Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fiesta 2012 (Part 2)

Days prior to our fiesta, problem embrace us even if we never envite it. Actually, it was not my parent's problem but my uncle's. We are really affected. In fact, we cried together. We felt very useless since we can't do something as a help because it involves finacial and we don't have that. All we can do is accompanied him, give some advices and just comfort him. That's what her sisters did.

Fiesta is coming. And my excitement lessened because of the problem. We are really so affected by it. While preparing for the fiesta, we think of the problem. We exchanged opinions about the problem. Then, Fiesta had come. I felt happy but there's a part in my heart that is not happy. It's a sympathy for my uncle. We think of not preparing food for the event but it can't since many people will come over to clebrate fiesta with us. Everybody is welcome. Even if we don't know, we welcome them into our house and offer foods we had. That's one way of attitudethat Filipinos have. We never showed to them that we had a problem for them to feel comfortable while they are in our house. Even if it's raining, people still came over. Rain can't stop them. Hehehe.

I would say that there's nothing else special during the fiesta unlike before except that we are celebrating the day of our patron. What I felt? Happy but little bit disappointed or sad.

God bless.

Fiesta 2012 (Part 1)

Month of June was over. It only means that our barangay fiesta was also over. It helds during the month of June, 70 days after the Holy Week as Sacred Heart of Jesus as our patron. Before this day come, evrybody is excited. Months before the event, they already think of what to prepare. Some raise their own pigs so they need not to buy in the market. And that's what we did. Whenever our mother pig give births piglets, we left two pigs andthe rest, we sell it. We offer it to our patron as a thanksgiving for the gift of piglets we had. My parents have been doing this for three consecutive years.

Days before the fiesta, people in our Barangay was curious about who will be coming home during fiesta. Fiesta is more fun when our neighbors, who are working abroad or local, will be coming home for a vacation during fiesta. In fact, they already bought tickets monts before the event. That's how excited they are to celebrate fiesta with us.

We're excited for the coming home of our neighbors, how much more if our relatives will be coming home. But, sad to say, they didn't make it because of the schedule of their work. I'm a little bit disappointed about it but I understood their situation. It's just that I'm longing and imagining for a more bonding with them. I would say that our fiesta was not that enjoyable compared to before. or I was not that enjoyed unlike last fiesta. Wanna know why? It's in my next entry...

GOD bless!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

School AGAIN...

Vacation is over. It's school again. Public schools opened earlier than private. They were opened on the first week of June while most of the private opened on the second week already.

Old students were used to the opening of the class. Freshmen were excited to the new levels of their school life. They may felt nervous, happy and grateful. They felt mixed emotions. I could say this since I already experience being a freshmen and be in a new surrounding. It was so exciting meeting new faces from other places.

Now, I'm looking forward for a more exciting school year. I wish I will have fun. I wish I will have more good memories than bad. For me, this school year is more challenging since it is in this school year I will take up the qualifying examination for BSA. That's why, I'm changing my study habit. If last school years, you could not see me in the library except for the signing of clearance. Now, you can always see me there. Hehehe. Wish us luck!!!

GOD bless!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Vacation is Over!

Vacation! Vacation! Vacation!

This is what most of us loved. It is the time of enjoyment and relaxation. It is the time we could bond with our loved ones. Vacation is the time we could consider ourselves us free.

Summer vacation is what students loved. Hehehe. It is when they are for stressful days and nights studying, making assignments and projects, and attending school activities. Yet, time ran fast. It was like yesterday when we have our vacation. Now, it is over. Finally over. Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!

I've missed most of my vacation days since I attended summer classes. But, it doesnt's mean I didn't enjoy it. It's just that, I was not satisfied. Hehehe. I wanted more and more experiences (good funny moments) during vacation with my loved ones. I only had little regrets since what I did is for my schooling which is more important since it is where my future holds. Hehehe.


GOD bless!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Stand Regarding the Impeachment of Chief Justice Corona

If I would be asked regarding my stand towards the impeachment of the Chief justice, I would say, I am in favor for it. Before hearing the explainations of the senator about their decisions, my reason was this: Corona should be impeached since he is an alliance of the former Pres. Gloria Arroyo. Ohhhh yes! I am against Arroyo and so is my family. I am against because there were many issues about her related to corruption. That's why, I am against Corona.

Upon hearing the senator's decisions, my reason changed but my stand, NEVER. Senators were right. It is part of the law to declare all their properties to their SALN. Before they were hired, they already  knew the law regarding it. They already knew their obligations upon accepting the position. And I agree with the saying, NO ONE IS EXEMPTION IN THE LAW. It was a big mistake that Corona failed to disclose to the public his statement of assets, liabilities, and net worth. He already knew the law but he never followed it. A story of a barangay official made my stand be stonger. A Barangay official was impeached because he failed to declare his business in the market. Impeaching is practiced in low position so there's no reason to not practice it for Corona. During the deciding day, last May 29 of this year, even if I am in favor of Corona's impeachment, I pity him since he was hospitalized that time.His condition is not okay and the decision of the court really put him down. Yet, Conviction is what he deserved. If only he declared his properties, there would be no problem for him. He wouldn't undergone that kind of humiliation.

You? What's your stand? Hehehe.
GOD bless everyone!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chief Justice Corona: GUILTY

For about 200 days with 43 trial days, people were waiting for the judgement of the court regarding the impeachment case against the Chief Justice Renato Corona. It was the second impeachment trial in Philippine history since Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez had resigned prior to the start of her trial. It is all about the undeclared properties to his SALN. Some people were agreed about the impeachment while some were pro-Corona. Both sides were heard. They were given time to say what's on their side to defend onto where they were stand, the prosecution and the defense team. There they showed evidences regarding the cases.

I wasn't able to watch the trials because I was in school. But, on the last day of hearing, on the deciding day, I was able to watch it with my mother. What is my stand? hmmp. I am in favor of the impeachment trial. and so is my mother. Upon watching it on television, we were puzzled about the decisions of the senators as judges. But, we are confident enough that majority of them were against Corona. Hehehe. Yet, were still nervous about the result. We felt a little bit cold. Hehehe. Before it started, we're already counting on who is against and in favor of the Chief Justice. Regarding with our guesses, we were right on most of them. Senators were given time to explain their decision on why they were against or the other way. There were only 16 votes needed to convict the chief justice. There were only 23 senators to decide since Senator Benigno Aquino became our president. Three of them voted Corona as NOT GUILTY namely Sen. Joker Arroyo, Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago, and Sen. Ferdinand Marcos, Jr.. And the rest of them, they were in favor for the impeachment of the Chief Justice Corona. Therefore, Chief Justice Corona is GUILTY!