Sunday, September 23, 2012

Accountancy Week 2

The day come. Preparation was over.  July 16, Monday, the event was started with a mass as what we used to when we have our activity in school. God should be on first and be at the center of every event we have. The mass was held at the Cathedral. It was not a special mass for us. We just joined the daily mass at 12nn. After the Holy Mass, there's an opening of booth in which both teams, Debit and Credit, have each booth. It was located at the ground floor of our schooll wherein everybody is welcome to see it for themselves. Information about our department was put in there including those who passed the board exams every year, pioneering students are also in there, the teachers, the officers of every year and everything that describes/defines our course.

Ohhh, practices continued after the classes until the day came for it to be presented. It was on July 20, Friday. That was it. There were three activity held in one event which are the literary musical contest, awarding of star JPIANs and oath taking of PICPA officers. Awarding of the star JPIANs was the first. They are the students who got grades with no below 2.2 or 85 last second semester of S.Y: 2011-2012. And I'm proud to say, I AM ONE OF THEM. Before the event, the list of star J was posted in our Accountancy department's bulletin board. When we happened to read it, my friend/classmate saw my name in there. I didn'tbelieve her. All I thought is that she was joking me since I never read my name in there. But then, she insisted that it was there. I looked at it again and yeah, I saw my name. Hahaha. I felt very happy and proud to myself. I'm so excited to tell it to my parents. In fact, that day, I went home since I want to tell it to them personally instead of texting them. Hehehe. As the program started, I'm so excited to come up on stage and receive my certificate of recognition. As we were called to get ready and fall in line, I didn't stay on the line. I didn't know. My emotion was mixed. I felt shy since we have to walk through the center of the crowd up to the stage. I have a feeling that what if my name wasn't really there and then, I fall in line. I doubted that my name was there even I personally saw it. When the names were called, I waited mine to be called. While it wasn't called yet, I asked my friend/classmate many times if my name was really there, just to make sure. Hehehe. I really felt nervous that time. I didn't understand me. When my name was called, that was the time I believed I was one of the star J. Hahaha. After I received my recognition, I just laugh about myself being a sort of paranoid. Hehehe. My friend also teased me for what I behaved. Hahahaha. I'm shy with what I'm behaving. hmmmmmp.

You wanna know what happened during the rest event in the program? check it out on my next entry. :p

Accountancy Week

Our Accountancy department has lots of activity. One of this is the Accountancy week. It was held last July 15-20 of this year. Accountancy students were divided into two teams in which each team competes for different events to win the trophy. The teams were named Debit and Credit. It has been used for years every time accountancy week is held. As what you had noticed, the team names were derived from our lesson. Every year, we bump these words. It's always part of our lesson.

Week before this event, students were practicing for the event they were in. Even if it was a regular class, they still managed their time to practice. They have their practices every night after the class that some of them suffered from hunger or sleepless nights since they still had lessons to study for. I was one of them. I listed my name for the banner song. Each team should have banner songs with action. It was fun. Our throat was almost aching in singing. Hehehe. Some students were in literary musical event. We went home late every night since we want our performance to be great. Some students just sleep over to their classmates' house especially those who lived far from the city. We experienced sleepy mode during classes yet we never let our teachers detect it as a sign of respect. We managed to get our attention to the discussions despite in our sleepy mode. We still know our priority which is our studies. With this, we had to give our best out of it to make our activity successful so that our sacrifices would be worth it.

Will our  activity became successful? Will our sacrifices worth it? How do I find the Accountacy Week? Find it out on my next entry...

Take Care. God bless!!!

Student's Comments regarding the Acquiantance Party

As what you have noticed, our acquiantance party was held during weekdays, Tuesday. It happened for the first time as far as I remember. This gave me the idea to get the opinion of some of my schoolmates. They stated it in Bisaya so I just translated it for many to understand.

"Acquiantance party? Hmmp. Enjoyable. I was able to make more friends than last year and be able to mingle my classmates for a long time. We grabbed that opportunity since, if God will let us, it would be our last acquiantance party here in school. So we just enjoy each others company. I enjoyed but time is not enough. We had to stop the party since we still had classes the next day. "
-MARGARITA ALMEDA, 4th year student, my boardmate.

"I found the acquiantance party more fun than the previous. It is because It was my second time to attend such event in our school. That was when I was a first year college. That time, I went home earlier since I didn't feel like attending it. But this year, I attended since it would be my last. I hope so. Hehehe. My classmates asked me to stay so I did. I never regretted staying since I found it great. Worth remembering with worth having friends."
-MARY GRACE BADEO, 4th year student

"I love acquiantance party even if I didn't make it to the dance floor. I'm not fond of dancing. I was just in my sit and watch my classmates and schoolmates with their cool moves. I enjoyed the night. I also chatted my old friends and heard news about them."
-MARY GRACE OLOJAN, 2nd year student

"It was my first time to attend acquiantance party in another school. When I was still not experiencing it, I wonder how it fells like to be in the acqiantance party in private school since I've had my high school in public. When I attended the said party, I was amazed of many students of SJC. I also got closer to my classmates. We danced all night until the party ended. Hehe. I grabbed the chance. Sad to say, we still had classes the next day."
-RAUL ZAMORA, 1st year

"I enjoyed the party but I want more. It should be held on Friday, not during school days so we don't have to stop the party earlier and we will never get tired and sleepy attending the class."
-RICEL OLOJAN, 2nd year student

Whatever it is, the important is everybody enjoyed. All is well. God bless!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Acquiantance Party

Last July 3, 6pm, we had our acquaintance party. When we say acquiantance, it means meeting new people, acquiant new people.  It's about making friendship. It's about familiarizing your neighbors or the people around you. When we heard about acquiantance party, disco lights with dancing people comes into our minds. Yeah right, this is how the party going.

During acquaintance party, students were grouped by department. In every department, tables had designs which makes the event a colorful one. Even if students were tired from the faith walk during that day, they still made it to the party.  Before the disco started, a short program was held where in every department prepared for their own presentations. There have been singing, dancing and acting talents which has the students shown and performed. Some was their first time in performing while some were used to it. Even if it was that way, I must say that my schoolmates were really talented. They really have used and treasured what God has given to them that they shared it to the people around them during that night. On the other hand, that party wasn't just for disco or just a party, it was held also for the departmental officers to take oath. Officers took oath by department lead by their Deans. During the event, shouts was present. Hehehe. A shout of appreciation. The program ended at about 10pm. Then, time for disco which the students had most awaited. PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! As the disco music played, students went to the dance floor and showed their different moves. They were sweating. They really grabbed the chance for having this event. It's once in a semester. How they wished it was every Friday. Hahahaha. Of course, not all students danced, there were students who are not fond of disco yet they just enjoyed by looking those dancing people. If you asked me where I belong, believe it or not, I was just sitting and watched my friends dancing and making grooves. It didn't mean I don't like disco. I love dancing. It's just that I don't feel to dance that time. I should e consider as killjoy that time. Hehehe. Even if that way, I still enjoy. I went home after awhile because I think of my class for the next day.

I must say, this year's acquiantance party was nothing different from the previous. It's still enjoyable. I must say, acquiantance would never be boring if you know how to get yourself in the event. Cooperation is important for you to enjoy a thing. With that, I met new friends from my department to the other department. Many were added to my list of friends and that is the most important, BEING FRIENDLY to everybody. GOD bless!!!

Faith Walk

Thinking about long walk, it would be boring and tiring since some of us we're use of riding. But when we think about praying while walking, it would be another story. Josephinians we're used of praying since we are in Catholic school.

While in the road,you can see the tiring faces of the students yet they still persevere to finish the faith walk up to the mountain(Monte Cueva), where mass will be held. Despite the tiring and someof us are striving for hungriness, students are still able to make it the top of the mountain. As I am an accountancy student, we are placed in the almost last part of the line that when we arrived at the mountain, crowd welcome us. Some people looked fainted. Most of us we're sweating that make the place hotter since it was also a good day yet sunny day. After a while, mass started held by our school president, Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas, SDV, DD, together with the other priests in our Parish Church. It was a solemn celebration despite of the crowd. Everybody cooperated.

It wasn't just the students who were there, also those who are devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I thank God for letting me experience such wonderful activityand for giving the students the strength to finish the long walk. GOD BLESS!!!