Friday, April 20, 2012


A-Night, another activity that Accountancy department  had. As what I have heard, it's for the first time since what they used to is only the Junior and Senior students are the participants for this  alluring event. It is like JS prom. It is supposed to be the turn-over of duties and responsibilities of the outgoing department officers to the incoming officers.

But, this year, all year levels are included in the celebration. With this, it is not just a turn-over ceremony but a party for all. It is the time to mingle with the other accountancy students.Upon entering to the place where the party is, I was amaze by the colorful surroundings because of the dresses students were wearing. They look really elegant yet simple. They look beautiful and handsome including me. I must say, they really prepared for this night. WOW! Before the program started, we had a dinner. And few minutes after dinner, a short program started which includes the turn over ceremony and the awarding of what we call Star JPIANs for getting high grades. There were chorus presentation for every year level which we had practiced few nights before the event. There is also a dance presentation by selected accountancy students. With those presentations, it just a proof how talented we are. Hehehe.

The event started and ended up successfully. It is because of the full participation of the students. I had fun. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How I celebrated Valentines Day?

When we talked about valentines day, what comes first into our minds? hmmmmmmmmmp. It's love, right? When we say love, the very first thing that comes to the minds of most of us is partner, as in love partners; our boyfriend or girlfriend and husband or wife. We could picture out dates with partners or whatsoever things that partners would do just to make this special day of heart more special. If you'll gonna ask me if what did I do during this day? hmmmmmmp. You really wanna know?...

Well, what I did during the valentines day is it's like my other ordinary days. Nothing special. What made it special is that I gave flowers to my parents as what I usually do when I was a kid. If you'll ask me if I had a date? My answer is I don't have. If I have a boyfriend? Yes, I have. Yet, we didn't have date that time. It's just that he is not feeling well that time. In fact, he got absent in school. You may think I'm bad for thinking that his sickness is a blessing in disguise. Why? It is because I don't want to have date on that day. I preferred to stay in my boarding house than to be with my boyfriend on that day. It doesn't mean I don't love him. It's just that I don't feel like going out with him for that day. In short, I'm not use to it. I don't want to entertain the fact that I'm gonna having a date that time. Glad that he wasn't able to make it. I don't know why I'm thinking like this. Maybe because I'm still new to it. Hehehe. During that day, we're just sending messages to each other through text. He apologize for he didn't make it for me to feel that special day. Glad but I didn't let him feel that I don't like the idea of dating with him that day. For me, we have many days to have a date, not on that day. Hehehe. :p

Maybe someday, I'll be used to it. Hope so. But now, I'm still new to it. Hope I could do my part as a partner in GOOD way.

GOD bless us all!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

During the Assessment Examination

As what I have understood about an assessment examination, it is a sort of survey if a student really learns about the lessons. Days before the examination, I was really nervous about this exam. I was afraid and have many worries. What if I will fail? What if I forgot the lesson? What I'm gonna do if I fail? It's  a shame for me. My nervous widen when a junior student that those who will fail, their names will be posted at the department bulletin. OMG. What if my name will be included on the post. Whoaaaaaaaaa.. It was really a stressful thought.

Days before it, I was already reviewing my lessons. I actually asked the boardmate is a year level ahead of me when I met some problems of studying. I really prepared for the exam yet still nervous. Hoooooo. In fact, I don't touch my cellphone the night before the exam so that I wouldn't be tempted for texting since, I admit, I am a texting addict. I tried not to hold it. What I did is to let my close boardmate hold and use it. It's my way of disciplining myself.

During the day of examination, i told myself to calm down. Yet, I was panic since I don't have white t-shirt. My sister didn't hear me to bring me a white t-shirt. we are required to wear white. All the examinees were required. Time is running. What I did is just borrowing from my boardmate which I not usually do. I'm not use to borrow things from my friends except for my close and best friends but what can I do, I'm running out of time. I came to school before the time with my hands shaking and sweating. I tried to look relaxing but seems I failed. 1Pm sharp, the exam started. There are three sets or type of examination: Worksheet, theory and problem. I find no difficulty yet I don't find it easy. Hehehe. It's in the middle. :p

Until now, it's more than one month, yet, we still don't know the result. Hmmmmmmmmmp. But, it's okay. Hehehe. I just hope I made it right. God bless!

Friday, April 6, 2012

College Day Activity

Below is the activities during the celebration...

Day 1- Holy Mass is held at 4 P.M. Every activity of our school, it is begun with a Holy Mass since our school is a Catholic school and we believed that this activity wouldn't be successful without God as the center of it. God first before anything else.
...After the Holy Mass, every department continued preparing their booths.
At &PM, there is a basketball game. It is held every year. It is the Diocese Priest against the faculty of the school. And it was the priest who won. 

Day 2- Parade was held starting at 7:30 o'clock in the morning. It took almost two hours. Students were wearing their departmental t-shirts which made the parade a colorful one. After the parade, students were gathered at the Gunfrida Covered Court(located inside the school campus), short program was held were some dance and singing presentations were shown. After that, opening of the booths lead by the School Vice President. Then, booth was open to all. In every booth, money involved. You can's enter the booth without at least five peso. It is the department's way of raising money for their department which could help a lot when they have activity for their department. While some students were very busy roaming around the school and entering the booths, accountancy students especially the 1st and 2nd year(I am included) were very busy getting ready, studying for the assessment and pre-qualification exam, respectively. The exam started at 1PM. As there was an exam for the accountancy students, there is also an activity on the covered court, same time. It is called Whiz Blits. Don't know the mechanics for this game since I wasn't able to witness it. As what I have heard from my fellow students, this game is already done last year college day celebration. After the activities, Holy Mass is held. 7pm of the same day, there was a literary musical contest. Some students showed their talents and entertained the audience well. It was worth watching for.

Day 3- Booths visiting. Honestly, I didn't know what happened or the activities during this day since I was just at the boarding house. I was not feeling well that time. SIGH. All I know was there was a Holy Mass at 4PM before closing the celebration. And that, there was an accident happened to one of the student. He fell from the roof side of the stage since he was supposed to cut the tie of the balloons. Unfortunately, he fell down together with the balloons. Rescuer arrived immediately. The school shouldered what happened. Until now, I don't heard news about the student. Hope he is fine and well. To GOD Be the Glory...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Alma Mater College Day Celebration- Saint Joseph College

Seems like yesterday, I have heard about the college day celebration of my Alma Mater- Saint Joseph College last 2011. I just heard about the amazing event since I wasn't here. I was in Manila that time. Upon hearing the activities made, how I wish i was there witnessing it. Whoa. But this year, I made. Not just I made it, I was a part of it since I was AGAIN a student of SAINT JOSEPH COLLEGE.

Before this memorable event to come, I can see the excited feelings of students from elementary to college through their eyes. They were excited because of the days having no class. Hahaha. But, of course, the main reason is the activities that the school would made to make it memorable and unforgettable. Freshmen were already asking the old students on what it is during the said celebration. They were busy imagining what was going to happen on the days of celebration. Old students were also fond telling the freshmen about the celebration. They were also comparing every year's celebration. Months before the celebration, school officials and student organization officers were already busy for the said event so that it would be an exciting and unforgettable one and cannot be compared to anything. They were busy preparing for the venue, sound system, activities, and etc. that could make the event beautiful. Every course department were also busy about their booths. So as the high school student and elementary pupils.

Day before the event, afternoon, they were preparing for their booths. There were love booth, barbecue booth and movie booth. Movies of Filipino and foreign were shown. Wanna know what was happened during the celebration?....
Just read the next entry.. :p