Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Recollection! When you heard about recollection, what comes in your mind? Me, it's about recollecting. Recollecting means collecting again. What is going to be recollect? Hmp! This must be our topic. We will talk about recollection.

Okay! Recollection is one of the program my school, Saint Joseph College is promoting ever since. With this, everyone, as lone as you are enrolled in our school is required to go though this. It's all about getting closer to God as what our school is implementing. In here, students were able to collect again the things they have done and able to realize whether it is right or wrong.  Students were let to weigh things up. They are molded into good ones by helping them realize everything. They were helped to be closed to God.

During recollections, there are lots of activity to do. Of course, prayer will always be present. Students were able to talk to God heartily.Talk to him what they feel and asked what they are begging from forgiveness to personal intentions. Another thing is, facilitators showed movies to the students which helped them explain the real essence of that recollection which is to collect the things we've committed, realize it and be able to feel renewed. Another activity is that students were given papers and were let to write their prayers and those whom they hated. With those list of people they hated, they have to pray for them. Students were also able to undergo the sacrament of confession. And afterwards, a Holy Mass is held as a closing remark of that activity.

I must say, what a nice activity SJC has. Students were not only get enjoyed but also, they became closer to God. They were able to realize and weigh things out.

GOD bless us all!!!

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