Sunday, August 26, 2012

Faith Walk

Another topic, another thought. Questions came up to mind... What is Faith Walk? How do I come up with this matter?

Last July 3, our school, Saint Joseph College held an activity called FAITH WALK. What is this? This activity was called that way because people were marching from one place to another with their faiths in them. That's how I understand it. Every students from elementary to college, faculties and staffs are required to join the activity. It is one of our religious activities we had. Even if it required, we are not force to really join. It's just a matter of conscience and faith of everyone of us.

7 o'clock in the morning, we are gathered ate the Gunfrida Covered Court. We were arranged by department wearing our departmental tshirts. From there, we're going to Montecueva, one of religious spots in Maasin City. It was a long walk. It was not a normal walk. while walking, we pray the Holy Rosary all together. Since we are many, speakers are assigned so that students who are in the middle or about at ther last portion of the line can hear the prayer and can surely join the all together prayer.

Long walk, would the students survive it? Let's find out on my next entry...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Birthday Wishes

Everyone of us has birthday wishes. We say it when we blow our candles or even without candles. This is what we believe that it is more granted when we wished it during birthdays. Some of us has the same wishes as we celebrate birthdays. Some just changed it maybe because they are already granted or they just change their priorities.

Me, I only have the same wishes every year. It just that there are some additionals. Hehehehe!!! It doesn't mean that they are not yet granted. It's just that I want it to be continued. As what I have said, I have the same wishes as of last year. It matters about family and studies. Love life could be an additional. Hehehehe. For my family, it should be health for all of us especially for my parents. My wish is more on my parents. That they should be safe always. They should be away from sickness or diseases. They should be happy all the time. There wishes and prayers will be granted. And God will always protect them from evils. This is what I prioritized when I"m praying. For my sister and me, our dreams will be come true. For my studies, God will send the Holy Spirit to enlighten me so I will be able to catch up quickly our lessons and to be able to finish the course I'm taking up today which is surely be one of the reasons for the happiness of my parents. Also, I'm wishing that God will always remind me to be a good servant to him and be able to do my mission here on earth. :) And for my love life, I'm wishing that I could find someone who will treat me importantly and who will love me for what and who I am and not for what and whom he want me to be. I know heartaches exists together with love but i'm hoping that i wouldn't be like before. Hehehe.

And lastly, I hope my wishes will be granted. GOD bless!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What can I say about the 20th chapter of my life?

...Life is what you make it.

I always heard this line. Upon hearing this, questions comes to my mind. How do I live my life? How do I make life? Do I'm making it worthy?

Being in this world for more than 20 years, I can say that my life is miserable yet enjoyable. It was because of some of my decisions which I thought was right but suddenly, I knew, it wasn't at all. My 20 years of existence has been a roller coaster. That's what life should compare to. There were ups and downs yet we were still here, standing and able to survive what we have undergone. In these 20 years, I have shed many tears because of problems or trials I had. Family, Friendship, studies and love life are all that matters. Matters which make me sad yet also the reason why I'm still able to smile. It's part of growing up. They are part of my journey. These matters are the reason why I became the person I am now. Crying is human. Laughing is human. Envy is human. Sad is human. I'm just living a normal life. And normal life doesn't give you heaven but also hell. Hell which could be sometimes the reason why you feel heaven afterwards. Life would be boring if it is always give you happiness. We could not appreciate happiness without getting sad.

There's nothing in my past I am regretting for. Without those experience of mine, good or bad, I will never be the one I am now today. It helps me to be a strong person. It gives and teach me many lessons which could I use in handling things tomorrow and so on. This is what i always bear in my mind; whatever with the past has gone, the best are always yet to come.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

How was My Birthday Celebration with My Family?

Since my birthday was within school days so I just planned to go home after class and after I went to church for a mass. I never expected for foods for a celebration. All I'm expecting is a dinner like an ordinary day. My class finished at 7:30 p.m. I thought I can't go home since it was already late for a normal trip going to our place. Still, I tried going to terminal. Luckily, there's still rides going there. I was able to go home. Before I went home, I received text messages from my cousins if they are invited but I refuse since all I know is there's no food to offer for them. They replied saying they understand.

As I arrived home, there were motorcycles outside. I know it was uncle's. I know what's going on. It was one of the attitude of our family that even if there's no food prepared, we still go to the house of the birthday celebrant. They can't do nothing but prepare food. Hehehe. It is how we treated each other. I find it more fun. Whenever one of us had birthday, we gathered. I just smiled with what I thought. As I went inside our house, they welcome me with a greetings. Then,there I know that they were there because my parents invited them. The text messages I received was part of the plan. Foods were ready. I was just the one who is waited for dinner. Hmmmmp. We had fun during dinner. Laughs and tease were present. Looking at them, I can feel that I am soooooooooo LOVED.

Suddenly, I realized, it's not the food that matters during birthdays. It's what you have during that day. It's whom you have and whom you are with. It's not the prepared food that made me happy but the people who showed their love to me and make me feel like I am important to them as they are to me. I'm so thankful to God for what I have and whom I have. I have parents, relatives and friends who really love me and would never leave no matter what happen. I love them too. I would never be what I am now without them and they will be part as I build my future.

THANK YOU LORD. GOD bless us all!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My 21st Birthday

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that counts. It's the life in your years."
 - Abraham Licoln

Time runs fast. Another year had passed. Everybody is growing old. Whoaaaaaaa!!!

It was like yesterday when I celebrated my 20th birthday. This year, month ago, June 20, Wednesday, I consecrated my 21st birthday. Another year was added to my age. Hmmmmp. Just like last year, I celebrated it with friends, same venue, at Panny's Bakeshop but it was my another group of friends. They were my buddies in school. We think the same most of the time. I never thought of celebrating my birthday. Being alive and able to have this age is enough for me. I just planned to go to church and then went home so I would be with my family during that special dayof mine. It was myfriend who convinced me to celebrate my birthday in Panny's. She convinced me to buy cake, balloon and birthday hats and took pictures. She said it was just once in a year that I should make the most out of it. She said I should do what I want on my birthday. I was convinced. I agreed. She's right. Birthday comes once in a year and who knows I wouldn't be able to celebrate my 22nd anymore. KNOCK ON WOOD. Hehehe. So, I did what she said. We went to Panny's bakeshop, buy cake, have my name written on it, hats and candles. They were the one who bought balloons. And then, we took many pictures. As far as I remember , it was my first time to blow a candle on my birthday. In fact, I never tried children's party on my childhood years. But it's okay, I understand. My parents can't afford that kind of party. What I'm used to is only family dinner which I find fun and enjoyable. Family and relatives with me is enough to consider my celebration of birthday a complete one. With what we did, I find it more fun. Although I was shy with the other customers inside the bakeshop. They were looking at us. I'm acting like a kid as I wear a birthday hat. Hehehe. I just don't mind them. The important is I was able to do what I want to during my birthday. Even if I wasn't able to do all, at least, I did some of it.
