Friday, October 22, 2010

Me Being Me

Part 2:
 Sometimes, people think that I'm "suplada" because of the way I look and on how I speak. There are times that I heard that there are some who are afraid of me. Knowing it, I just laugh at it. Am I a monster for them to be scared of me? Some also likes and others hate me. And it is fine with me since I can't please everybody to like and love me the way I am.

With my "maldita" looks, there is still a good side inside of me. Like this kind of situation: it breaks my heart whenever I see beggars, especially those who are young. Some people hate it when those beggars asked anything from them. But me, I will never hate them. Why should I? They inspire me to strive hard for life. They are the reasons why I thank God for putting me where I am now. They are the one who reminds me that I'm so lucky for having a house to live in, food to eat, clothes to wear, and loved ones who care for me. Because of this, whenever they asked from me, if I have, I will share it to them.

I'm just a simple girl with simple dreams to reach for and who wants a simple life. I'm a simple type of person. One can easily make me feel happy. Simple things make me happy. Being me, honestly, I can say that I'm not a good person since as a human being, I'm not perfect. I have many imperfections in life. I'm just a type of person who is not that so called "plastic". I don't want to mingle with people whom I don't like and hate to accompany with. I'm good to those who are good to me and bad to those who have done me bad things. But still, for the people I love and for those who are close to me, I'm still willing to do everything just to make them happy. On the other hand, if I can feel that my goodness was being abused, well, they will see the monster in me. Hehehe!

Sometimes, people make backfights with me. This is inevitable for humans since all of us have insecurities in life. I'm looking forward into it. People are free to judge or say things about me. Whatever it is, good or bad, I will accept it with all my heart. I care the hell about their opinions. All I care are those people I love and who love me and people who are always there for me through thick and thin. Backfighters and my haters have freedom to hate me. The thing is, do I like them? And I'm provoking them to get to know me being Fe Analiza Acasio Alico.

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