Monday, January 3, 2011

About the difficulties to write in Cebuano

As you read my blog entries, you may notice that I'm started writing some entries using Cebuano language. Then, I translate everything what I wrote in my entries. I found it a little bit easy to translate. On the other hand, composing my entries using Cebuano, is difficult for me.

Given that Cebuano is my native language, you may wonder why I find it difficult, but I have my reasons. First, I don't know the right spelling of our words since we are not being taught in school how to write it. Also, we do not learn its formal grammar in school. We only learn by speaking it. Second, there is the youth language (that I always use) and the language spoken by older people. Often, I don't know the best word to be used since there are many words that I don't know which are used by the old folks. In fact, sometimes, when me and my mother have a conversation in Cebuano, there are words that I don't understand. Then I just ask the meaning of it, and she just laughs at me. Hahaha!

To ease those difficulties, I have decided to just write in English with a mixed of Cebuano or maybe Tagalog language sometimes. Through this, I will be able to use the three language that I know. Hope you will like my following entries with a combination of English, Tagalog and Cebuano language. Good luck to me! God Bless to You!

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