Thursday, April 28, 2011


"There is a good reason they call these ceremonies 'commencement exercises'. Graduation is not the end, it's the beginning." - (Orrin Hatch)

In some ways, this could be considered as an ending. It is an ending of all sleepless nights doing projects and assignments, spending time in front of books and computers making some research or studying instead of staying outside with friends having good time in strolling and having fun, waking up early to off to school, hard works in studying to get perfect on a quiz or exams, and tiring days during school activities. Some maybe sad because, they will be parted with their friends whom they were accompanied for years and became closer to their hearts. On the other way around, this could be the beginning. Beginning of a new journey in life. Elementary graduates will step into a new level of their school life which is high school and so as high school to College. College graduates take a new episode of their lives which is "work". Graduates must bear in mind that after graduation is not time to relax rather it is the time for preparation and soul searching. For Graduation is not and end of the book but, a finishing chapter. They will enter to a new episode, a much exciting and challenging phase.

I congratulated all those graduates for they achieved one important milestone in their education. To some extent, I congratulate their parents for their sacrifices in making double hardworks so they can send there children to school. And most of all, We should thank God for experiencing this kind of opportunity.

CONGRATS to you graduates for a job well done and Good luck for the new path of your life. God bless us all!

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