Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BER Month

It was like yesterday that we celebrate Loyalty Day, have sembreak vacation, celebrate all Saints and all Souls day, Advent season and most of all, Christmas. It was like after we celebrate all of those mentioned, we slept and when we woke up, it's BER Month again. Meaning, We are near to Christmas. Time really goes so fast. We can't stop it.

Now, the season is raining. Many typhoons were coming. It's one of the sign for coming of Christmas which is rain. Also, surroundings start to become colder. Maybe, during this time, some already prepared for their Christmas celebration. They start listing things need to buy for the celebration. Maybe they already have lists of people to whom they will give their special gifts of love.

Thinking about it, now that Christmas is already coming, it excites me. For me, Christmas is really the best celebration a human could have, not because they will receive gifts from their loved ones or it's the time for family bonding or vacation but, it's when JESUS, our SAVIOR, was born. It's the main reason why we celebrate it.

So now, let's do the countdown for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. And, let me be the first one to great you a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all. May we all have a fruitful days while this event is coming. God Bless!!!

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