Saturday, January 7, 2012

Misa de Gallo

Misa de Gallo is part of Filipino tradition. Here, we called it as Simbang Gabi. It started 16 centuries ago. It is influenced by Spanish during their invasion of our country. They set this to let the farmers hear mass before they go to their fields early morning. During old days, people is being awake by the ringing of Church bell at around three to get ready for the mass at 4 o'clock. Roman Catholic Churches open their doors to welcome the faithful for the Simbang Gabi and it is still being practiced nowadays. Simbang Gabi is also for the preparation for Christmas, the birthday of our Saviour, JESUS CHRIST.

Simbang Gabi is still being practiced at cities or province, urban or rural areas. It started on Dec. 16 and culminates on the midnight of Dec. 24, the midnight mass. As people walk along their way to the Church to attend the Simbang Gabi or nine-day novena, they are being guided by the beautiful lights decorated in  every houses or even in tress  they passed by. Also, parols or lanterns could be seen hanging on the trees or windows side of the houses. With this, it made people be inspired in going to church because through this, they can feel that Christmas is coming. After the mass or novena, traditional delicacies like bibingka, biko, puto, suman and sikwate are sold in stalls right outside the church awaits the church goers.

On my next entry, I will share to you my experience during the Simbang Gabi. God Bless!!

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