Friday, February 10, 2012

New Year Celebration

After attending Mass as a welcome of New Year, we had a simple dinner in our house and after that, we slept. We found difficulties in sleeping because of the noise outside for welcoming the new year. Some drove their motor vehicles  loud sounds with part of roofs or cans tied on it. Our neighbor turn his chainsaw to produce noise. Some were busy making sounds through their fireworks. Also, there are children caroling every houses. I must say, that was the noisiest day of the year. Hehehe. Making noise is what we believed could take aways bad lucks. It was just a belief of ours.

After few minutes, about an hour of noise, we could go back to sleep finally. I woke up early in the morning to prepare food again for our breakfast. I also helped my father preparing for the head portion of the pig we slaughtered for lechon. After breakfast, we were still busy again for foods. Whoa. Before lunchtime, Papa's friends came into our house, also ate's best friend came, to had lunch with us. Simple foods for simple people. After the lunch, after a while, me, ate and her best friend agreed to go to Danao Park to relax and have some fresh air. We brought my camera with us and took pictures in any places we want and in any position we did. We went to Hanging bridge which is new to us. It was just not more than 10 meters length, I think. Also, we climbed to a blue rope, don't know what to call it and take some pose there. We also climbed on a tree. This is when I received my first blessing for that year, bees bite. As we climbed to the tree, I saw the house. I'm not aware that it was bees'. I thought it was black ants' so no worries. We pose and pose there. As we finished taking pictures, when I am about to climbed down the tree, an insect bit me. When I look at it. It was bee. Then another bite again. Whoa. That was really hurt. I almost cried. I ran and ran away from the tree, also my ate's best friend. I got four bites; one in my shoulder, arm, finger and bicep. My ate's Bf got only one bite which was in her right eyebrow. As we went home, we just laughed what had happen. It hurts but a while, we found it funny. I laughed at myself since it was new year and I was being biten by bees. Hehehe. I could consider it as an unforgettable moment and a great experience. I never regret I was biten since entirely, i had fun. I am happy. No need to be worry. Those bites would be healed and fade but the memories, NEVER.

Happy New Year Everyone!!! God Blesses 2012!!!

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