Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How was Second Semester for me?

Second semester is the other half to complete the whole school year. For other students, they may find it the same with the first semester. While some may consider it as different and more fun than the first. I'm one of these people.

I found second semester more enjoyable than on the first semester. It is because, there are few celebrations in it. One of these is Christmas party for the students. Two is the College day. Partying and bonding with the other students with different departments is a great fun. It is when you can have more friends. The other reason why I love second semester is that it is when I got my friends closer to me. It is when I got to know them more. With a long period of time with them, they became more part of my life and give emphasis to what I am now. Even if we were striving for those tiring and sleepless nights, my friends are one of those people why I enjoyed my schooling. I owe a lot to them. I'm so glad to have them.

Now, I'm looking forward for the coming semesters of the new school year. I'm hoping for great events and great happenings with my great friends. God bless!

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Feeling Towards Graduation Day 2

As I was saying, I was supposed to be graduated last March but unfortunately, I didn't. This is what makes me sad. Others may see me smiling but inside, it's hurting. Until now, I can't accept the fact that I was not one of the graduates. But what else I can do but to just accept it. It make take a long time but I know, I'll get there to the acceptance stage.

I always say I salute those who graduated this year. On the other hand, I envy them. Not a little but I envy them VERY MUCH. I envy them for they made their parents proud and happy. I envy them because they already get their diplomas. I envy them since they are on the stage of new journey. I envy them for they were out in school life. I envy them for they can earn their own money. I envy them for they will have already chance to return the goodness and sacrifices of their parents. I envy them because they can already help their parents financially.

 I have many reasons to get envy to them. All I can do is to get envy and relieving myself for the thought I can be one of them. On the other hand, I think that if only I follow my parents, I am one of them but I am afraid to regret since I don't want to entertain the fact that I regreted that I took up my dreamed course. I can't afford to think that I regreted nursing course. I was hoping I'll get what I want for my parents. Wish me luck! God bless.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Feeling Towards Graduation Day 1

What makes my parents happy is what I dream for. To be graduated and get my diploma is what I aim for since this is what makes my parents happy. To make them happy is my ultimate goal in life.

Last March, I was supposed to be graduated and have a degree, but, I didn't. It's because I shifted course from BS Nursing to BS Accountancy. My parents never liked my previous course since it was so expensive. Yet, they still follow what I want and let me proceed to my dreamed course which is BS Nursing. I was so happy that time that they let me take this course. But, 2 years passed, they can no longer sustain my tuition fee since it is expensive that's why, they asked me to shift a course which in the first place they liked. I was sad that time and consider myself as desperate. I think and think of anything that could make me continue the course that I love. But, chance didn't let me. With sadness in my face and dismay for what happened, I found myself enrolling another course which is my course now. I never see myself being an accountancy student but, I became what I never wanted. Every corners in our house and my bed in my boarding house witnessed those sleepless night thinking about the happenings in my life. I cried and cried. I didn't let my parents knew that I cried since I don't want them to worry. Only my sister knew what I feel inside which is pain. It takes months for me to be okay. Whenever I cried, my sister comforted me. Whenever I cried in our home, I never released voice, just a silent cry for my parents would not be disturb in their sleeps.

Wanna know my feelings during graduation? just follow me in my next entry. See you!

Take care and have a beautiful day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Graduation in College; the Beginning and the End

Again, another school year had passed. Another journey for every student. Some graduated. Some continue to their student life. Life is not that easy that we can get what we want. But, it's a matter of choice. It's a matter between whether you continue your studies and achieve your dreams or stop studying yet still achieving their dreams.

What we made is our choice. I salute those people who continue to strive the difficulties which would be met during school days. I salute those people who survive through all those years of hard times in school. Not all times were hard. There are also times which are good and really consider as unforgettable moments of our lives which could make mark in our hearts. Those times that we share with the people around us; people that we knew or people that we just met in our journey.

Graduation for me is just the beginning and the end. I consider this as an end of  those hard times making projects, sleepless night in studying for the exams and skipping bonding time with friends just to make the mountains of assignments. It is a beginning since in here, another journey is waiting for you. This journey could not be that easy. You can still meet many stones before you get the gold. During this time, you will experience sweating under the sun in looking for a job. Looking for a job is not that easy. Yet, one must be patient enough since it is part of the journey.

WEW! I really admire those students who survive through all difficulties. I salute them for being confident enough to achieve their goals. They all must be really strong that they survive the student journey. I congratulated you guys for the job well done. I'm wishing you good luck for the next chapter of your life. GOD bless!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

During the Signing of Clearance

Every students have their own unique experiences during the signing of clearance especially those freshmen students. They were so innocent and got no idea about the process of the signing of clearance. Of course, they already had experience in signing of clearance from their previous school. It's just that, the process is different.

Me, during my freshmen year, I felt nervous. I felt that kind of feeling especially when I am in front of the officer whom I seen in a meter distance. In fact, I got rattled. Even when I am used to signing of clearance. I am used to its process, still, I got nervous. My heart beats fast during that time.

This past semester, I met problem for my clearance. It is the punishment from our department. The punishment is every absent of the students, they have to copy the given hard copy or printed files(long bond paper is used) which is four pages. I got four absent so I have to copy it four times. Whoaaaaaa. My hands were aching that time and honestly, I hate writing especially when it is long. There's nothing i can do but to follow their rules. I copied it and fortunately finished it with my hands aching and bit shaking. I got it massage from my mother after it. The school librarian need to sign for the clearance. Before she signed it, she will asked questions about the library like the Dewey decimal, library rules and anything related to library. To be honest, I'm not fund of the library. You couldn't find me in that area whenever you look for me during school days. In one semester, maybe, I went there for two or three times but mostly during the signing of clearance. It's a no good habit of mine that need to be stopped.

 Well, thanks to God, I have my clearance signed which make me cleared and proceed to another year level. And I promise to myself that I will never do that again so I won't find difficulties during clearance' signing.

Take care!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


CLEARANCE! We have different meanings or understanding for this word. Some may understood it as a move in chess. Others would think that it is for medicine which is a clearance of the body organ. Some use this for travel purposes. They can't go out of the country without being cleared if they have cases or to insure that they have no cases to escape from.

But, what I'm talking about here is a clearance for school. We use this so we can take the final exams and proceed to or go on to the next year level or be a graduate. Our process is that we have to get a clearance paper in the school. Then, we will go to the offices of the officers who are needed to sign it up so we can be cleared. The officers had their requirements before they signed our clearance. Like for example, in the Department of Student Affair, students need to be in proper uniform. They were strict to the point that, like for example, girls should not wear skirt uniform above the knee. It should be above the knee. This is maybe because, our school is a catholic church. For boys, they required to have their hair cuts with the length not exceed to 1 inch. For the course departmental, they have also their own requirements. For example, our department, they required the students to attend every activity we have. If they got absent, there's a corresponding punishment. They cannot be signed without fulfilling their punishments. To those who didn't get absent, they can have their clearance signed immediately by our department governor and Dean.

Above is just an insights about our processes during the signing of clearance. On my next entry is my experiences during this clearance time.

GOD bless!