Thursday, October 18, 2012

Slight Accident in Danao

You already know that I am so trying hard when it comes to learn on how to drive motorbike. I almost take a risk just to know how to drive. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I know how to but not that master. i can't drive alone. I need someone to assist me.Even if I'm trying hard, I will not risk my life just to drive alone. I still have fears of possible accident.

Let me tell one thing that I have experienced about driving. I was in Maasin City Forest Park together with my sister and cousins. We brought two motorcycles. Of course, on our way there, I was a passenger. When we got home, my sister decided to let me drive. He assigned my cousin to assist me. Even if I felt little bit nervous, I still agree with the idea. This was the time to test what I have learn. Then, I start driving. I just drive and drive, following the instructions of my cousin. We're on our way out to the park when suddenly the motorcycle little bit swept off. My driving formed an "S". My sister who is following us shouted to step on the foot brake. I was very rattle that I didn't catch up what she said quickly. It took few seconds when I listened to what she said. Then, I was able to step on it. we almost bump to a little mountain. Despite what happened, I still thank God since we are in the side where we just bumped unlike on the other side which is dangerous. Instead of getting afraid, my cousin just laughed at me since I was shaking and getting fainted. Whoa. I was really afraid.

With what happened, still, I'm still willing to learn on how to drive. I'm planning to practice it on SEMBREAK. Hope it will do me good. God bless!

Fun Despite the Fear

Earthquake really shakes the people. It gave us fear. Despite the fear, we still manage to laugh. This was because of the funny scenario during the earthquake. These scenarios I'm talking about lessen our fears.

Day after the earthquake, we tease our boardmates. We tease if they were floating as if tsunami came. In fact, my friend sent a group message saying: "Tsunami is coward". Maybe it's not good to hear but it's our way of coping from fears. Also, as we eat our breakfast, we talked about what we did during earthquake. When earthquake attacked, one of my boardmate who was taking a bath that time quickly came out the room trying to save herself from possible effect of it. Of course, she has towel with her. :p Another thing is, during the happenings, one of my boardmate still manage to get her things. She quickly packed her things while the house is shaking and brought it along with her as she go out to the boarding house. Her things are that so important that she waste time saving herself from that attacked. We laugh since our other boardmates almost forgot to wear their upper underwear but she still even think about her things despite the rattleness. Some also wear only the other pair of slippers. Some wear different slippers. There was also a boardmate of mine who enter to the neighborhood house as she went out to our boarding house. We didn't know what was in her mind. Maybe it was a result of fear. Hehehe.

Simple things yet funny. It made us laugh and laugh. Through we are able to cope up from our fears. GOD bless!

Experiencing Earthquake, AGAIN?

After the earthquake when my friend sent me a message that our plan was impossible to happen. Almost everybody in Maasin City were afraid of what happened plus the news said that Maasin City was one of the area wherein tsunami could possible hit.

My Aunt who lived in Manila called my other aunts and my mother about the news. They didn't know about the news since they were about to sleep. As my aunt informed them about the possible tsunami, they were worried about me since I was still in the city proper. Our place was maybe safe since we're like in mountains. It's high which is safer from tsunami. My Aunt tried to call me but she couldn't contact me because of the slow connection of signal. My sister texted me also that my father will fetch me up. But, I refused! It's not I was no longer afraid. It's just that I'm afraid that my father will travel and the earthquake will come back. After a while, my aunt called me. She scolded me for refusing about the fetching matter. I explained to her my reason and she agree a bit. She still worried about me. I felt calm that time for thinking that there were news about the tsunami which would hit our city but it didn't happened. It's because there were two statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, opening her arms facing towards the sea. That made me calm and felt safe. I have faith in Her. For my parents and relatives to not worry, I reminded them about the two statue. This made their worries lessen. Before we went to sleep, we prayed the Holy Rosary all together. That's the best thing we could do with the situation. Upon going to bed, my friends texted me to hang out but, I refuse. I should stay. No space for enjoyment in that scenario. They just tease that they should enjoy before they die if the tsunami will really come.

When we woke up in the morning, I was still in my bed. Nothing happened. Yeheyyyyyyyy! Tsunami didn't attack.Thanks to GOD...

Experiencing Earthquake, AGAIN?

Month of August when I experienced the madness of earthquake, AGAIN. As far as I remember, I have experienced it twice. Whoa! The first time was when I was first year college in which I was in the 4th floor of our school. And now, this school year, it happened again but I was in another location. I was in our boarding house.

It was Friday night, around 8 P.M. when I noticed that my seat is shaking. I was at my bed, alone, sitting while sewing the damage on my shirt. Suddenly, my deck shaked. I thought it was the other room who is responsible for it since they were giggling and making noise there. After awhile, they were shouting as if they were afraid. That's the time when I noticed that it was the earthquake which is responsible for the shaking. Me, alone, what I did was just I never moved. I was holding the wall and looked outside. I can see tress moving. I was really afraid that time since I didn't have companion plus earthquake. My fear level up since the lights turned off. WHOAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I shouted. Me, being afraid, I just waited for it to stop. I didn't run since I was afraid to fall. The earthquake lasted long. When it stopped, I texted my parents for them to not worry about me since I'm fine. Lights went back. My boardmates went outside because they were afraid that it will come back. I didn't go with them. I just stayed at my room and continued what I'm doing before the earthquake as if nothing happened. Fears were still there but I tried myself to get calm. That's all I need to do to be calm and get rattle since it could the scene worst.

That night, I was planning to go out with friends ang jam with them. It's part of our routine when Friday came. We called it "FLYDAY night" Hehehe. Were I able to hang out with friends? Find it out...

Thursday, October 11, 2012


As far as I remember, in my whole life, I never study well during exams. I just read my books, scanned and then took the exams. Even in my nursing years, I never focused on studying my lessons. I just can remeber some of its details. Hehehe. But, now is different. I managed myself to study. In fact, during midterm exams, I studied on subject for the whole day. Also, I never study days before the exam. Only night before the exam. But now, I studied. Whoa! I found Accountancy difficult than nursing. This is just my opinion. During exams, I focused on studying only one subject for a day without having a break except sleeping for a short time. It needs time and my concentration. My head were already aching, also my back and neck. Still, I continued what I'm doing. This is for not other's sake but for mine. And YES! It do me good. I got high score in my major subject. In fact, I was the second to the highest. Yeheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Hope I could maintain it. Wish me luck! GOD bless us all!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Accountancy Week 3

Saturday, July 21, 8 o'clock in the morning, JPIANs gathered again at the Gunfrida Covered Court for the continuation of the JPIA week. Our attendance is compulsory. It was ball games time. Basketball for boys and volleyball for girls. JPIANs were shouting because it was really exciting. We gave names to the players. Just for fun. We cheered for our teams. And it was the credit who won for the basketball and debit team for volleyball. I was a good fight for the both game. We can see that JPIANs has also the ability in sports not just in academics. It was proven by their performance during the game. After the game, We rest for awhile and then, just like the loyalty day celebration, we had attendance quick count. And, announcement of winners and champions came next.

We can felt the thrill during the activity. we were excited to know who the winners are. And here it goes, one of our instructor announced the winners. And it was the Credit team. Whoaaaaaaa. We lose. But, it was fine. We accept the result whole heartedly. What's important is we enjoyed. We had fun. It's our way of freeing ourselves from stress with our studies. Our instructor once said that we should give our time to what we do. Focus on one. When having school activities, focus on it. If it's time for class, pay attention to it and learn. That's what I realized. we shouldn't be serious all the time. All of us need time to have fun and unwind and that was what we did.

JPIANs, Good job to all of us! Hoping for another best next time! God bless!