Sunday, July 24, 2011

Father's Day

One father is more than a hundred Schoolmasters

 "Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad." -- Anne Geddes 

Like mothers, fathers also have special day, Father's Day that we celebrate in June. I have read a history of this special occasion for our fathers on this site: It tells us how the father's day celebration came into existance. During this day, we are celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds and the most of all, honoring our father. We are honoring for their hardworks to provide us, their children, a shelter to live,  foods to eat, clothes to wear and everything we need. All what we have now is came from their sacrifices in going to farm, facing mountains of paperworks in office, waking up in dawn to catch fishes to sell and any works they can just to earn money to provide what their children need.

My father, Martin Alico, is one of those hardworking fathers the world has. I can see those sacrifices he has done to provide the basic needs of our family, also to earn money to send us to school to get our diplomas which he never had. He always told me and my older sister to study hard so we can achieve our dreams. "Dli ko gusto na mapareha mo nahu nga wa kahuman ug college". This is what our father always told us. This statement of his is simple yet so touching and inspiring. It inspires me to strive hard in my studies.

In my childhood, I remember many moments with my father than with my mother. Whenever I woke up, he was the person I looked for. And when I knew where he is, I went there. When my father went to our farm, I joined him. When he did the copras, I was with him. I did things I can that could help him like carrying woods, gathering water, and so on! Where ever he was, I was. Also, when I had a crush, he was the one to know it first than my mother. He never scold me when I confessed, instead, he reminded me that I'm too young for that matter. As I remember, I was 11 years old when I told him I already had a crush. Hehehe! I dream to be his Junior and until now, that dream of mine still exist. It makes me happy whenever I heard people say that I got my face from my father. I'm proud of it. When I got mad, he always did everything to make me smile. I am closer to my father than to my mother. Sometimes, I got my friends' envy since they are not close to their dad unlike me. He is one of the people who always there for me, one who has loved, cared and provided for me. He is one the two most important people in the world to me. Someone I love with all my heart. He is my guardian angel, my friend, my hero and most importantly, my Papa.

I  love my father very much. What I am or whatever I have now, all of these are what I owed from him and my mother. I've had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started. I love you, Papa. If I will be given another life and God will ask me whom i like to be my father, I will still choose you. This is how much I love you. Happy father's Day to all fathers out there! God bless!

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