Friday, October 29, 2010

The Way I Am

Letting you know more about me is what I aim to. Through the responsibilities and positions I am in, you can point out what kind of person I am. And here, i'm gonna tell you who I am.

Being a Daughter

I won't say I am a versatile daughter. I have many flaws and weaknesses. But everything I will do in the name of my parent's happiness and satisfaction. Through my studies, by getting good high grades, I got the pride of my parents. On the other side, what-ifs and what-could-have-beens are the things I am afraid of. What if I can't give them what they want? What could have been if I make them disappointed? Still, the pressure is in me but I'm trying my best just for them, to make them realize that all their hard works and sacrifices are all worth it. At home, I could say that I'm not that industrious. A little laziness is in me but still, I help them doing household chores. That's the least I could do for my parents as of now being an out of school youth.

Me and my parents were very closed. In fact, they still treat me like a baby. Hehehe! I shared things to my Papa and Mama but I'm not open to them when it comes to my problem, because for me, I don't want to add up my problems to theirs. I know that they had many things to worry about. I just don't want them to worry about me. It hurts me when I heard that somebody tried to violate my parents emotionally by making backfights, but even through this hurt, I can think of taking revenge on that somebody. My parents told me to just surrender it to God. That's why, I'm studying and I will study hard, so I can give a better life to my parents as a return of their sacrifices and hard works for us. This is how much I love them. I love you Mama and Papa.

Being a Younger Sister

Being a younger sister, I still have the responsibilities to be a good one. But me and my sister could be considered as cat and dog. Whenever we are together, we fuss and fight. We make word-fighting even just for a simple thing and nonsense matters. I don't know why we are like that. I could not explain. Whenever we are apart, we missed each other. Was it a stupidity of us or just me? I don't know. When she is closed to other person of my age, i get jealous and vice versa. But how come we became close if whenever we stay in one place, we fight. We always have misunderstandings. On the other hand, even if we are like that, we still shared more precious moments together as siblings than the fights. Even if the anger and madness are still there, when my sister asks for help from me, for instance with assignments and school projects, all of those fade. And she has done the same way to me. Whenever one of us got problems, the sisterhood wins between us. And as I have done this year, for financial considerations, I chosed to be an "out of school youth" for her to allow her to finish her two-year degree college course. That's one of the biggest sacrifice I ever did in my life. So, what will be your judgement? Am I a good sister or not?

Being a Friend

"It is easier to find a boyfriend or girlfriend than to find a true friend". "We can have million of friends but only few can be consider as true friends". These are some of the friendship lines which inspire me for having a friend. I'm a choosy type of person when it comes to friendship. I can be friendly to those persons whom I want to be my friends. And if I don't like a person, I won't make friends with her/him. I'll maybe smile to them, not a fake smile, but I won't consider them as my friend. Whenever I had a friend, I became dependent to them in a way that if I had some decisions to make, I'll rather ask their opinions than my parents. And when I go to the city, I can't stroll around the place without a companion. One of them should be with me when I roam around the city. In short, I don't want to be alone. When they also have decisions to make, especially about love, I'll just tell this to them: "Whatever their decisions are, I'm just here at their back, supporting them". This is what I always told them. When they fail with their decisions, I give my shoulder or the whole me for them to cry and lean on. I'm just here, ready to comfort them. This is what friends are for. As a generalization, I'm willing to share the worst and best things with my true and best friends.

1 comment:

  1. Kamusta ka Fe ?

    Another great writing, yes you are a good sister. That is a huge sacrifice for you to do for your sister.One that I am sure will be rewarded in the future for you. Keep up the great writing, I love hearing about Maasin City, and your family life.
    Please take care, and I look forward to your future stories.
    Dan H.
    (PS. I took my first habal habal ride this past summer, very scary But I know you must be use to it, since you live up in mountain barangay. We went to visit Danao Park, and I burned my leg badly on muffler on way up..OUCH...hehe.) take care. :)
