Sunday, May 8, 2011

Continuing My Nursing Course

April 13 of this year when me and my mother went to VSU (Visayas State University) in Baybay, Leyte to finish the enrollment pares so I can enter the summer class. April 11 was the opening of the class. Actually, we planned to enroll of that day but, we couldn't because I'm lacked of only one requirement which is the laboratory examination specifically FECALYSIS. I was being trapped into this since I wasn't able to make my waste out from my body. So, I decided to make it on the next day which is April 12. Still, it wasn't. It seemed that chances teased me. Because of this, I did everything I can so I could be able to make my stool out. I ate foods rich in fibers. I forced myself to defecate. And lastly, I drank tea to fasten my digestion. But, still, it didn't on that day. I felt worried. I was already two-day late in class. I was already behind on our lessons. Huhuhu. I couldn't sleep on that night thinking about my schooling. was it a sign that I should not go back to school and just work to help my parents? Or was it just a challenge? These are the questions came up into my mind. To comfort myself, I just thought that it was just a challenge and I'll be able to pass with it. I did not notice on what time did I fell asleep. When I woke up, hurrah, the nature is calling me. This is it! At last, I could complete my requirements and be enrolled. After a 30-minute of waiting for the result of the examination, we went immediately to VSU with two back packs with us containing my stuffs. It was in the afternoon, near to dark, we finished the enrollment. Yippee! My mother was supposed to leave to home but, I asked her to stay for one night. There, we slept in the same bed which is just good for one person. Even if my mother was with me, I still missed home, my father and my sister. I just thought that I would take the miss mode because it was for my future, our future. Thursday, early morning around 5:30a.m, the clock rang. It was a wake up call. Every morning, the same time, except for Sundays, we ought to clean the surrounding of our dormitory. It is part of the rule. I hate to wake up early but i have to so I won't be able to get a fines. My mother was still in the dormitory until I finished cleaning the assigned area. Before my mother left, I hugged her. Ooooh, I already missed her. I'm about to cry but I don't let it happen since my roommates would be able to see it. Then, time for me to get ready for school. My first day in class since I stopped. What happen to me? Find it out on my next entry! God Bless!

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