Friday, November 11, 2011


We all know that Philippines is currently suffering from poverty. One of its reason is the effect of the calamities attacking into it. Like what had happen just weeks ago. It was last week of September and about first week of October when two typhoons named Pedring and Quiel attacked Philippines especially on the upper part of it, the Luzon.

These two typhoons brought a disaster to the Philippines. It added the problems that our country is facing now. Our country hasn't yet recovered from the result of the previous typhoons and now, there were trials again. OH MY! It was really heartbreaking watching the news about the disaster the two typhoons had caused. People were suffering from hungry since they can't get food because they were trapped by the flood which is above human level. In fact, some stayed at their house second floor while others stayed at the roofs. In order for the other victims to go from one area to another, they used small boats as their transportation. Also, some walked kilometers away just to get food whenever they hear hearsays that their are some donations arrived. They sacrificed to walk in order to feed their crying stomachs. As we can see the news, there really millions or billions maybe of damaged. From people themselves who died, their agricultural area which is one of their source of income, from the things they worked hard to buy, the schools and schools materials, to the roads that has been not used because of the landslide that trapped many commuters. That was really a damn damaged.

WHOA. I was very sad by it. I am thankful that it didn't happen into our place. On the other hand, I felt really sorry for those typhoon victims. I know even if I didn't experience it, it's really difficult. I just pray their goodness to God. It's all I can do, to pray and left it up to the LORD. To all the typhoon victims, don't lose hope. There's still tomorrow. God Bless!!!


  1. Your story brings back the news and videos I watched here in Canada of early September in Luzon. The home going under the river bridge stays forever in my mind. Your sensitivity and homage to those unfortunates and victims in many ways is excellent Fe. Thanks for your Blog...always interesting and often personal. keep it going! Thanks. CB

  2. thank you for your comment ColmBryan... it inspires me to write more entries. GBU.
