Friday, August 26, 2011

Nutrition Month

“The first wealth is health.”- Emerson

“Life is not living, but living in health.” - Martial

Nutrition Month is an annual celebration regarding the nutrition itself. It is part of our Philippine Constitution. Last July 2011, the entire Philippines celebrated it with its theme: "Isulong ang BREASTFEEDING- tama, sapat at eksklusibo". Obviously, it focuses on the breastfeeding which, as we all know, is the best milk for infants. Its objectives was to encourage all sectors to help to protect, promote and support the practice of breastfeeding. In fact, breastfeeding ranks as the most effective interventions for child's survival. It was stated that the child that was raised by breastfeeding was more healthier and had higher resistance than to a child who wasn't. As what I have observed today, most mothers depends on milk which are sold rather than breastfeeding. This is because they had to work that they can't give breastfeed to their child at the same time.

It was not all only about breast feeding. Schools such as SJC participated during this month long nutrition celebration. They supported it by having a program about nutrition, having role playing or games like questioning students or pupils about things related to nutrtition.

This kind of celebration helps the students to be more aware about their health at their early age. With this, they will know what to do to be healthy. Also, parents are also aware on how to provide nutrition not only to their children but to themselves. It is one of the best Presidential Degrees that Philippine has. Good bless you!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

July 1-Southern Leyte Founding Anniversary

It was like Southern Leyte just celebrated its founding anniversary and this month, it celebrated its 51st anniversary. During this time, Southern Leytenos were united in the plaza. Alluring drop-dead delighful spots  of the province were taken a picture and printed in a tarpaulin and placed in every corner of Maasin City.  Upon celebrating this, many activities were held like Concert at the park on June 29 and Ms. Southern Leyte 2011 on June 30 wherein 19 beauties from each towns competed to reign the thrown.

On the day of the celebration, as the starting of this, parade was held and lead by the Southern Leyte Governor, Damian G. Mercado. Officials from different towns, students, and government workers joined the parade. It was really a long parade with a long walk. Days before the event, we can many vendors in the Capitol Plaza wherein people visit to see the items that are sold. There is also a part of the plaza wherein products from different towns of Southern Leyte were presented and sold. Crowds were waiting for the people who joined the said parade to arrived. There were many people that even a needle can't enter. It must be amazing to be there to see many people from different towns.

Those i have said above was only described and stated by my friends who witnessed the event since I wasn't. It was because, I got fever during that time that sadly, I was able to join the long walk. I was just imagining what happened as they told me about the event. Next time, I will never let myself not to witness this
high spirited luxuriant event. You..You...yes you..Come in Southern Leyte next year and witness the event. God Bless!

Friday, August 5, 2011

CPA Honoring Ceremony

"If you have a task to perform and are vitally interested in it, excited and challenged by it, then you will exert maximum energy. But in the excitement, the pain of fatigue dissipates, and the exuberance of what you hope to achieve overcomes the weariness." - Jimmy Carter

"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible." - Vince Lombardi

Saint Joseph College-Maasin continues bringing its name to the top. It was proven and tested by its Accountancy Department through what it got during the May 2011 CPA board Examination. Its passing rate goes higher and higher. It only means that SJC has the good quality of education given to its students. Out of 25 examinees from SJC, 18 of them passed the board examination. Although not all of them were first taker since some of them were second taker, meaning they are conditional. With this, still, it gave pride to our Alma Mater. It committed a National Passing rate of 40.50% and SJC rate of 69.23%. 

It's the accountancy department's tradition to have an honoring ceremony for all the CPA board examination passers. And, as I am an accountancy student now,I was able to witness its inspiring activity they have. May 2011 CPA passers were all invited. And the activity goes this way: accountancy students lead by the assistant dean, Ms. Melodina Orit and other accountancy instructor gathered at the SJC Gunfrida Covered Court along with the passers for a mass. After the mass, a motorcade was held and proudly presenting the faces of the passers. After the motorcade, the honoring ceremony started few minutes after wherein passers were presented to all accountancy students and was given the floor for their messages. Some shares their experiences before and during the Board Exam. Some shared some tips, just a hint on what they do to pass. Some also shared their past as how they stuggled when they were still students. As we listened to their messages, we are all inspired to be what they have got today.

Before this entry end, as I listened to those messages, I was touched by what one passer said: "Today is the best preparation for tomorrow." So, to all accountancy students including me, strive hard so we can attain our goals to become a CPA. Good luck to all of us. And for the passers, you did a very great job. We are so proud of you. Congratulations and good luck for your future works. God Bless!

Monday, August 1, 2011


I mentioned already before, Filipinos really really love fiesta. Every town or barangays here in Philippines had their saints their fiesta celebration is based on. Just like ours: our barangay just celebrated our fiesta as Sacred Heart of Jesus as our patron saint. People from other places gather in our barangay and visits houses they know to eat different foods the residence were preparing. Of course, lechon is always present. Almost all of the Filipinos love this food.

I can say that, as I witness our fiesta for many years, this recently fiesta we had was the best fiesta ever. It is because I had my loved ones with me. It was not all but at least few of them came. My uncle came home from abroad just to celebrate with us. Also, my best friends came. I was really happy. I went to church with them. I was bit disappointed since it is not pontifical mass since Bishop had many matters to do. That is why it was the monsignor who held the mass and it was called High Mass. I also went to disco with my friends. Disco is always present during night of our fiesta. People gathered at the barangay covered court to have a non-stop dancing with old and latest songs. Before, I never went to disco. I just stayed at our house and sleep. But with friends with me, I must go. I found it enjoyable especially in going there with my uncle.

Fiesta is so tiring yet worth it. We were very busy entertaining visitors and accomodate what they want. But, it was great since it felt like satisfying when many people came to your home. meaning, they like how you treated them. Some were I seen for the first time. Some were familiar to me since they were on our house during fiestas.

All I can say is our fiesta is unlimited enjoyable. It was an all out fun!


Looking forward for the next fiesta...hehehe...God bless! Sacrada Corazon De Jesus, pray for us!