Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Traveling to Manila Part 2

This is the story of my trip to Manila. If you want to read it from the beginning, click on the links here: Travel Part1. The next part is here.

First, my parents did not permit me to go to Manila. Maybe because, they will gonna miss me. Hehehe! My plan was to go here in June 2010 but they were making many alibis like they don't have trust in me in going here alone. Hence I didn't go since I understand their part. They were just worried about me if I travel alone. So, I just enjoyed myself together with my friends in Maasin while waiting for a companion to go here. It was Dec. 2, 2010 when my parents gave me permission to go here since I already had a companion, our neighbor who also planned to spend Christmas and New Year with her family who live in Manila. It was my father who convinced my mother to just let me to have a vacation here. Knowing that they permitted me, I was so grateful. I was so happy and excited. Knowing the fixed date of my departure which is Dec. 10, 2010, I planned to jam with my friends before I leave. When the day came, I didn't understand my feeling. It was mixed emotions. I felt very excited, but I missed my parents already. In fact, I was about to cry when I hugged them to say farewell. And then, I sat on the seat #21 of the ULTRABUS number 08068. All were ready including the driver. The machine started and ready to go! Bon Vonyage!

I know my weakness when I travel: vomiting and dizziness. To avoid it, I just slept. My neighbor woke me up when we were going to pass the San Juanico Bridge. Then, I started to feel hungry and I ate. After I ate, maybe 30 minutes, oh my, I started to feel dizzy and vomit. All I remembered was that I felt weak and lost my appetite. With this, I forced myself to eat since I have to for it was a long trip ang my stomach needs something to digest. While I was awake, I just looked outside through the bus window. There, I saw lots of beautiful views. I also saw how conveniet some people live, also how hard others have to master their life. I saw people living in a concrete house while others lived just in a tent. I remember Maasin. I could also see different people with different emotions reflected by their faces. Some were happy; maybe they don't have problems while others were sad as if they were carrying the world. From time to time, I vomited whenever I was awake so I tried to keep myself asleep after I ate. During our trip, sometimes, I thought of telling the driver to stop the bus for me to go down and go back to Maasin. It's not that easy. But, that was just a thought of a girl who was weak and already missed the people that she loves. Time came that I really couldn't sleep. I couldn't wait to arrive in Manila. I tried to keep my eyes closed and sleep but I really couldn't. I didn't know what time we arrive until I saw a bus terminal. There it was! We finally arrived here in MANILA. Yahooooo!

Upon arriving, I looked around and saw buildings, MRT, luxury cars, taxis, buses, jeepneys, billboards, etc. These are what I always saw in television. Now I saw it the first time in my life in real. On the other hand, I'm so thankful that we came here safe. God blessed our trip!

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