Monday, October 4, 2010

Malapoc Norte Elementary School Coronation Night

Malapoc Norte Elementary School, this is where I finish my elementary degree. When I was grade five at my elementary the school building got renovated. During the renovation, the school stage got demolished. As being demolished, the school has to replace it since a school stage is really needed whenever the school has an official program to hold. While the stage is not yet build up, teachers and pupils just use the barangay stage for the meantime during their programs. That's why they were having this coronation night, to raise money for a new school stage.

About a month ago, teachers and parents agreed to have a coronation night and its proceeds will be the new school stage. With this being agreed, teachers in different grade level from pre-elementary to grade six choosed two representatives (a boy and a girl) to join the coronation night. The parents of the chosen representatives used small envelopes with a barangay seal and gave it to the people they knew. The purpose of the small envelopes was to collect money, and any amount will do. It is like a solicitation, but also like a competition, because the representative who got the highest amount until the day of the canvassing will take the title of Prince and Princess of Sports 2010. As parents, it's great to imagine your children winning that title. Hence, parents were hardworking to solicit money from people. Some got money from their own pockets just to have a big amount on the canvassing day. This is how much parents in Malapoc Norte try to help their school.

Parents were continuing giving envelopes until the day of the canvassing. Parents of the representative with the money and teachers gathered in the school for the canvassing. Even though I was not there, I know all parents were very nervous during that time and excited to hear the result. Then the canvassing started and even a single penny was counted. After few hours, the canvassing was over. It was time to proclaim the winners: the winning boy was from Grade four, and the winning girl was from pre-elementary. Both their parent are working abroad. The canvassing raised 38000 Peso. It is really of big help to the school for building up their new stage.

September 28 was the day set for coronation night. I was able to witness this moment since my two cousins participated. One was on the third place among the girls while the other one was the previous Princess who will turn over her title to the new Princess of Sports. And my job was to be their makeup artist and photographer. Hehehe! Few hours before the program, we thought that this will be canceled because a brownout caused the literary before the coronation being canceled. Some audiences went home since they really thought that it will be all canceled. But, thanks to God, the brownout was quickly over and the audiences came back and the coronation night continued successfully.

I enjoyed watching the program. It ended all successfully. Good job teachers and pupils! And of course this would not have been that successful without the people who gave contributions to the envelopes, and without the cooperation of the parents. We are thankful to have parents like you! God Bless!

Makeup Artist at Work

Makup and Photographer

Waiting for the Big Moment

Dance Presentation 

Handing over the Crown

Our Representatives

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