Friday, February 10, 2012

New Year Celebration

After attending Mass as a welcome of New Year, we had a simple dinner in our house and after that, we slept. We found difficulties in sleeping because of the noise outside for welcoming the new year. Some drove their motor vehicles  loud sounds with part of roofs or cans tied on it. Our neighbor turn his chainsaw to produce noise. Some were busy making sounds through their fireworks. Also, there are children caroling every houses. I must say, that was the noisiest day of the year. Hehehe. Making noise is what we believed could take aways bad lucks. It was just a belief of ours.

After few minutes, about an hour of noise, we could go back to sleep finally. I woke up early in the morning to prepare food again for our breakfast. I also helped my father preparing for the head portion of the pig we slaughtered for lechon. After breakfast, we were still busy again for foods. Whoa. Before lunchtime, Papa's friends came into our house, also ate's best friend came, to had lunch with us. Simple foods for simple people. After the lunch, after a while, me, ate and her best friend agreed to go to Danao Park to relax and have some fresh air. We brought my camera with us and took pictures in any places we want and in any position we did. We went to Hanging bridge which is new to us. It was just not more than 10 meters length, I think. Also, we climbed to a blue rope, don't know what to call it and take some pose there. We also climbed on a tree. This is when I received my first blessing for that year, bees bite. As we climbed to the tree, I saw the house. I'm not aware that it was bees'. I thought it was black ants' so no worries. We pose and pose there. As we finished taking pictures, when I am about to climbed down the tree, an insect bit me. When I look at it. It was bee. Then another bite again. Whoa. That was really hurt. I almost cried. I ran and ran away from the tree, also my ate's best friend. I got four bites; one in my shoulder, arm, finger and bicep. My ate's Bf got only one bite which was in her right eyebrow. As we went home, we just laughed what had happen. It hurts but a while, we found it funny. I laughed at myself since it was new year and I was being biten by bees. Hehehe. I could consider it as an unforgettable moment and a great experience. I never regret I was biten since entirely, i had fun. I am happy. No need to be worry. Those bites would be healed and fade but the memories, NEVER.

Happy New Year Everyone!!! God Blesses 2012!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rizal Day

December 31 is an official holiday. It is our way of giving importance for what our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, did for our country against the Spaniards.It is the when Rizal was executed at Bagumbayan, now the Rizal Park.

Rizal fought the Spaniards without causing blood to diminished. He fought Spaniards through writing novels like Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which exposed the arrogance and depotism of Spaniard Clergy and officials. These led him and his relatives to be in trouble. Spaniards didn't stop finding fault against them. He was imprisoned in Fort Santiago for few days on a charge of anti-friar for pamphlets were found at the luggage of her sister during their arrival from Hong Kong. While He was in Dapitan, he engaged into agriculture, fishing and business. He also taught Filipino children on English and Spanish language. He was being exiled to the island of Mindanao and during that time, Filipino revolt broke out and he was accused to be the one who inspired it. After a series of trials, he was convicted of rebellion, sedition, and of forming illegal associations. December 30, early morning, Rizal was shot at Bagumbayan field.

The heroic did of Rizal is still being commemorated until now. He still considers as number one among Philippine National Hero. He was being idolized by his intelligence, courage, loyalty and bravery. I salute you Dr. Jose Rizal.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week Before New Year

During Christmas, December 25, we had lunch at late grandparent's house(mother side) with families and friends. After that, we laughed and laughed until our stomach muscles were aching. We were talking about the funny moments we had with our relatives. My mama's sister were reminiscing their childhood days. later after we had some chats, one of our aunts asked me to teach them some dance steps for their dance presentation which is to be presented on the night for the Barangay Christmas party. I taught my aunt and her companions some simple steps since they were complaining if I taught them some little twist of steps. We practiced for few hours since they only had few hours to practice since it was that day they should present the dance. I had fun practicing them since looking at them executing the actions makes the mothers cute. Hehehe. After the practice, we went home to got ready for the party. upon arriving home. I lie down on my bed. That was the time I realized I'm tired. I planned to rest for a while and then got ready but, I fell asleep. My mother tried to awake me up but she failed so she just let me. Whoa!! I missed the party. I missed the presentation of my aunt with her companion which is me who taught them. UGH.

December 26, as I wake up, I felt pain on my legs and arm. I thought it was just a simple pain but it didn't. When I stand, it hurts especially when I walked that's why I had difficulties in walking that time. I was excempted with the chores because of that pain. I teased my aunt to pay me for it would not happen to me if I didn't taught them to dance. That was just a joke. My plans for that day was canceled which is to go to my grandparent's house to meet my cousins and watched movies there with them.

December 27, it was still aching.OUCH!!! What i did was watching television in our house and sleep.

December 28, thank God! Pain was gone. Our aunt asked me to go to grocery store to buy stuffs for the birthday celebration of my little cousin. I said YES immediately since this was what I wanted to do. I love buying groceries. After we bought groceries, we went home immediately and prepared the foods. Then, the celebration started. Happy Birthday!!! hehehehe.

December 29, I just stayed in our house. Nothing special happened.

December 30, my cousin pick me up from home to my grandparent's house. We watched movies and eat fried banana as our snacks. Afternoon came, with nothing else to do, we agreed to go to Maasin City Forest Park and have some fresh air. We roamed around the place while riding on a motor vehicle. I also practiced how to drive for about an hour. We stayed at the cottage while waiting for the closing time to come which is 5pm. We had some Chats. I had fun since we were talking about lovelife which were not we  usually do. Hehehe.

December 31, I didn't intend to wake up early but I did since I helped my father to slaughter the pig. Every year, we slaughter pig and sold it to our neighbors. I was the only one who helped my father doing that. I became his assistant. That was for the first time and I found it exciting. I helped me tied pig's legs so it wouldn't be difficult to slaughter it. I got my shirt dirty since it's raining. As my father put the knife on pig's neck, few drops of blood spread into my shirt and arms. I found it funny. I even laughed. We put hot boiled water over pig's body so the hair would be easy to wipe off. After that, time to cut the body of the pig into the desired weight the neighbor wants to buy. I felt proud since my father told my neighbor that I was his assistant. Hehehe. In the afternoon, my cousin and aunt arrived in our house since they were celebrating new year with us. We prepared food and I was the one who is assigned to make Spaghetti. Yummy. Ehemm.

 Then, we went to church to welcome new year. After mass, people were shouting  HAPPY NEW YEAR while the noise of the fireworks heard from outside.

December 30 is also Rizal Day!!!

God Bless!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Christmas Vacation

In this entry, I am going to tell you what I did during the Christmas vacation. And on how I spend it!

My entire vacation was just at our place, Brgy. Malapoc Norte! Below, I'm going to have a list of date with corresponding activity of mine.

December 17, this is when I packed my things up; my dirty and cleaned clothes which i have to brought back to our house since it's the start of the vacation. Before I went home, we went Metro Hi-Per, newest mall in Maasin City. We had some ice cream there after we stroll around the area. We shop for some stuffs (except for junk foods since my mother would be angry if I eat it) to bring home for my family. This is what we call pasalubong. It wasn't expensive yet comes from our heart. Me, I bought coffee and bread  for Papa, toasted cake for Mama and short jeans for my ate. After we stroll, we went to our bourding house and parted ways.

December 18, I went to mass at dawn with my family. After the mass, as we went on our way out of the Church, Dogs fight with each other that people were running away except me. One dog bumped against my leg. That's the time When I thought that I have to run to. I run back and hugged my father and cried. I was really afraid . I was shocked by what happened. On our way out to the church, people were asking why i cried. I was shy but it's just that I couldn't help but cry because I was really afraid. My heart beats faster and faster. Thank god that dog didn't bit me.

December 19-24, I attended mass again. Dec. 21, I walked with my sister on our way to church since our motor vehicle had no gasoline that is why we had to walk so we could attend the Mass! My parent's wasn't able to attend since my Mama's back is aching and my Papa had be with her. So, it was me and my sister alone to go to Church.And on our way, my sister kept on complaining that her biceps was hurt since I hold her tightly since I was afraid in the dark. There are few lights. We have flashlights with us but still I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what if we could see ghost or witch. Hehehe. My sister just laughed at me and whenever I loose holding her, she run then I act to cry to stop her.

December 23, evening, I received a message from LBC saying I have to claim package at their office.  After I read the message, I jumped with happiness.

December 24,  after lunchtime, I went to Maasin Proper with my sister and her friend to buy groceries for the Noche Buena. Before we went to Grocery store, we went to LBC station to get my package. Yahoooo. It was already in my hand. I'm so excited to be home to open and know what's inside. Thank you to Georg for the package!

It was my first time to buy groceries in which I am the one who will budget. I was so excited that time since that was I wanted to do to buy many groceries with many bags full of groceries with me upon going out of the store. During grocery time, I was happy since my crush called my name. I never expect him to call me but he did. Yahooooooooo. Hehehe. My sister lined up to the counter. It was a long wait since there were many people buying groceries and the lines are long in every counter. It was a very tiring day. As we arrived home (grandparent's house), we never rest. I opened the gift. I was happy with the inside since it was a small cute bear, towel which is colored by my favorite color which is blue and a lux soap. Soooo happy with it. We are the one who prepared the food with our aunt. Really tiring, I must say. Yet, enjoyable. After cooking, we went home and got ready for Mass. After mass, we ate dinner together and had some talks after. Love it.

This is how I spent my christmas vacation. You may say that there's nothing special but for me, I was satisfied by it.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Christmas Wish

Do you still remember when I said that there's a saying that if you completed the Simbang gabi (Misa de Gallo), your wishes will come true? Do you believe in that? Wanna know my wishes? Ok, I'll tell you.

For me, even if I didn't prove that wishes do come true if you completed the Misa de Gallo, I still believed in it. Many people I knew stated that there wishes did come true. Me, honestly, I'm not that into attending masses especially when it is during dawn since I hate to wake up at dawn. But last Misa de Gallo, I did my very best to wake up early in the morning just to attend the Simbang gabi, to complete it so I could make a wish. My family teases me about my wish. They teased me that it my crush who is my wish to be my boyfriend on 2012. With this, I laughed. If only they knew my wish. My wish is just simple. Simple for my family. I don't wish for any expensive material things. My wish is just for the happiness, good health and long lived parents. I wished that I could give happiness to my parents that I couldn't be a burden to them. For me, material things were just useless without my family. They are the most and precious thing I have now. I will let material things I have but not them. This is how much i love my family; my papa, mama and ate.

I'm not only wishing for my family but for the whole world. I'm wishing for a peaceful, safe and loving world since as what I have observed through news, our world is like a disaster. Calamities, wars and poverty are attacking us. I just wish devils won't win over the world. May the Lord blesses our world and guide us to good paths of life.

How I'm hoping for my wish come true. I do believe it will. May all your wishes come true too. God bless us all!!!