Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Reminiscing My Childhood

They say childhood is the best time people can have for their entire life. At first, I disagree. I asked myself how is it going to be the best when we still don’t aware what’s in the real world. Childhood, for me, is the time wherein we didn’t know what’s life. What’s the meaning of life.

I disagreed until the time I talked to my old friends. They were my very old friend. They were my companions, playmates and neighbors. In fact , they were liked brothers and sisters to me. We grew together. We just separated when I gone high school. We have different school. That time, I got no time mingling with them. So as they. We just see each other but unlike our childhood, we played. We no longer played and jammed.

Last week, when I was about to go inside, I saw my old friends on their way home. I decided to chat with them for a bit since it was their last time to be here in Maasin. They’re going to Manila and stay there for good, I think. We talked different things until we came up on talking about our childhood, what we did during childhood. We begun the talking at about 8 P.M and then we finished at around 1 A.M.

During that time, I realized how lucky I am to experienced what I had experienced during my childhood. There are some that didn’t enjoy their childhood. But, me, I enjoyed mine to the fullest. I’m so thankful for my parents for letting me experience the things a child should experienced. Also, I’m thankful for those old friends of mine for joining me and never left me as I explore things on my childhood.

God bless us all!

What Can I say Regarding the Election?

Election! It is the time for us to use our freedom. Our freedom to decide what we want and whom we want. No one should dictate us when this time comes.  It’s the day we shout out what we want to witness through our votes. Election and right to vote always come together.  Our right to vote without minding the sayings of the others.

You may wonder what’s my issue here. Okay! I’ll go directly to the point. It the vote buying.Vote buying is really rampant, I guess. Even it is obviously clear that it’s against the law. Still, some politicians did it just to gain votes. Votes that could make them to win which is really unfair, not just for their opponents but also to the people. This kind of politicians were fooling people. They were just using the power they had just to manipulate the mind of the people. This kind of politicians should not be put into position. Why? During their candidacy, they make vows of NO TO VOTE BUYING. And, still, they did. That simple vow they can’t make. How much in ruling the city or country.

Another matter is the people who sold their votes to these undeserving politicians. They were selling their votes just for a day-money. They were not thinking for their future. They were not thinking for a change. A change that could be better for the nation.This kind of people are irresponsible. Irresponsible for they set aside their responsibility of making the nation better. Instead of voting for the right candidate, they exchange it for a money which could me empty for days. This kind of people were too selfish for a better change. This people were blinded with money. Money that couldn’t make their life better. Whoa!

As I watch the news, there were people caught for vote buying. It made me sad. I am so disappointed that it happened. So disappointing. I’m praying for a change. I’m praying that people will opened up their mind and their eyes for them to see what should be changed. I do hope so.
GOD bless!

My Experience During Election II

Excited and nervous! These are the feelings I had during the election three years ago. The night before the election 2010, I have difficulty in sleeping. I felt afraid. I don’t know what I’m afraid of. I can’t figure it out. When the day arrived, I woke up earlier. I want to be in precinct I am assigned earlier so I couldn’t suffer the long line. I woke my sister and my parents up for us to get ready for voting. Hehehe.
As we were in school we’re the voting held, I didn’t know what to do. Glad my mother were there to assist me. Also, it was the first time for my sister so I felt a bit relief since I had a companion of a first-timer. That fact doesn’t heal my nervous. My hands were shaking. I had many what ifs on my mind which I am worried to happened. One of those is what if I mess up the ballot. What if the ballot couldn’t be read by the machine for the mess I will maybe made. What if the PCOS machine will not accept my ballot as what I heard in the news that there’s a possibility.  What if? What if? While I fell in line, I thought of those what if. Urghhhhhhhh! To entertain my mind and to make that thought out of my mind even just for a second, I run a conversation with my sister. As our conversation flowed, we came up of talking about the worries I had. And funny as I see it, we had the same worries. It was all our first time to use the machine. Hahahahaha. That felt another bit relief.
Then, time came, my turn to vote. Whew! I felt more nervous but not to the extent that I’m going to collapse. No! No! It was just my hands were still shaking. What I did was breath deeply to make me relax and stop my hands from shaking. I write my signature and got my ballot. I have to wait for a second to vote. And finally my turn. As I looked at the ballot, the circles are so small. I thought of having difficulty in filling it up. And, I was right. I really have difficulty. To avoid the mess, I encircle it slowly and gently. And after few minutes, I’m done. No need to look for whom to vote because my mind is already fixed for whom to vote before I entered the precinct.
After the encircling portion, time to insert the ballot to the machine. This is it. Know what, chances making me a joke. The ballot of the person who were in front of me was rejected by the machine. Whoa! The thing I’m worried about. Chances really played me. It was rejected twice and on its 3rd insertion, the machine accepted it. Now, my turn.Before I position my ballot for insertion, I prayed. As I inserted it, the machine eat it. I felt more nervous as I wait for the confirmation. It took almost a minute to process the ballot. And, at last, the machine accepted my ballot. I got my pointing finger an ink and immediately go out the precinct.
Yehey, I overcome my nervous! I felt relaxed. So relaxed. That was what happened during my first time. Every time I remembered it, I smiled. It’s really funny for me. Glad that was only for first time. It never happened again during  this year’s election. Hehehehe.

My Experience During Election I

Election! Election! Election! Election!

Since I was a kid, I was involved during elections. Why? It’s because of my parents who were very active supporting their bet candidates.  I liked the candidate they were supporting for. In fact, I even got mad to those neighbors of ours for they don’t vote my liked candidate. It’s like I had emotional attachment to it. Even if I can’t vote I get mad and got sad whenever I heard bad things about my candidate.  I even argue with children of my age just to defend the my candidate. Hehehe. That’s how affected I am whenever election comes.

It was two elections I was totally involved. Yeahhhh, you got it. I can vote. I am a registered voter for three years now. In fact, I voted twice. I never experienced the writing of candidates name to the ballots. What I had experienced was the latest. It was using the PCOS machine. The procedure changed just the time I can vote. It was its two years now. After I can vote,  I can say that the changes was good. It made the result to be released as soon as possible which was convenient for all of us.

Then, as I finally voted, I was happy for I can not only support my candidate emotionally and spiritually as I always pray that they would win but I can say I supported them physically. Physically since I am personally voted them.Up to these days, I hated people of my opponents which is not good. I should not hate them but I did. Whoa! I can’t stop myself to getting involve. I felt like I want people to see what I see. And I know, they felt the same. They want me to see what they see. This how voters felt every time of election. I guess!

Election 2013

At first, when I heard about election, I thought of raising hands and whoever got the  majority of the raised hands will be the one who got the election. But before that, they undergone nominations. That’s how I reflect election.  This was experienced by me in school. We elect officers for the class or for the school. We only raised our hands and after that, we have our new officials. 

But these things are different from the real world. I really thought what I had experienced was proper. Oooooooohhh, that was proper to the extent that  we are not forced to vote. We have the right to vote for the nominated person we want to be in that position. That was when I was in my elementary, high school and even now in college. 

The election I am talking about is abided by the law. It was part of the law. We have to elect officials who will rule the country, the city, places we are in. This was made through voting, putting the names of the candidates we want. But first, we have to be a registered voter. If not, we can’t get inside the precinct and vote. We should be at the right age which was 18 years old. 

It is in the law that voting is one of our right. It’s part of our human right.

This year, people just undergone voting.  Just a day and voting was done. New officials will be declared this coming June 30 of this year.