Sunday, July 31, 2011

My 20th Birthday

Many birthday greeting on my phone. Thanks to all of you!

Birthday is a day or anniversary to celebrate person's date of birth. This is to commemorate the very first day of our existence here on earth. I know that all humans celebrate their birthday, either in a silent way or through a party or dinner.
I remember when I was a kid. I was always excited when my birthday came. I was excited with the gifts and the party. Well, it was not a big party as you may think; it was just a simple party where my family and relatives gathered in our house for dinner and some chats or a videoke (sing-along). Although my family and relatives on maternal side always come together for other reasons as well, gathering because of birthdays is different. I find it more fun and awesome. Maybe because we were celebrating the very special days of our lives!

And now that I'm already 20 years old, no longer a baby, I still had this feeling of excitement when my birthday was coming. It's not because of the gifts. It's just that I was excited to receive greetings from the people who are important in my life. They are the people who did a great part in making me for who I am now. That's why I took a picture of those messages. Upon receiving messages from mommy Ritchiele Gelsano, Jeralden Bolo, mommy Jonilyn Esclamado, ate Margarita Almeda, Mary Grace Badeo, grandfather Georg Sander,  and Donna Rose Espinal, my special day is half-way complete. Half-way since they serve as half of my life. Without them, my life would be meaningless. It was my way of thanking them and I am so proud for they greeted me. To celebrate my birthday this year, I didn't have a party. It was just a dinner with family and relatives but before that, we went to church altogether. For me, parties and gifts are not important as long as those people I love are there for me. It means a lot to me. They are more precious than any gifts. On the day after my birthday, my friends (Yhing and Mommy Ritchiele) treated me on a snacks. I wasn't surprise with this. Lol. It's just, I don't expect anything from them as long as they remember me, it's all I am wanted for.

Yhing, me and Mommy Ritchiele eating cake

I am thankful to them for that kind of effort they have done for me. First of all, I thank God for giving me chance to borrow this life to experience on how to live this world he had created for us. Second is to my parents who take good care of me from the day I was still in my mother's womb until now that I am a older. Hehehe! I thank those people behind this life of mine. And lastly, whether you are haters or lovers, I thank you since you are the reasons why I am stronger now. I can say that I am so lucky since I am well-loved by those people I mentioned and also by many more people that I have not mentioned above.

Each of us is a gift made by God so we should be thankful with it through celebrating it. Before the celebration, it is God we should thank first. Celebrate it with God since if it is not because of him, we couldn't have this wonderful life that we had. All I'm wishing for is good health and long live for me and for those people I love. I hope, this year will become a fruitful one for me. God Bless everyone!
Fight for the cake. Hehehe. But we all got enough cake.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Opinions towards Cybersex

Cybersex, also called computer sex, Internet sex, netsex, mudsex, TinySex and, colloquially, cybering, is a virtual sex encounter in which two or more persons connected remotely via computer network send each other sexually explicit messages describing a sexual experience. It is a form of sexual roleplay in which the participants pretend they are having actual sex. In one form, this fantasy sex is accomplished by the participants describing their actions and responding to their chat partners in a mostly written form designed to stimulate their own sexual feelings and fantasies. (See

As I watched the news recently, I always hear about cybersex. It was about parents who engaged their daughters and sons to cybersex to earn money. They let their children experience it just to sustain their needs. I was intrigued by this issue since as a Filipino, it's a dignity destroyer. It degrade the pride of Filipinos.

In my opinion, I can say that HOW DARE THOSE PARENTS TO LET THEIR CHILDREN ENTER THIS KIND OF MATTER. They were really people of satan. As we all know, parents should be the one to care for their children and protect them from any harm. Upon hearing this news, I was really affected since what they did destroy the dignity and not just dignity but their whole life. I hate those parents. They should be put in jail.

With this, I asked my friend's opinion towards. And here are some of what I have gathered.

"Those who did this were lazy and useless parents. They ruin their children's life." -Margarita Almeda.

"They were parents who are irresponsible. They don't deserve to live. Instead of giving their children a heaven's life, they give what it feels to be in hell." - Grace Badeo

"All bad words for those parents. Even if they were alive, their souls are already in hell." - Janice Ramirez.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Father's Day

One father is more than a hundred Schoolmasters

 "Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad." -- Anne Geddes 

Like mothers, fathers also have special day, Father's Day that we celebrate in June. I have read a history of this special occasion for our fathers on this site: It tells us how the father's day celebration came into existance. During this day, we are celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds and the most of all, honoring our father. We are honoring for their hardworks to provide us, their children, a shelter to live,  foods to eat, clothes to wear and everything we need. All what we have now is came from their sacrifices in going to farm, facing mountains of paperworks in office, waking up in dawn to catch fishes to sell and any works they can just to earn money to provide what their children need.

My father, Martin Alico, is one of those hardworking fathers the world has. I can see those sacrifices he has done to provide the basic needs of our family, also to earn money to send us to school to get our diplomas which he never had. He always told me and my older sister to study hard so we can achieve our dreams. "Dli ko gusto na mapareha mo nahu nga wa kahuman ug college". This is what our father always told us. This statement of his is simple yet so touching and inspiring. It inspires me to strive hard in my studies.

In my childhood, I remember many moments with my father than with my mother. Whenever I woke up, he was the person I looked for. And when I knew where he is, I went there. When my father went to our farm, I joined him. When he did the copras, I was with him. I did things I can that could help him like carrying woods, gathering water, and so on! Where ever he was, I was. Also, when I had a crush, he was the one to know it first than my mother. He never scold me when I confessed, instead, he reminded me that I'm too young for that matter. As I remember, I was 11 years old when I told him I already had a crush. Hehehe! I dream to be his Junior and until now, that dream of mine still exist. It makes me happy whenever I heard people say that I got my face from my father. I'm proud of it. When I got mad, he always did everything to make me smile. I am closer to my father than to my mother. Sometimes, I got my friends' envy since they are not close to their dad unlike me. He is one of the people who always there for me, one who has loved, cared and provided for me. He is one the two most important people in the world to me. Someone I love with all my heart. He is my guardian angel, my friend, my hero and most importantly, my Papa.

I  love my father very much. What I am or whatever I have now, all of these are what I owed from him and my mother. I've had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started. I love you, Papa. If I will be given another life and God will ask me whom i like to be my father, I will still choose you. This is how much I love you. Happy father's Day to all fathers out there! God bless!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Welcome Back to School

"At the desk where I sit, I have learned one great truth. The answer for all our national problems - the answer for all the problems of the world - come to a single word. That word is 'education'."- Lyndon B. Johnson

Summer is over! Raining starts. Vacation ends. School begins. It was like I spend summer vacation just yesterday. Now, it is over and classes begins. Some students are perhaps sad because they are not satisfied with their vacations. Some are happy to enter classes. They are excited to see their friends whom they missed or maybe, they are tired staying at home doing nothing.  Some are also excited to enter a new level of their education. Elementary graduates proceed to High School which, as most of the people say, are the best years during education. High schoolers go to college to take the course which could help them to be professionally what they want to be.

Education is very important to one's life or journey. It will shape one person into what they will be in the near future. It can't be taken away from you no matter what.We all know that Philippines are facing crisis today. And, I only know one solution for that. It is EDUCATION.

So, I am welcoming pupils/students to the world of education. I wish you the best of luck! One advice: Study hard at the same time, enjoy your life! Just make studies to your number one priority and not just an option. God bless!