. :( Still at night, I went to Church with them for a mass.

April 8- Sadly, I wasn't able to go to mass at dawn for what we call "salubong". It's easter sunday. On that day, we went to beach. There were  many people went to beach that we found difficulties in getting cottage. And gladly, we found one.Yeheyyy.. I wasn't able to join them swimming yet, I still enjoyed the day. It's so tiring yet fun. I love that day.

Even if I didn't make my planned activities, still, I got enjoyed. Yeheyyyyy.. Take care and GOD bless!!!