Monday, December 10, 2012

Letter to my Teacher

To my dearest teachers,

Some people may describe you as people who get paid. But I believe that you are not just like that. In fact, you are more than just like that. You are all extraordinary professionals. You are really awesome, amazing, great, and terrible people I know. You have been my mentors ever since  I step on a sanctuary called school.

Because of you, I have learn what alphabet is. With your tireless teachings, I learned how to read, write and draw. You even let me meet different colors, know their names and be close to them. Although, some were taught by our parents before I started my school life.

You were always there on our side as I build my own dreams and ambitions in life. You equipped me with knowledge and experiences which I know I could use whenever I live a life on my own.Whenever I'm in school, you always taught me good things. You taught me how to become a better person. Better person with principles and how to stand for it. You molded me from my intellectual to spiritual, from physical to emotional. You are one of those people who shapes me to what I am now. You have really a great part in my life. You are part of my past, present and future-my whole life.

To all my teachers from day care to college, thank you very much. I know this "thank you" is not enough to return the goodness you have given to us.




Teachers are recognized for we all know they are shaper of minds. Without them, each of us will be blind with the reality and would be novice. We will be exposed to challenges in life without being equipped and trained to face them.

From preparatory school to college and even beyond, teachers continued to touch our lives and they have also big influence to us. teachers are one of sources of knowledge. They are easy to look for for they bear the trademark of being smart-looking, well groomed and persons who always brought umbrellas, shoulder bag, lesson plans and books with them as they traverse the streets projecting a decent manner and personality.

They don't receive enough salary yet they have been able to give us better education. They are not related to us by blood but still, they teach us to the best of their abilities. They have done much sacrifices just to make sure they do their job well.

We owe everything to our teachers. Because of our teachers, we have doctors who diagnosed and treats our wounds, illnesses, and diseases. Because of our teachers, we see skyscrapers, bridges, and houses that are build with the help of the engineers. Because of teachers, we have lawyers who defend and protected us by law. Because of teachers, other teachers exists and are formed that will also help much more people. Because of teachers, our dreams became possible. Because of our teachers, we will know how to live life better as we leave the sanctuary called school. And as we fulfill our dreams, we should not just come back to look back but to thank them for all the knowledge, experiences, love and care they have shared to us.

Teachers can be anyone. They are not just teachers. They have many roles. They can be our friends, best friends, mother, father, brother, sister, and all you want them to be. And most importantly, they are our HEROES!!!

God bless, us especially teachers out there!!!


World's Teachers Day is celebrated annually on the 5th of October. To honor this event, in their schools, pupils and students gather together and paid tribute to its hardworking teachers.

To give back the goodness teachers have been given to the students, they were giving tokens like flowers, balloons, or anything that could show how thankful they are to them. Some just be good during their class and just listened to what their teachers would discuss. They stopped giving burdens to their teachers for that day. :p

That day ended with felicitous faces on both the teachers and the students. For students can't assure they will be good in class, but at least, they made their heroes happy with that one day.

My Contribution During Science and Math Month

As I had subject related to science, I also made a project. It was a preserved flowering plant. Our teacher let us chose any flowering plant to be preserved. And, I chose dancing lady. We've been instructed what to do during the preservation. We did it by group but we failed. It didn't dry. Whoaaaaa. So, zero would be expected as our score. Although, there are groups who made their projects successfully. To compensate our score, we asked our teacher to give us even a  little score just not zero if we dance for its opening program. And she agreed. Whoa! For the first time, I danced doxology. I'm not used to it. Yes, I love dancing but I'm not into interpretative or doxology dance. I'm into kind of modern dance.

But still, I did it for the sake of my grade. It was just a simple doxology since we are the one who choreographed it. After the opening program, opening of the booth followed . There, projects were displayed. From preservation of flowering plant to animals were there. There are investigatory projects which are really new to me. Different books of math and science revealing its different field were there. Famous Scientist were exhibited from foreign to local. Famous mathematicians were also displayed in there. Just a pictures and information about them. It wowed everyone who roamed around the booth. THUMBS UP!!!

It's already month of November and obviously, Science and Math month is finally over but it doesn't mean that we would end up appreciating science and mathematics. We will still continue to embrace its interest and mysteries and somehow, try to contribute something to it.


SEPTEMBER: Science and Math Month

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Math is the abstract study of topics encompassing quantity, structure, space, change, and other properties.

The month September is set as science and Math month and just last whole month of Sept., we celebrated it.  Every school held their own activities as a commemoration of the month of practical knowledge. Some school had investigatory projects in which students were given the opportunity to investigate things they want which give significance into our environment or they invent things which could be consider useful. The public schools or even the private schools chose their representatives to compete for a Quiz bee. This is by year level. I once was one of those representatives during my elementary years. I became one for four consecutive years from grade III to grade VI. Hehehe. There were lots of activities held during this month which are related to the celebration.

Now that I'm already a college students, college department joins the celebration. This is lead by the science and math instructors of our school- Saint Joseph College. Weeks before the said month, science and math instructors gave projects to their students. These projects given by them was to be displayed at Science and Math Booth.

GOD bless!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My contribution to Loyalty Day

You may asked about my presentation during the Loyalty Day. You may wonder what could be my skill or talent? Or, how far could my ability go?

Well, I'm into sports especially volleyball and badminton. I used to play it when I was a kid. That was when I was in my elementary years. Now, I play no more. It's just that I have no time practicing. Hehehe. Hmp! Still, I had contribution for the Loyalty Day celebration. I was proud to say  that I am a first aider, AGAIN, just like last year. During the parade, we walk along with the students throughout the route. We let them know, whatever happens to them, we were there to assess as far as from what we have learned when we were a practical nursing students. Other teased us that  we are like those manicurist and pedicurist since we were bringing kits which are alike what manicurist and pedicurist brought. But, the contents are different. It's just the case which looked alike. We didn't mind their bullies/tease. What's important was we were able to help. We were able to do our duty and responsibility as a first aider. And, YES, we did. We were able to help students who got fainted, maybe because of the heat of the sun.  There were few of them. And also those who got injured during ballgames, we assessed them. We always made sure that we were there to secure what they need.

And I guess, as the celebration ended, we did our job well. It was so tiring yet worth it since we helped those who needed us. I'm so proud to be one of the first aider. GOOD JOB, guys!

GOD bless us all!!!