Friday, May 20, 2011

Holy Week

“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted.” (Isaiah 43:25-26).

Holy Week is celebrated every year. It is one of the most important events in Catholic calendar. It is the final week of the lenten season before Easter. It commemorates the the events of Jesus' last week before his death through various observances and services in some churches or chapels. It has chief festivals namely: Palm Sunday, Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, and Black Saturday (Great Vigil). Here in the Philippines, Lent is observed through weekly fasting and abstinence, penitence as well as the traditional passion plays or senakulo, panata, via crucis, visita iglesia and the pabasa in most barangays or villages in every town and city.

In my barangay (Brgy. Malapoc Norte), we commemorates the sacrifices that Jesus have done to save us. It was lead by Rev. Father Boy Luzon. On Palm Sunday, the mass was started with the blessing of the palm leaves and then marching to the Church. People in our barangay brought coconut leaves for the blessing of the leaves and place it in their house when they got home after the Mass. During the mass, reading of the entire passion narrative from one of the synoptic gospels (Matthew 26:14-27:66; Mark 14:1-15:47; and Luke 22:1-23:56) was being featured. For Maunday Thursday, a mass was held commemorating the events that took place the night Jesus was betrayed. During the mass, there is an reenactment of the foot washing rituals. However, the true essence of this day is the celebration of the Last supper and stripping of the altar followed afterwards in which the priest and assistants remove all vessels. In spite of its solemnity, Lent Season and its peak of holy week are special occasions for Filipinos to pray and bond or reunite with their families as well as relax from the daily grind. It is also the time to repent for our sins, asked for forgiveness, sorry, and show the essence of genuine love & trust to HIM coz nobody in this world to SAVE Us people except the Almighty. Lets thank Jesus for saving us despite of our wrong deeds that made him suffer on the cross. We Love You Jesus.

During Good Friday, station of the cross was held early in the morning. When the afternoon came, there is a reading of seven last words and mass was held afterwards. In spite of the solemnity of Good Friday worship, it is not a funeral service for Jesus. It is rather a time of quiet and serious contemplation on His great saving work. for the Black Saturday, great vigil is reenacted. The Great Vigil is made up of four separate but connected worship services. These are service of light, service of readings, service of baptism and last is the service of Holy Communion. During the great vigil, people staying up late in the church until the coming of the Easter Sunday.

Monday, May 9, 2011

1st Day in School Again

Some says college life is a life of freedom. I remembered my first day in school as I went back to continue my studies. I had looked forward to this day from my school days. As I came back, it meant to me a new life. I was no more a young girl but a young woman. I had to think myself as a lady with a sense of freedom.

 When I entered my college for the first day, I looked around with a mixed feeling of perplexity and joy. The stately building with massive pillars made a deep impression on my mind. I was puzzled as I was not familiar to their ways of things. The students in batches were moving up and down the corridors for their classes. The professors were coming smilingly and exchanging greetings with the students in a friendly manner.

On my first day, I didn't even know where my rooms for the respected subjects were located. It's like I'm back to zero. With this, it made me nervous and shy. What I did was asking every students I met on my way where this room is and where that room is. Gladly that people there were so kind. They pointed me the right room. As I entered into the room, students who were my classmates were looking at me. I felt shy and small since I didn't know them. I only saw them for the first time. When I sat down on my chair, I must say that they were so accommodating. They were also my classmates in all subjects. Knowing this, I felt relief since I'd just follow them on our next subject because I found out that I would never be confined in the same room. As we finished with our first subject, someone came near me and ask me my name. When we introduce ourselves to each other, I could say that God was really good to me since that person was just entered to our class on that day. And our next subject required us to have a partner since we had an activity. So, I already had a partner. Yipee! She became my companion during our class hours and in going to our next classes. With this, I had nothing to worry about. She also served as my guide since she toured me to the school places which I didn't know.

And the classes for that day was ended. I'm so thankful to God that He never let me get lost in my new school. I stayed there for the first time. I had a great experience in my first day. Now, I didn't know all my classmates name. I just familiarize their faces. What a great day for me. I find it interesting since I'd be able to go and do things on my own which I haven't did before. It was great comeback. Wish me luck in my schooling! God Bless!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Continuing My Nursing Course

April 13 of this year when me and my mother went to VSU (Visayas State University) in Baybay, Leyte to finish the enrollment pares so I can enter the summer class. April 11 was the opening of the class. Actually, we planned to enroll of that day but, we couldn't because I'm lacked of only one requirement which is the laboratory examination specifically FECALYSIS. I was being trapped into this since I wasn't able to make my waste out from my body. So, I decided to make it on the next day which is April 12. Still, it wasn't. It seemed that chances teased me. Because of this, I did everything I can so I could be able to make my stool out. I ate foods rich in fibers. I forced myself to defecate. And lastly, I drank tea to fasten my digestion. But, still, it didn't on that day. I felt worried. I was already two-day late in class. I was already behind on our lessons. Huhuhu. I couldn't sleep on that night thinking about my schooling. was it a sign that I should not go back to school and just work to help my parents? Or was it just a challenge? These are the questions came up into my mind. To comfort myself, I just thought that it was just a challenge and I'll be able to pass with it. I did not notice on what time did I fell asleep. When I woke up, hurrah, the nature is calling me. This is it! At last, I could complete my requirements and be enrolled. After a 30-minute of waiting for the result of the examination, we went immediately to VSU with two back packs with us containing my stuffs. It was in the afternoon, near to dark, we finished the enrollment. Yippee! My mother was supposed to leave to home but, I asked her to stay for one night. There, we slept in the same bed which is just good for one person. Even if my mother was with me, I still missed home, my father and my sister. I just thought that I would take the miss mode because it was for my future, our future. Thursday, early morning around 5:30a.m, the clock rang. It was a wake up call. Every morning, the same time, except for Sundays, we ought to clean the surrounding of our dormitory. It is part of the rule. I hate to wake up early but i have to so I won't be able to get a fines. My mother was still in the dormitory until I finished cleaning the assigned area. Before my mother left, I hugged her. Ooooh, I already missed her. I'm about to cry but I don't let it happen since my roommates would be able to see it. Then, time for me to get ready for school. My first day in class since I stopped. What happen to me? Find it out on my next entry! God Bless!

Resigned as an Out of School Youth

"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore."

It wasn't my plan at all to be one of those "out of school youth". It never appeared in my wildest dream. It's just that time and situations push me through it. But, I can say that, as I became an out of school youth, it gave me more fun. And, I must say that, as I became one, I enjoyed my teenage life very much which I never experienced during my school life. I became more closer to the people whom I want to be closed to. I got also more time for my family and relatives. I have many experiences which I did for the first time. I regretted that I stop my schooling for some other way. It is sad to think that I'm already behind from my batch mates. But, to think of my experiences, it's all worth it that I never regretted to go through the things I had done during my being an out of school youth. Those experiences molded me to what I am now. I have more understanding about life. I have many dreams in life. And now, I'm pursuing it through going back to studies and continue the course I really dreamed from the very beginning which is to finish a Nursing degree and get licensed. Now, I had my limitations unlike months ago. Sleepless nights because I have to study my lessons, staying in front of the books instead of friends, hardworks in doing my projects and assignments; these are the things I hate to do, honestly. But, I have to do these for the sake of my dreams. And, I'm doing it heartedly as my parents, relatives, friends and my dreams are my inspirations.

School may be tiring but there's nothing I can do to change the truth that going to school and be educated is one of those steps to success. Success comes who pursue with it and doesn't come to those who wait for it. And, this is what I'm doing now, taking a step to success. I'll tell you that I miss my friends and families for I am far away from them. but I just think I do this for my future and for those people I loved. It gives me motivation to study hard. 

I just want to those people around me during my being an our of school youth especially my family and friends. Without them, those times will that colorless and I may never be that enjoyed. I owe a lot to them. Wish me luck! God Bless!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Execution of Three Filipinos in China

"Death is not only an unusually severe punishment, unusual in its pain, in its finality and in its enormity, but it serves no penal purpose more effectively than a less severe punishment; therefore the principle inherent in the clause that prohibits pointless infliction of excessive punishment when less severe punishment can adequately achieve the same purposes invalidates the punishment."

March 30, Filipinos around the world were in grief for the death of three Filipinos in China namely; Ramon Credo, 42, Elizabeth Batain, 38, and Sally Villanueva, 32, who were convicted of drug trafficking last 2009. They were supposed to be executed last Feb. 20 and 21 but it was being hold after Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay went to China to ask mercy last Feb. 18. Philippine Government had gone to their great lengths to save the three for the execution. They made repeated appeals for their sentences will be commuted to life in jail. But, the Chinese Embassy confirmed that the three will be put into death on March 30. Chinese government began to snab appeals from the Philippines for the commution of sentences. A week before the execution, PNOY acknowledged that from the very start, the government was told that the hold of the punishment was just temporary and "WE HAVE TO CONFORM TO THEIR LAWS". Before the execution happened, the three were able to meet their families for the last time. They were only given one hour to talk to the three. Sadly, they were not able to give their pasalubongs from Phil. to the three for the authority prohibited it. When the day came, the three filipino drug mules were executed through a lethal injection at morning. At that time, news were focusing on their death and Filipinos sympathize for what happened.

Some said that the Government did not do their part in saving the life of those people. In my opinion, of course they did. It is just that, China has its own laws. Yes, it was really a bad news for us Filipinos that, to some extent, we should put on our minds that it is already in the law of China to execute the criminals and there's nothing we can do about it. Executing those Chinese drug smugglers in Philippines?? That would be okay but, we don't have laws like that. 227 Filipinos were in jail for the same case, DRUG TRAFFICKING. And, I don't think that they should be forgiven for what they have done because they came from poor families. I'm sorry to say that engaging to drug smuggling would make out from poverty. For me, the Government should focus on how come that those drugs were able to pass over the airport when there were X-rays for the luggages and passengers. Is there any member of the syndicate inside the airport? If there is, they should be convicted. All I can say is that we, Filipinos, should not allow ourselves to be one of those victims of International syndicates. R.I.P for the three. God Bless!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Moving On: A 3-Step Process

"Baby, I found someone new. Will you set me free?"

"This relationship is not working. It is better to end this."

"Oh, I"m sorry darling, but I'm not inlove with you anymore."

Ouch! It hurts, right? Love feels like heaven and its loss hurts like hell. When a break-up comes, expect tears, pain, sorrow and sleepless nights. It seems like you're carrying the whole world. You would always asked yourself: "Will I be able to move on?" Of course you can, if you are willing to help yourself!

Moving on is not easy. It is a process. It takes time. How will you be able to move on when all those memories keep haunting you? How will be able to go on with your life when you lost someone who is your greatest dream? Your future? Your beloved? Will you just let yourself to be trapped? Or just bless the parting and move on? Choose the latter? How?

You have to accept it! Face the reality, and then detach! Release! Forgive and start a new life.

Acceptance is very important. It is a way that you can make peace with yourself and the other one involved. Understand that almost everything in this world is impermanent, thus always give yourself a room for a change. That's reality! That's the truth. It hurts, yes it does, but it can set you free so just face it.

Next is detachment or release. According to Morrie Swartz, "detachment doesn't mean you don't let the experience or emotion penetrate you, on the contrary, you let it penetrate it fully." That's how you are able to leave it. Don't be a great pretender. It will do you no good. Cry if you want! Feel the pain! Don't run from it because it will go after you. It will hurt you. If you are so afraid to feel the pain, you would not be able to recognize it, and you can't move on then. But once you let the emotion penetrate you, you'll get acquainted with it. So, you don't have to dwell on that emotion forever. Once you feel the pain, you know it's pain. Upon recogniozing it, you can say, "Oh! I know it's pain and I'm through with it. I must put this aside." That was Morrie taught Mitch during that latter's 6th Tuesday visit with Morrie. (From the book "Tuesdays with Morrie").

Lastly, you must forgive and start a new life. Forgive yourself and the person who hurt you. It's not easy but it's worth it. Don't dwell on the past. You can never change it. Instead, focus your energy on the future.

Are you ready? Start moving on now! Don't ruin your life to a person who doesn't deserve your tears, who doesn't see your worth and doesn't love you back. Life is too short and too precious to be wasted on the crap.

This insights above helped me a lot during those times that I am heartbroken. It helped me a little bit. It gave me idea on what to do so I can moved on. That's why, I share it with you especially to those who undergo break ups. I got this insight from the JOSEPHINIAN magazine (Saint Joseph College magazine). To all heartbrokens, good luck in moving on! I'm through with it and I can say that, experiencing pain makes me more stronger. God bless!