Sunday, May 8, 2011

Resigned as an Out of School Youth

"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore."

It wasn't my plan at all to be one of those "out of school youth". It never appeared in my wildest dream. It's just that time and situations push me through it. But, I can say that, as I became an out of school youth, it gave me more fun. And, I must say that, as I became one, I enjoyed my teenage life very much which I never experienced during my school life. I became more closer to the people whom I want to be closed to. I got also more time for my family and relatives. I have many experiences which I did for the first time. I regretted that I stop my schooling for some other way. It is sad to think that I'm already behind from my batch mates. But, to think of my experiences, it's all worth it that I never regretted to go through the things I had done during my being an out of school youth. Those experiences molded me to what I am now. I have more understanding about life. I have many dreams in life. And now, I'm pursuing it through going back to studies and continue the course I really dreamed from the very beginning which is to finish a Nursing degree and get licensed. Now, I had my limitations unlike months ago. Sleepless nights because I have to study my lessons, staying in front of the books instead of friends, hardworks in doing my projects and assignments; these are the things I hate to do, honestly. But, I have to do these for the sake of my dreams. And, I'm doing it heartedly as my parents, relatives, friends and my dreams are my inspirations.

School may be tiring but there's nothing I can do to change the truth that going to school and be educated is one of those steps to success. Success comes who pursue with it and doesn't come to those who wait for it. And, this is what I'm doing now, taking a step to success. I'll tell you that I miss my friends and families for I am far away from them. but I just think I do this for my future and for those people I loved. It gives me motivation to study hard. 

I just want to those people around me during my being an our of school youth especially my family and friends. Without them, those times will that colorless and I may never be that enjoyed. I owe a lot to them. Wish me luck! God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog! One day soon again visit my lovely Luzyl Cadao from Macrohon, if she allow it. ColmBryan
