Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Congressman Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (Part 1)

Few months or weeks, it's been a menu of the conversation of all Filipinos even in other country, maybe, about what Congressman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is facing today. She was the 14th president of the Republic of the Philippines and been the 2nd female president after late former President Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino. There were many cases which is filed against her related to corruption. This corruption issues was during her time as a president of our country.

As I remembered, as she was still the president, there were many issues against her. There were many anomalies when she in her sit as a president. These include the million dinner. Me, myself, upon hearing this news, I was really mad at her. How could she ate that expensive food when her people was suffering from poverty. That happened abroad. Another case is the ZTE where there pictures have been taken that could support that the issue is true. Also, I remember the Hello Garci issue which is related to the 2004 election as she won as the president against late Fernando Poe. This issue arised when a recording of a phone call conversation of CGMA and former Election Comissioner Virgilio Garcillano, talking about the rigging of 2004 election, came out to the public on June 2005. There were many attempts of impeachment against her but it didn't happen since her administration is dominated by her allies. It was blocked by them.

With these  issues I have mentioned above, I'm so disappointed with her.  My appreciation for her as a president of the country turned into disappointments and anger. If it is true, how could she do that.

I have many things to say about the issue. And, this will be on my next entry...

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